Week of December 16, 2024
December 17 - Orchestra Concert - 7:00 PM
December 18 - College Information Night - 6:00 PM - in the LMC
December 23 - January 1 - Winter Break - School Closed - Main Office will be Closed
January 2 - School Resumes - We will run a M, T, F schedule on Thurs. and Fri. - NO BLOCK SCHUEDULE this week.
Scroll to the bottom to see important newsletters, job opportunities,
and military and college visits as they are always updating!!:00
Want to learn more about college options? On Wednesday, December 18, 2024 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the Bay Port LMC, there will be an informational session for all Bay Port students and families about two-year, four-year, and private colleges. During this meeting, representatives from UWGB, NWTC, and St. Norbert College will share information about how to pick the best option for the student and family.
On Wednesday, December 18 there will be a Lunch & Learn at the District Office for all students who are interested in architecture or engineering careers. I have about 20 spots open. The time commitment is: 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.(pizza lunch is included).
During our time together, students will be given an overview of the architecture and engineering industry, and then will have the option to attend small breakout sessions based on their interest. Sessions will include: telecommunications, landscape architecture/planning, structural engineering, civil/transportation, artitecture, electrical, and mechanical engineering.
If you know of any students who are interested, please have them sign up using this link.
This week we will begin the course selection process for the 2025-26 school year. All freshmen, sophomores and juniors will receive important information during PIRATE Time on Wednesday. Additional scheduling information, including a link to the Course Planning Guide can be found here. Please take some time in the coming weeks to discuss next year's class choices with your child. Decisions on which courses will be offered next year are based on your child's requests that will be made in February. Once classes are selected, changes will only be made in accordance with the Bay Port Add/Drop/Withdrawal Policy. Reach out to your child's school counselor if you have any questions.
Food delivery from uber eats, etc is not allowed for students at any time during the school day.
Parent/guardian can deliver food, homemade or otherwise, to be eaten during lunch time only. Food dropped off at other times will remain at the front desk until lunch. Students will not be called down to pick up food.
Students who bring food items with them to school are allowed to do so. Drinks like Starbucks are allowed in class if the teacher allows it. Full meals are only allowed to be eaten in the cafeteria during the student’s assigned lunch.
The Bay Port main office and student services office will be closed during winter break, December 23 - January 1. All phone messages received will be returned when school resumes on January 2nd. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
In addition to District Social Media, Local TV/Radio Stations and the District Website, HSSD will also send weather-related delays and cancellations via text message.
You may opt in to receive text messages by texting the word YES to 67587. You will receive a confirmation reply within a few minutes of sending your request.
Please refer to these guidelines if there is inclement weather.
All school pictures are in including late orders and picture retake. They are available for pickup at the welcome desk in the rotunda.
Bay Port Students and Families:
The student parking process for the upcoming school year has been modified to accommodate the large number of student drivers and the limited parking spaces. Students will not be assigned a specific parking spot or lot but will be required to register their vehicle and display a current parking tag when parked at school during the school day.
There are three student parking lots: Lot A, Lot B and Lot C, which are identified by signs in the parking lots. Students may only park in spots with white lines. Staff parking is behind the building and in the athletic lot and is identified by blue lines. An additional overflow lot has also been added by the tennis courts that can be used by students.
Please note that the athletic entrance door, closest to Lot C will close at 7:30 am each morning. Students arriving after 7:30 will need to use the main entrance at Bay Port.
Permit/Registration Process
Students will be required to register their vehicle and display a new parking tag each year. All current drivers must have their vehicles registered by Friday, September 13, 2024. Applications can be submitted to the main office starting on Wednesday, August 28 from 7:00-3:30 and during Open House that evening from 6:30-8:00 pm. A registration table will also be available during lunch hours on the first two weeks of school.
Additional Information
- Parking will be enforced on school days from 7:00 am to 2:40 pm during the school year.
- Students who obtain their drivers license during the school year can apply for a parking permit at the main office.
- Students should not park in the visitor parking spots at any time.
- There is no charge for parking.
The two page parking application is linked here and attached to this email. Printed copies are also available at the Bay Port main office, Monday-Friday from 7:00-3:30.
Please use the GoFan app or website for student passes and game tickets for all home games. Once you pull up the pass or ticket from the app/website on your phone, please do not click on use pass or use ticket until you are at the gate with the ticket taker. If you use the ticket before you get to the gate, you will not be able to enter without purchasing another ticket.
You can also purchase tickets at the game using a debit or credit card at the main entrance to the stadium.
Additional information about GoFan is available here.
Attending a high school athletic event? Read on!
As the sports season begins, a few reminders regarding attending high school game are below.
