Deer Canyon Echoes
November 1, 2024
To Do ✅
- Bring extra Halloween candy to the Front Gate through Nov. 5.
- Upload Halloween classroom party pictures for the Yearbook!
- Help plan a lunchtime or recess activity in recognition of Dia de los Muertos and/or Diwali. Email melmeniawy@powayusd.com.
- Order DCES Spirit Wear.
Save the Date
- 11/1 to 11/5 - Candy Buy Back Fundraiser with Sunray Pediatric Dentistry
- 11/8 - Family Art Night
11/11 - Veterans Day (no school)
11/15 - Family Picnic at student lunch (see times below) and End of Trimester 1
11/18 and 11/19 - DC Dining @ CPK (all day)
11/18 to 11/22 - Conference Week - Minimum Days (BELL SCHEDULE)
11/25 to 11/29 - Fall break (no school or ESS)
- 12/4 - Progress Reports available to view in ParentVue at 5 pm
Principal's Message 📚
Good evening, Deer Canyon Families!
This week, we had a BLAST celebrating Halloween on campus! It was wonderful to see all of our superfans (parents and guardians) waving to our parade of students donning their cutest and spookiest gear! The classroom parties were as creative as ever, and it was wonderful to see the joy on the faces of students, staff, and volunteers! Our staff is so excited about the prospective new Deer Canyon garden (on its way this school year!) that we played to the GARDEN theme and showed out in hilarious critter costumes, floral and vegetable attire, and gardening garb!
This week also brought fire safety visits from the Burn Institute and a FUNky Friday, followed by Coffee with the Principal. This month, Deer Canyon is focusing on the character trait of RESPECT, which aligns perfectly with our three Deer Canyon expectations. Thank you to our DC Leaders, Elsa and Tosin, Westview Ambassadors, and all 4th graders for sharing important messages about RESPECT at this month’s FUNky Friday!
This weekend, many Deer Canyon families will celebrate Diwali and Dia de los Muertos. Día de los Muertos takes place today, Nov. 1, and Nov. 2, and is celebrated mainly in Mexico and by people of Mexican heritage around the world. It honors and remembers loved ones who have passed away, celebrating their lives with joy rather than sadness. Families create colorful altars, or ofrendas, decorated with photos, flowers, and favorite foods of those they are remembering. This tradition teaches us the importance of cherishing our memories and the connections we have with our families, both past and present. For those who celebrate, we hope you find joy in embracing this celebration of life and love!
Diwali is also happening now! Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a four- or five-day celebration; this year, it will be primarily celebrated on Nov 1. This vibrant festival is embraced by many around the world and symbolizes the victory of light over darkness. Families decorate their homes with beautiful lights and colorful ron-goli, and they come together to share joy, sweets, and prayers. We wish families that recognize Diwali a joyous weekend full of celebration, reflection, and hope for a prosperous future!
Next week at Deer Canyon, we look forward to having Westview Ambassadors back for a lunchtime playdate on Wednesday. On Friday, we will participate in our fifth VAPA Vision lesson, then have an exciting opportunity that evening: Family Art Night from 5 to 7 pm!
Welcome, Mr. Tim!
I have some exciting news, Deer Canyon! We have a new staff member on campus, who works closely with Mr. Pete and keeps our campus safe and clean in the afternoons and evenings. Please join me in welcoming our new evening custodian, Mr. Tim McBain! When you see him on campus, be sure to say hello, introduce yourself, and welcome Mr. Tim to Deer Canyon.
Family Picnic on Friday, Nov. 15
We are excited to host our first Family Picnic of the school year next Friday, Nov. 15. If possible, please join us at your student’s lunch time to eat alongside them and their friends on the field (picnic style!). It’s a great opportunity to see life through your student’s eyes and engage in joyful play!
If you plan to purchase food alongside your student, please bring a check for $6.25 per adult meal. No cash is accepted. *More detailed information will be sent next week!
