Little Warrior Learning Center
A Place to Play, Learn and Grow

LWLC Monthly Newsletter - December
Dear Preschool Families,
As December unfolds, it brings with it a sense of wonder and togetherness that makes this season so special. At school, we see the magic of the holidays through the eyes of your children as they learn, create, and share moments of joy with their classmates.
This month is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate not only traditions but also the growth and milestones our little learners have achieved so far. Whether it’s mastering a new skill, making a new friend, or sharing a kind gesture, these moments remind us of the incredible journey they are on.
In this newsletter, you’ll find helpful tips, activity ideas, and important reminders to help your family enjoy this festive season while supporting your child’s development. Remember, some of the most meaningful gifts you can give your child are your time, attention, and love.
Thank you for your continued partnership. Wishing you and your family a season filled with warmth, joy, and cherished memories.
Warm regards,
Mrs. Ceara Jackson
SAVE THE DATE for LWLC's Winter Program
LWLC will be hosting a Winter Program this month! Images for RSVP's are below.
We will host class programs different days to accommodate space for attendees. Please attend the day your child’s class is scheduled to perform. Programs will begin promptly at 8:10 each day, and we ask that attendees arrive after 8 AM to avoid morning car rider traffic.
Families of each preschooler are invited to attend, however only immediate family will be invited to the classroom after the program for cookies and a craft! Unfortunately we do not have enough space in our classrooms for extended family.
December 17 | 8:10 AM
Ms. Brielle and Ms. Cecily T/Th classes
Ms. Kelsi’s class
December 18 | 8:10 AM
Ms. Brielle and Ms. Cecily MWF classes
Ms. Brittany’s class
Ms. Dawn’s class
December 17th Save the Date
Winter Program Information
December 18th Save the Date
Outdoor Activity During Colder Months
As we move into colder months, we want to remind you about our outdoor play policy:
- Children will go outside twice a day whenever possible.
- LWLC staff will determine if outdoor play is appropriate based on weather conditions and precipitation.
- If the temperature is 20 degrees Fahrenheit or below, children will remain indoors.
To ensure your child is prepared for winter weather, please send them to school each day with a coat, hats, gloves or mittens, boots or weather appropriate shoes, and any other cold-weather apparel they may need.
Thank you for helping us keep your little ones safe and comfortable while they enjoy their outdoor playtime!
Inclement Weather Policy
Situations such as inclement weather may make it necessary for school to be closed. In the event this should happen, LWLC will follow the following inclement weather policies:
School Closing
If the Danville Community School Corporation is closed due to weather, LWLC will run normal hours unless there are county or statewide travel restrictions.
2-Hour Delays
If the Danville Community School Corporation is on a 2-delay due to weather, LWLC will run normal hours unless there are county or statewide travel restrictions.
Classroom Highlights
Week of December 2: Grocery
SEL: empathy
Week of December 9: Cooking
SEL: caring and helping
Week of December 16: Christmas
review week
LWLC Staff Spotlight
Meet LWLC's Childcare Helpers!
Childcare helpers play an essential role in our preschool community, providing invaluable support to both teachers and children each day. They assist with setting up and organizing activities, guiding children through routines, and ensuring a safe and nurturing environment. With their extra helping hands, our childcare helpers make it possible for every child to receive the attention, encouragement, and care they need to thrive. Their dedication allows teachers to focus on creating enriching learning experiences, while the children benefit from an added layer of support and connection. We’re grateful for the many ways our childcare helpers contribute to making each day positive and productive for everyone!
Please read below to meet some of LWLC's Childcare Helpers!
LWLC Childcare Helpers
Miss Adalyn
Hi, I’m Addie! I’m one of the new high school helpers at Little Warriors. I’ve love working here and meeting all the kids! I look forward to coming in every day and getting to spend time with the class! I live in Danville with my mom, 2 brothers, and 2 dogs. I like to travel, bake, and participate in youth group. I look forward to continue working with the kids and help them grow!