Carry-ins are not allowed.
In the Student Section this includes food, drinks, noise makers, silly-string, baby powder, signs, backpacks, purses, etc.
Security cameras will continue to be used at the stadium to enhance spectator safety.
Students engaged in unsafe behavior, like pushing other students or throwing objects, will be asked to leave the game.
Unsafe behavior may result in students not attending future football games.
Athletics events are school-sponsored events, therefore appropriate dress is expected.
During home football games all other athletics facilities and fields are closed.
Ticket and Pass Costs:
Student and family athletics passes and tickets are available online at GoFan. This pass is good for all home regular season athletic events excluding Invites.
Cost for passes:
High school student passes = $30 + Processing Fee
Family passes = $65 + Processing Fee
Includes 2 adults and children 8th grade and under in the same household.
One single adult pass = $40 + Processing Fee
Cost for individual tickets:
Adults = $5
Students K-12 = $3
For more information or paper permission slips, stop by an AG room for info sheets: Mrs. Barnes (A114) or Mr. Weed (D123)
3rd- Big Game Tour:
Join Bay Port FFA on December 3 for the big game tour where we will take a field trip for the day to tour a sheep, and Bison farm. You will get the opportunity to learn about what the farms do and how they operate. This tour is priced at 25 dollars.
11th- Holiday Party
Witness Bay Port FFA’s true Holiday spirit during our very own holiday party on December 11th after school. Stop by for hot chocolate, coloring contests, cookie decorating, and some Holiday magic! In Mrs. Barnes room (A114) after school.
17th- Pizza Making
Come help support Bay Port FFA at Pizza Making December 17th in the Bay Port Commons, after school through 8pm! We will be making all the pizzas that were sold during our fundraiser. Any help is welcome!
10th- Sweets Tour
Join Bay Port FFA in touring two different “sweets” locations and see the process for how different candy products are made. You’ll also have the option to order a custom chocolate bar from Wilmar Chocolates in Appleton!
31th- Middle School Ag Olympics
This event for middle school students during their Physical Education class will give students the opportunity to learn about how important agriculture is while competing against classmates for the title of the Ag Olympics Champion!
7th- Ag Department Staff Showcase
Ag Department Staff Showcase is where FFA members get to teach the Bay Port staff what students do outside of school and how students are expanding their learning. This showcase will include multiple tours of past and present students, Supervised Agricultural Experiences and local agriculture industry tours.
13th- Farm Forum
Each year, four members of our chapter are selected to be sponsored by the Brown County Farm Bureau to attend the Farm Forum Conference. This conference is put on by the Wisconsin Farm Bureau for FFA members to spend the day at workshops learning about production agriculture and new ways that biotechnology is changing the industry.
May 2025 IB Course Exam Late Registration
The late registration period for IB exams is currently open for all seniors currently enrolled in the second year of two year IB classes (IB English, IB French, IB German, IB Spanish, IB History, IB Psychology HL, IB Math, and/or IB Visual Arts) and for juniors and seniors enrolled in one year IB classes (IB Psychology SL, IB Philosophy SL, and/or IB Sports, Exercise and Health Sciences SL). A $40 late fee has been added to the exam registration fee.
Please register for exams in RevTrak prior to 3:00 p.m. on Monday, December 16. Registration will not be accepted after that time.
Please see the May 2025 Examination Materials, your IB subject teacher, or email Mr. McAllister, IB Coordinator, at chadmcal@hssdschools.org for more information.
Howard-Suamico Optimist Club Essay Contest
The Howard-Suamico Optimist Club is encouraging Bay Port High School students to consider: “How Optimism Has Paved My Road to Success.” The essay contest is sponsored by Optimist International to give young people the opportunity to write about their own opinions regarding the world in which they live. The approach can encompass a young person’s personal experience, the experience of their country, or a more historical perspective. In addition to developing skills for written expression, participants also have the opportunity to win a college scholarship!
The first place winner at the club level earns a $300 scholarship; Top three winners and their families will be recognized and presented with a medal at an Optimist luncheon in spring. The club winner will advance to the district level to compete for a $2500 scholarship.
Find out more about the contest on the Optimist International website. Pick up an application in Student Services or use this digital application. Contact KRISTA GREENE with questions. Submit paperclipped (do not staple) printed application and essay to the Bay Port Student Services office by 3pm on Thursday, February, 13, 2025.
Optimist International is one of the world’s largest service club organizations with 80,000 adult and youth members in 2,500 clubs throughout the world. Carrying the motto “Friend of Youth,” Optimists conduct positive service projects that reach more than six million young people each year.