Student Lunch Times:
TK/K - 10:50 to 11:30 am
1st - 11:15 to 11:45 am
2nd & 3rd - 11:35am to 12:15 pm
4th & 5th - 11:55 am to 12:35 pm
Trimester 1 Progress Reports
Progress Notices and Teacher Conferences are coming up soon. Please be on the lookout for conference sign-up opportunities, if you haven’t already received information from your student’s teacher. All families will be provided a printed copy of their student’s progress report at their conference during the week of Nov. 18 to Nov 22. The week of conferences, we have minimum days each day. Check the BELL SCHEDULE for information. Progress reports will be available in ParentVue at 5 pm on Wednesday, Dec. 4. For your guidance, here are Directions for Accessing TK - 5 Trimester Standards for Parents.
Free/Reduced-Price Meal Applications Reminder
Please complete the free/reduced-price meal application. Although school meals are free for all students, the application for free and reduced-price meal eligibility is still very important. School funding depends in part on the number of students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals. If income-eligible families do not apply, we risk losing important educational funds for our school.
Students who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals may also qualify for discounts on testing fees, before and after school care, and home internet! Income qualifications change annually, so a new application is needed every school year. For school year 2024-2025, children from a family of four are eligible if the total gross (pre-tax) household income is less than $4,810 per month, or less than $57,720 per year. Household income information is confidential and applying online is quick and easy. Apply online at MySchoolApps.com, or pick up a paper application in the school office.
Safety Reminders
With fire season upon us, we want to assure parents and guardians that we have appropriate response systems in place when emergencies arise. Our first priority will always be the safety of our students and staff on campus.
When Deer Canyon becomes aware of any incidents in the geographic area of the school site, we will focus first on the safety of our campus while working with law enforcement, emergency responders, and the District for guidance and support for communication. Communication with parents is part of the response plan, but will be secondary to immediate safety. As soon as we can, we will message families with details of school-wide incidents such as lockdowns or evacuations. Please ensure your contact information is up to date in ParentVue in the “My Account” section.
Finally, we have been asked by first responders to remind our families NOT to come to campus in times of emergency – there have been several instances when officers, firefighters, and their ability to respond to the emergency have been hindered by parents rushing to the scene. Should an emergency occur, we will send out messages about dismissal or reunification procedures for families when first responders indicate it is safe to do so.
Please be sure to bookmark the Deer Canyon school calendar and follow us on Instagram (@DeerCanyonPUSD) for event information, reminders, and celebrations!
Have a wonderful weekend, Deer Canyon!
Katie Bendix
VAPA VISION Donors Choose
One of our PUSD VAPA VISION teachers has a current Donors Choose project, and we wanted to share it with the DC community!
This Donors Choose project is for materials to benefit Deer Canyon students (and other students across the District) through the VAPA Vision program because “all K-5 students need access to hands-on music materials to learn about melody and rhythm!”
CLICK HERE if you are interested in supporting VAPA VISION!
Caught You Being Kind
I am excited to share with you the names of students who were Caught Being Kind this week!
Through our Caught Being Kind program, students recognized by a staff member for exemplifying any of the six pillars of character—trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, or citizenship—are announced over the loudspeaker each Monday morning. These students then come to the office for an in-person message from me, and we take a group photo together! First-time Caught Being Kind students receive a small prize, which is distributed by their teacher.
Emilia, Daniella
Arcadian, Luciana, Caleb, Ben
1st Grade
2nd Grade
Liora, Danica
3rd Grade
Andrew, Aribella, Levi, Kaya, Piper
5th Grade
Connor, Ryan, Lukas
Counselor's Corner 🦉
After a wonderful Red Ribbon Celebration, we were back to our normal schedule this week. In our Second Step lessons, we continued our Empathy Unit, talking about how we all have differing perceptions and why it is important to respect those differences. We also introduced the importance of “being assertive” and the benefits of using a clear, firm, yet calm and respectful voice to get what they need or want. We discussed complex feelings — how it’s common to experience more than one emotion at a time, and that being able to figure out your own feelings will help you to understand others.
