Discovery Primary Update
A Message From the Principal
We are finally all in school! Our kindergarten slow start and connections conferences went well and finally, all of our kindergartners came to school on Friday. Below you will see some darling first day pictures. It is a joy to have children back in school full time.
Children are eating lunch in their classrooms. At this time all students who are opting with a lunch from school are provided with a cold "sack" lunch. Starting on Monday, September 20 we will begin offering hot lunch options to students. The district has menus posted on line for hot lunch. Students will walk to the gym/cafeteria to pick up their hot lunches then carry them back to their classrooms to eat. We will be practicing this process with them next week so they will be ready to go on September 20. Your child may continue to bring a lunch from home. If they do so their routines will remain the same. There is more information about food services in the information below in this newsletter.
Our parent pick up and drop off lines continue to be long. We ask that you bear with us as we continue to help students learn where they are going. It will start going faster as we get more practice. It is taking a little longer to get our youngest students out, check their bus information and teach them the behaviors expected for the ride. This will start to go faster as we get a little more practice also.
Coming up are picture day and family night. Please take a look at the calendar below and join us if you can. It's a great opportunity to meet your child's friends. I have also included information below regarding school procedures.
Have a wonderful start to Fall.
Julie Bartlett, Principal
Discovery Primary School
^:^ ^:^ ^:^ Picture Day Is Coming!! ^:^ ^:^ ^:^
10:20-3:30 w/ arrival & breakfast starting at 10:05am
9:20-3:30 w/ arrival & breakfast starting at 9:05am
Upcoming Events & Dates
Monday, September 13
- 1st Late Start Monday (LSM)
- All buildings begin one hour late on Mondays for staff collaboration
- Discovery will start at 10:20
Tuesday, September 14
- PTO Meeting via Zoom
- There is no fee for joining PTO. Please come to meet other parents and learn about the awesome ways this group supports students and teachers.
- Zoom link:
Wednesday, September 22
- Picture Day
Thursday, September 23
- Family Fun Event: Baseball Night 5:30 - 7 PM
- This will be an outdoor event
- Come meet your children's friends and families
- Free event
- Hotdog meals available for $5
Please click HERE for further information!
Please call 253-517-1200, or email the attendance desk, in the morning if your student will not be in attendance that day. Attendance is one of the most clearly indicative factors affecting graduation rates. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us.
We are happy to welcome volunteers back in school this year, but we will have limited space available. In order to volunteer people will need to:
- Fill out the online volunteer application
- Show documentation of vaccination for Covid 19: Proof of vaccine may be uploaded on the volunteer application.
- Make arrangements with the teacher in advance.
- Volunteers will need to wear appropriate masks and maintain distancing guidelines
We are a closed campus for the safety of our students. Please park and check in at the main office when you need to visit the building. We will ask you to sign-in and obtain your badge. Please know that visitors and guests are not allowed in the classrooms during lunch or without prior approval.
-=-=-= Student Drop Off & Pick Up =-=-=-
Morning Drop Off, 9:05 to 9:20
- Pull to the most forward area along the sidewalk on south side of school. Cars will line up behind the first vehicle in the zone.
- Before exiting the vehicle, students should have bags ready & masks on and exit their vehicle quickly.
- An adult will open the door and help the child out then shut the door. Please make sure car seats are on the passenger side, if possible.
- Parents/guardians should stay in their vehicle while in the drop off lane. If a student cannot exit their vehicle independently, we ask that the parent/guardian park in a parking spot and assist their child. The parent/guardian can then walk the student to an adult at the south end of the building.
- Staff will assist your child as needed on their way to class.
Afternoon Pick Up, 3:30 to 3:35
- All adults must stay in their cars unless they are walking to pick up students. Students will be delivered to the car.
- The first group dismissed will be the parent pick up students. A staff member will walk out the parent pick up students and stay with them until they are safely in the cars.
- Post your placard/hanger (get one from your teacher) on your rearview mirror to help match students to vehicles.
- There are two loading zones in the parent pick up areas. One is PURPLE and one is GREEN. Students assigned to the 100 hall classes will stand in the GREEN area and students assigned to the 200 hall will wait in the PURPLE area. (See map below)
- Staff members will monitor students, identify the car/family member and assist students getting into the car. They will open the door and assist the student getting in the car, then shut the door. Hand sanitizer will be provided.
- Students should be able to enter the vehicle from the right side.
If someone other than a parent/guardian is picking up your child(ren) for early dismissal, the office must first be notified by parent/guardian listed in Skyward. It is important that this is communicated by 2:00 PM to our office. We will ask to see I.D., so please remind them to bring it in. Please call 253-517-1200 for any bus changes.
Please click HERE for further information!
- Students and staff must wear their masks and maintain social distance during dismissal.
- To ensure student safety, staff members will remain with students until they have boarded busses or exited campus (or until they can be assured para supervision is in place).
Arrival on Campus for Walkers
- Please do not arrive on campus prior to 9:05. Our doors will open at 9:05.
- Crossing guards will be assisting at the school entrances
- Once on campus, students and parents walking up will remain socially distanced at the side door by the parent pick up zone (south parking lot) until the doors are unlocked. A staff member will greet the students and supervise them as they enter and walk to their classrooms.
Arrival Procedures for Bus Riders:
- The first group of buses will arrive at 9:05 am. Bus drivers will release one group at a time in a manner that encourages social distancing. An adult will supervise the students as they enter from the front of the building.
- Sanitation of bus equipment will be guided per CDC guidelines.
- Bus drivers will offer a small amount of hand sanitizer as students get in.
Please click HERE for further information!
Discovery Primary School
Location: 1205 19th Avenue, Milton, WA, USA
Phone: 253-517-1200