Miss Alyssa
Hello! My name is Alyssa Hagler, and I am a high school helper at Little Warrior Learning Center. I started at LWLC in November 2024, and I love the environment and atmosphere. I am also a high school soccer player and a cosmetology student. I live in Heritage Lake with my parents, younger brother, and our two dogs. I love to hike, play soccer, do hair, and spend time with my friends and boyfriend. I enjoy working at LWLC because we are not only helping the kids grow but we are learning from them too. The kids at LWLC make your days bright and love to make you giggle
Miss Kailyn
Hi! I’m Kailyn Berry. I’m a high school helper at LWLC. I started working at LWLC in August of this year. I live in Danville with my parents, two sister and my two dogs. My favorite thing to do is dance, hang out with friends and family, and I love Disney. I love working at LWLC because I get the opportunity to make an impact on the kids, and I get to enjoy all the laughs and fun we have in the classroom.
Miss Dakota
Miss Allyssa
Hello! My name is Allyssa Ferguson, I am a high school helper at LWLC. I started working at LWLC in August of 2023 and I love working here with all my heart. I live in Danville along with my parents, sister, and brother. My favorite things to do is spend time with friends and family . I love working at LWLC because of the kids, how we are able to help them learn, and put a smile on their face.
December Tips for Preschool Parents
The holiday season is a wonderful time to create lasting memories and reinforce learning through family activities. Here are some tips to enjoy this magical month with your preschooler:
1. Keep a Routine
While the holidays can be busy, maintaining regular mealtimes, bedtimes, and school routines helps children feel secure and reduces stress.
2. Celebrate Through Stories
Share holiday traditions and cultures by reading festive books together. This helps expand your child’s understanding of the world while building language skills.
3. Practice Gratitude
Encourage your child to express gratitude. Help them make thank-you cards for teachers, friends, or family members. This nurtures kindness and thoughtfulness.
4. Create Learning Moments
- Cooking Together: Let your child help measure ingredients for holiday treats, teaching math skills.
- Craft Time: Engage in simple crafts like making ornaments or holiday cards to build fine motor skills.
- Counting Fun: Count holiday decorations like ornaments on the tree or candles on a menorah.
5. Stay Active
Bundle up and enjoy outdoor activities like a walk to see lights or a trip to the park. Physical activity is vital for healthy growth and energy release.
6. Manage Gift Expectations
Discuss the joy of giving and focus on experiences, like family game nights, instead of just receiving presents.
7. Teach the Value of Sharing
Find opportunities for your child to donate toys, clothes, or food to those in need. This builds empathy and shows the importance of helping others.
8. Foster Independent Play
With more time at home, encourage your child to engage in imaginative play or puzzles. This boosts creativity and problem-solving.
9. Limit Screen Time
Balance screen time with hands-on activities like puzzles, reading, or building blocks.
10. Make Time for Family
Plan simple, joyful traditions like decorating cookies, singing songs, or watching a family movie. These moments are what children remember most.
Wishing your family a joyful and peaceful December!
Shout Outs for Our Amazing Staff!
We want to celebrate our wonderful staff and all the hard work they do for our children! If you have any shout outs or positive feedback to share, please send them our way. Let’s show our appreciation for their dedication and care!
Important Dates
December 23-January 3 - Winter Break, LWLC not in session
January 20 - MLK Day, LWLC closed
February 17 - President's Day, LWLC closed
March 24-28 - Spring Break, LWLC not in session
May 23 - Last day of LWLC Program, no school meals (summer program sign ups will come out late March)
Safety and Health Reminders
Communicating Absences
From 7:00 am to 2:30 pm, please report absences or destination changes to the North Elementary front office. Although notifying the classroom teacher is appreciated, reporting directly to the front office ensures that your message is received, especially if a teacher is unavailable. The Little Warrior phone is off during these hours. Contact the North Elementary office via:
- Phone: 317.745.2610
- Email: northoffice@danville.k12.in.us
- ParentSquare: DCSC Northoffice
Morning Arrival
- 7:00-7:25 AM: Preschoolers with childcare should park and walk to door 1; a staff member will greet you. Parents should not walk their child to class.
- 7:25-7:45 AM: Use the North Elementary car rider line for drop-off. Wait until 7:25 am and ensure the line is moving before letting your child out. Staff will assist and ensure safety. Please DO NOT walk your child in at this time.
- 7:45-8:00 AM: Park and walk your child to door 1; a staff member will greet you. Parents should not walk their child to class.
8:00-8:15 AM: Park in front of the building, call 317-914-4791, and walk to door 1. LWLC staff will meet you in the vestibule.
Arrivals after 8:15 AM: Please go directly to the office to sign in your preschooler.
Afternoon Dismissal
- 11:00 am (Half Day): Park in front of North Elementary; LWLC staff will bring your child to your car.