Our DC Leaders Teams are gaining momentum. The Safety Team seems to have worked out most of the bugs inherent with our students learning to read and follow their new schedules. Our Positivity and Inspire teams are preparing for Upstander Week, as well as busy planning out the year’s upcoming events. The Beautification team has also started their bi-weekly recycling routes. Thanks to all of you for your hard work. Hopefully we’ll have our new hats and shirts within a week or two.
Our friendship groups continued to meet, as well. The majority of participants are bonding and our conversations are increasingly fun and enlightening. Again, it’s such a pleasure to get to know your kids more each day. We continue to emphasize the value of taking turns, being respectful listeners, and the importance of working together as a team. These grade-level friend groups meet for 30 minutes once a week, through November. If you received a permission slip, please complete and return it to myself, your student’s teacher, or the front office.
PUSD’s Caring Connections Parent Education website has new and exciting courses being offered this Fall. Each term they have different parenting education courses. We recommend periodically checking the website for the new courses offered to parents, families, and our school community. Click HERE to view the CCC Parent Education Fall Courses.
Updates from the PSO 📬
Monster Mash - Thank You!
Thank you DC community for coming out and making the Monster Mash a success!
The costumes were awesome, and the joy of watching families dance and have a good time was priceless. Special thanks to my co-chair, Lauren Mifflin, and her husband, who are new to our school and jumped in head first to help make this event special. Their family hand made extremely creative props/décor that elevated our Haunted House to a new level. Lauren helped every day leading up to the event last week and assisted with clean up earlier this week. Our school is already better with your family a part of it!
Additional shout outs to everyone who helped volunteer their time to make this happen: Westview Theater students (Haunted House), Heather Ferguson, Bryce Ferguson, Haily Sebeckis, Trey Ustick, Jessica Crawford, Eve Lanham, Karthik Thangavel, Melissa Davis, Shana Chiwane, Amit Dave, Shino Miu, Mr. Pete, Mr. Tim, and all the parents who stayed to help with clean up!
-Melissa Doctor
Fundraising Update
Charleston Wrap Update
Thank you again to all families who participated in the Charleston Wrap fundraiser! Families who ordered online have begun receiving their goods. Families who used paper order forms will be able to pick up their orders along with student prizes from the conference room next to the Front Gate on Nov. 14 and Nov. 15 (8:30 to 9:30 am, 2 to 3:30 pm). ESS students' items will be delivered through ESS. Prizes for students who made online orders will be distributed through school, but the logistics are still being worked through. Check Echoes next week for an update! Thanks for your understanding.
Fall Fundraiser Appreciation Gifts - Update
Thank you again to all families who donated to the DCPSO during our Fall Fundraising Extravaganza. The appreciation gifts have been ordered and we hope to receive them before the end of November. Stay tuned for more details on distribution and timing later in November.
Upcoming Events 📆
Candy Buy Back Fundraiser Through Nov. 5
Bring your extra Halloween candy to the Front Gate area until Nov. 5. Our generous partner, Sunray Pediatric Dentistry, will contribute 50¢ per pound of candy to our DCPSO and send the candy to U.S. troops overseas through the Soldiers Angels Program.
It’s a simple act of kindness for our troops and an easy way to support our school. We look forward to your participation! Thank you for your support!
Join Us for Family Art Night - Nov. 8! 🎨
Mark your calendars for a special Family Art Night led by local art studio, Global Art, on Friday, Nov. 8, from 5 to 7 pm at Deer Canyon. Bring your family and let your creativity flow together. Each painting costs just $3, and the experience will be priceless.
Please sign up by Nov. 5 to reserve your spot! We can’t wait to see all the amazing art you'll create. Join us for a night of fun and creativity!
