Field Middle School
Weekly Newsletter
October 18, 2024
1379 Saxe Road • Mogadore • Ohio • 44260 (T) 330-673-4176 • (F) 330-673-5024
"If we wonder often, the gift of knowledge will come." – Arapaho
Middle School Calendar
10/19 - Falcon Fall Frenzy 🎃
10/25 - End of 1st Grading Period
10/30 - Report Cards Distributed to Students to Bring Home
11/4 - NO SCHOOL - Conferences/Professional Development
11/5 - NO SCHOOL - Election Day/Professional Development
11/7 - Parent-Teacher Conferences
11/11- Veterans Lunch
11/13- Picture Retakes
11/14 - Parent-Teacher Conferences
11/16 - Cinderella Ball
Cafeteria Menu
10/21 - Chili/Cornbread or Quesadilla
10/22 - Macaroni and Cheese or Cheeseburger
10/23 - Domino's Pizza or Sub Sandwich
10/24 - Walking Taco/Chips or BBQ Pork Sandwich
10/25 - Popcorn Chicken or Cook's Choice
Honors Reception
If your student was invited to the Honors Reception and was unable to attend, please tell him/her to stop in the office and pick up his/her award.
Students who had a cumulative GPA of 3.4 or higher for the 2023-2024 school year were invited to our Honors Reception this past week. Congratulations to all of you and well done!
On October 18, 2024, Field Middle School proudly inducted 21 students into its National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) and installed four new officers as well. Mrs. Goldman presided over the ceremony, continuing the school's tradition of recognizing exceptional middle school students.
The NJHS is more than just an honor roll—it celebrates students who excel in the pillars of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. These core values have defined the organization since its founding in 1929.
Congratulations to the new inductees for their outstanding achievements and commitment to excellence!
7th Grade Team Building - Outdoor Education Day
7th grade students enjoyed a beautiful afternoon outside participating in various team building activities: giant Jenga, relays, trivia, puzzles, and much more. Fun was had by all!
Attention 8th Grade Parents and Guardians!
All 8th grade students received information about Field Middle School's trip to Washington D.C. on Monday, September, 30th. If you didn't receive this information, please click on the links below. The first payment is due to Nowak Tours today, October 18th. Directions on how to create a Nowak Tours online account are found in the attached registration packet.
Influenza Shot Clinic
Akron Children's Hospital School-Based Health Center is partnering with the Field Local School District to provide an influenza shot clinic on Wednesday November 6. They will be offering influenza vaccines for students in grades 6-8. Forms were sent home with your student or a consent form is also available below. If you would like for your child to receive the influenza vaccine on November 6, please return the signed form as soon as possible. Please note that only students with consent forms completed by a parent/guardian can receive vaccinations. Thank you.
Falcon Fall Frenzy is Tomorrow!!
Let the fall festivities begin! Falcon Fall Frenzy is TOMORROW October 19 from 4-7 PM. 🎃
Don't miss out on this fun packed night of Family Fun! Food trucks, trunk-or-treat, costume contests, and inflatables are just a few of the many activities for all ages!
Picture Retakes
Mark your calendars! School pictures went home this week! Picture retakes will be on Wednesday November, 13th. More information will be sent out soon.
Important Announcement for Lost and Found:
If your student is missing items, please have them check the office as soon as possible. We currently have quite a few items waiting to be found including: electronics, school supplies, water bottles and much more. Please consider putting your student's name on water bottles, pencil pouches, lunch boxes, etc. There will be a table out at parent/teacher conferences to check for your student's items. Any unclaimed items left after November conferences will be donated.
Substitutes Needed
We are now hiring classified substitute workers for various roles, including Playground Monitors, Educational Aides, Cafeteria Workers, Secretarial Staff, Custodial Staff, Bus Aides, and Bus Drivers. A current BCI & FBI background check is required before applying for any substitute position. Some positions may also require an aide permit, which the Administration Office can help you obtain. You have the flexibility to work the hours that suit you, and you'll be on call to cover for regular employees. For more details or assistance with the application process, please contact Bev Bable at the Administration Office-beverly.bable@fieldlocalschools.org.
Veterans Day Luncheon
In honor of Veterans Day, the Field Middle School staff would like to express our appreciation to the men and women who have served our country. The courage and determination of veterans guarantee the freedoms that we all enjoy. Any relative who has served in the armed forces is invited to have lunch with their Field Middle School student on Monday, November 11. Please call our office, scan the QR code, or click the link below to RSVP no later than Wednesday, October 30.
Attention Sixth Grade Parents:
This letter is to inform you of the immunization requirements for (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis), as a booster to the initial series of required doses. Ohio is requiring the Tdap vaccine, as opposed to Td, to protect against Pertussis (whooping cough). In addition to the Tdap, your child is also required to receive the Meningococcal vaccine prior to the entry into Grade 7. The Meningococcal vaccine prevents bacteria that is commonly spread from person to person, especially in teens and young adults. These bacteria can cause meningitis, which is an infection of the fluid and lining surrounding the brain and spinal cord; it can also enter the bloodstream, causing sepsis. Please contact your health care provider to schedule an appointment to receive the vaccines your child will need for the next year. For a complete list of immunization requirements for school-age children in the State of Ohio, please go to: www.odh.ohio.gov/odhPrograms/dis/Immunization/imunchsc.aspx REQUIRED 7th Grade shots (2 shots): · Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis) · Meningococcal vaccine
Taylor Uhalley, BSN, RN Fax number: District School Nurse (330)673-5024
Big Cross Country News!
Congratulations to our Middle School Cross Country Teams for their impressive 3rd place finish at the MAC League Meet! Way to represent Field and make us proud!
An extra shoutout goes to our standout 8th Graders for their amazing individual performances:
Cole Shumacher placed 7th overall
Adam Fanger (Not pictured) secured 9th overall
And a huge round of applause goes to Alison Church, who took 2nd overall!
Field Middle School PTA
Please consider becoming a member of the PTA. Use the link below to purchase your annual membership. The cost is $8 for the school year. Class 2029, 2030, and 2031 t-shirts are now on sale. The cost is $10 and you can purchase by using the link below or stopping by the school office.
If you are in need of a Cinderella Ball dress, our “shopping” day will be Saturday October 26th from 11am - 1pm at the Falcon Family Closet.
The Falcon Family Closet is located at: 1473 Saxe Rd.
Suffield Lions Club Rose Sale
Suffield Lions Club will host their annual Rose Sale on Saturday October 19. Pick-up will be from 10:00-3:00 at the Suffield Town Hall. The cost is $25.00 per dozen. You can order by calling (330) 699-6856 or using the link below.