- 2:15-2:30 pm (Pick-Up Without Childcare): Use the car rider line. Follow the four lanes in the parking lot, merge into one line, and proceed to the sidewalk. Staff will check your car tag and guide you through the process.
- 2:30-6:00 pm (Pick-Up With Childcare): Park in front of the building, call 317-914-4791, and walk to door 1. LWLC staff will meet you with your child.
Arrival Traffic Pattern
When entering the parking lot, use the four middle lanes heading west. At the end of these lanes, alternate left to right to merge into a single line along the sidewalk. Pull all the way forward before stopping to let your child out. For safety, have your child exit from the passenger side.
Half Day Traffic Pattern
When entering the parking lot, use the four middle lanes heading west. At the end of the lanes, alternate left to right to merge into a single line along the sidewalk. Park along the sidewalk and wait for LWLC staff to walk your child out to your car.
Dismissal Traffic Pattern
Enter the parking lot using the four middle lanes heading west. At the end of these lanes, alternate left and right to merge into a single line. Mrs. Gulley (blue star) will check your child’s car tag and direct you to a lane. After loading, a staff member (red star) will release cars one lane at a time.
Health and Sick Policy
Students with a temperature of 100°F or above, vomiting, diarrhea, eye discharge, or an undiagnosed rash should stay home for 24 hours. They must be fever-free without medication for 24 hours before returning.
For symptoms of infectious diseases (mumps, measles, chicken pox, conjunctivitis, impetigo), contact the Danville North Elementary nurse. If a child falls ill at school, the nurse will assess, take their temperature, and notify the parents, keeping the child separate and supervised until they arrive.
To report an illness-related absence, call the Danville North Elementary front office at 317-745-2610 with your child's name, class, and reason. If on antibiotics, the child should be treated for at least 24 hours before returning.
Visitor and Volunteer Opportunities
We love having visitors and volunteers! Please see below for the expectations when visiting North Elementary.
- Sign in with your driver’s license.
- Notify the office if someone other than a parent or guardian will join your child.
- No carbonated beverages allowed. Food and drinks brought for your child cannot be shared.
- No technology at the table. Avoid using phones and taking photos.
- Please wait to visit for lunch until after the first 8 days of school to help with student routines.
- Includes guest speakers, special events, and parent/teacher conferences.
- Must sign in with a driver’s license. No criminal history check required.
- Includes field trip chaperones and regular classroom volunteers.
- Complete the Verkada application and background check (if not already on file).
Buttons to complete these steps are below.
School Meal Information
To help our breakfast and lunch process run as smoothly as possible, please plan to review menu choices with your child each week.
LWLC Breakfast Menus - Cost is $1.50
LWLC Lunch Menus - Cost is $3.25
*Please note that breakfast stops being served at 8 am and lunch will be served at 11:10 am each day.
Infinite Campus
The Infinite Campus Parent Portal shows your child's teacher placement, grades, lunch account, and tuition balance. New families received setup information during online registration and returning families should use last year's login details.
Parent Square creates accounts using your preferred email and phone number from Infinite Campus. Teachers, LWLC, North Elementary, and the District Office use it for newsletters and direct messages, including alerts for delays and cancellations. We recommend parents access their accounts so they are able to download the app and update notification preferences.
School Hours
Morning Childcare --7-8 am
Instructional Time -- 8-11 am for half day, 8 - 2:30 for full day
Afternoon Childcare -- 2:30 - 6 PM
North Elementary
Front Office -- 7:15 to 4:00Car Rider Drop Off -- 7:25 to 7:45
Bus Rider Drop Off -- 7:35
Tardy Bell -- 7:45
Dismissal Bell -- 2:10
We have a shared North and South PTO that we would love for anyone interested to be involved in!
PTO will host Dine to Donate nights to raise money to give back to the schools
- Tuesday, November 12th at Chick-Fil-A at Beechwood Centre in Avon - please mention Danville PTO when ordering all day long
Tuition Fees
If a child's tuition balance is late by two weeks a reminder will be sent and a $35 late fee will be assigned. If a child's tuition balance is late by 30 days services will be suspended until the outstanding balance is settled.
Little Warrior Learning Center
Email: littlewarrioroffice@danville.k12.in.us
Website: https://www.danville.k12.in.us/domain/199
Location: 398 Urban St, Danville, IN, USA
Phone: 317.745.2610