P.S. In case of financial hardship, please contact Katie Bendix to participate. We want everyone to join in the fun! Contact ArtAdventure@DeerCanyonPSO.org for questions.
DC Dining - Nov. 18 & Nov. 19 @ CPK
Join us for DC Dining at California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) on November 18 & 19!
We are so excited to invite our Deer Canyon family to join us at CPK (11602 Carmel Mountain Road, San Diego, CA, 92128) on November 18 & 19 for a fundraising event, where 20% of all event sales will be donated to our PSO to help support our school.
You can order on the app or at CPK.com (enter coupon code BACK20%) or show the attached flyer.
This year, we revived our esteemed DC Dining Trophy. Join us in congratulating this month's winner on Funky Friday!
If you would like to win the trophy for your child's class, please fill out this simple form (also on the attached flyer) so that we know you attended the CPK fundraiser on November 18 & 19. https://forms.gle/KPB5frsAnr1a7Gmd9
Also, we have other DC Dining events on the horizon, including Chipotle on Dec. 16. More information to come soon!
Other Important Updates
A Note from ESS
Hello ESS families,
We would like to remind you that Conference Week is coming, 11/18 to 11/22. All students are dismissed at 1 pm. ESS is open from 1-6 pm during this week to accommodate the early dismissal.
- AM Only families: You MUST register through ESS to attend the PM portion for these days.
- Full Time & PM families: ESS is expecting your student(s) every day unless otherwise notified in advance via text, email, or in person.
Please note: Once you sign out from ESS, students and parents must exit campus per safety reasons. The ESS patio, playgrounds, blacktop and grass area are for staff & students still signed into the ESS program. This includes helping out for school activities such as the Monster Mash, Family Night, etc. ESS appreciates your assistance in keeping all students safe & accounted for.
Thank you,
Start Adding Your Yearbook Pictures
Our yearbook committee is already gathering content for our 2024-2025 Yearbook! It’s perfect time right now to start uploading pictures from Halloween classroom parties, and other events that have already happened this year!
To upload your best, high-resolution photos in the appropriate folder for the Yearbook committee:
1. DOWNLOAD the Treering App or go to https://auth.treering.com/
2. LOG IN or SIGN UP using School Code 1015490278194159
3. CLICK "Explore (or "Purchase") Yearbooks" and select your child's name at the top. (Even if you have already purchased a yearbook this year)
4. GO TO "Yearbook To- Dos." Select "Upload School Photos" under "Share School Photos."
5. SELECT the appropriate folder created by the Yearbook Chairs to upload your photos into.
6. UPLOAD your photo(s) once you are in that folder.
7. If you took pictures at an event that does not have a folder, please upload your pictures in the folder "Misc events" and add a comment to these pictures to let us know where they were taken.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Razan Lin and Donna Cordero at yearbook@deercanyonpso.org
Calling All Vendors! Join Our Festive Holiday Bazaar
Are you a home or small business owner, artisan, or creator looking to spread holiday cheer while showcasing your products? We invite YOU to be a part of our Annual Holiday Bazaar! This is a fantastic opportunity to share your unique items with holiday shoppers in a fun, festive
- Date: Friday, Dec. 13, 2024
- Location: Deer Canyon MPR
- Time: 5:30 to 8 pm
How to Apply:
Fill out our vendor application form by Nov. 15 to secure your spot!
For more information, please contact Maha El Meniawy at maha.elmeniawy@gmail.com.
Let's make this holiday season magical together. Spaces are limited—apply today!
Get Your DCES Spirit Wear
Our Spirit Wear shop is open and taking orders. Choose from tie-dye (perfect for FUNky Fridays), cartoon (fun for lower grade students — and adults!), school logo, hoodies (perfect for cold weather), zip-up jackets and more. Orders are placed online and can be delivered to school for free or you can pick up at Big Frog (next to Stater Bros).
Place your Spirit Wear order here.
If you have any questions, please contact Razan Lin vpprograms@deercanyonpso.org