Orders would be assembled here in Green Bay, labeled, and delivered to school.
2024-2025 Yearbooks are sold directly through Jostens and must be ordered by May 20th.
Purchase a copy by calling 1-866-282-1516 or visiting www.jostensyearbooks.com. Yearbooks are shipped directly to home addresses in mid-summer. Below is the yearbook timeline announcements.
Please see the ring flyer for this school year 2024-2025. Any student any grade is welcome to order.
Construction will resume in Spring of 2025. All traffic updates can be found on the Brown County Construction website.
- New for the 2024-25 school year! Reduced students will be free for breakfast and lunch meals. In addition to School Nutrition supporting families who qualify for reduced-price meals with free breakfast, The Giving Tree is able to extend that support with free lunch as well.
The Giving Tree is registering families for our December Holiday Store. Please reach out to your school social worker if you think your student may benefit from assistance with The Giving Tree. For our generous community, check out our website for more information on donating to our Holiday Store.
This month The Giving Tree is collecting Breakfast food items: Cereal, Oatmeal, Pancake Mix and Pop Tarts. Please feel free to send donations with your students to put in the collections bins/carts near the main office of school. Items can also be dropped off during school hours. The Giving Tree appreciates the community support in helping ensure food is not a barrier to a student’s education.
design a la mode (1744 Riverside Dr, Suamico)
Green Bay Community Church, Monday-Thursday from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Sunday from 8-11:30 a.m. (Donations can be left in shopping carts inside the entrance.)
Papa Murphy's (2300 Lineville Rd Suite 105, Howard)
Howard Village Hall (2456 Glendale Ave)
Village of Suamico office (12781 Velp Ave)
Learn more about The Giving Tree HERE
The Board of Education has new school assignments.
Bay Port High School Board of Education representative, Scott Jandrin.
If you have questions, please contact Kim McDougal, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and Board of Education.
Scott Jandrin
Board of Education Member
Howard-Suamico School District
E-mail: scotjand@hssdschools.org
Miranda DeMars from NWTC will be at Bay Port High School on Tuesdays in Student Services! Miranda has over ten years of experience in higher education and understands how overwhelming college planning can be. The purpose of her time here is to meet with you about any or all of the following topics or anything else you'd like to discuss:
- Academic and Career exploration
- Applying to NWTC
- Admission requirements - assist with next steps
- Financial Aid - FAFSA process
- Scholarship resources and preparation
- Compare higher education opportunities and options
- Dual Credit Options - earn college credits while in high school
Please stop in Student Services to schedule your individual appointment!
Callyn Diamond from UW-Green Bay will be at Bay Port High School on Fridays in Student Services! Callyn is an expert in UW-Green Bay academic and admissions information, and is happy to assist students with questions about other UW schools and other colleges.
Callyn is happy to meet in person in Student Services or even virtually! Feel free to sign up for an appointment on Calendly (https://calendly.com/diamondcallyn/bay-port-career-coaching-with-callyn) OR stop by student services to sign up!
Some topics Callyn is able to cover are:
Academic and career exploration
Applying to college
Taking next steps after acceptance
Financial Aid - FAFSA processes and affordability options
Scholarship searching
Dual Credit Options - earn college credits while in high school
Picking a college - What do you want from your college experience?
Study Hall Reminder: All students are marked absent every morning for their study hall. Students need to sign in to their study hall at the beginning of the period which removes the absence. 11th and 12th grade students are allowed to leave school during their study hall if it starts or ends their day. 9th and 10th grade students must attend all of their study halls, even if the study hall starts or ends their day. This applies to Block Days as well.
Work Permits are Online: Please visit the new online application tool! It is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. A parent can access the site using these instructions.
Dear Bay Port High School families,
Your student is invited to join us on an upcoming educational travel experience to Belize in Summer 2026!
When students travel, they expand their knowledge of the world around them, discover more about themselves, and grow more confident. These skills are critical for creating the global citizens of tomorrow, and I would love to have your student join me on this adventure.
Come hear all the details, including the itinerary, activities, academic opportunities, and the cost of our trip at our informational meeting on October 7th at 6 PM. The meeting will take place in the Bay Port LMC.
Please click here to register for the meeting ASAP to save your seat: https://bit.ly/4fuvIk5.
There are limited spots on this trip, so we would love to have you attend this meeting to learn more about this exciting opportunity!
Important Numbers
Athletic Office: 662-7267 Attendance: 662-7248
Fax: 662-7291 Nurse: 662-7245
Website: https://bayport.hssdschools.org/
Location: 2710 Lineville Road, Green Bay, WI, USA
Twitter: @BayPortHS