Scott 6th Grade Center
August 26, 2024
Scott 6th Grade Center's Motto- "We Enter to Learn and Leave to Achieve"
First Week of School
Please assure your student(s) that they will not need to know their schedule or how to get around our building. We will be focusing on meeting everyone, helping them feel welcome, and getting to know our building and expectations as a school community the first few days (and weeks) of school.
We do usually have our building open for "Sneak Peeks" in the summer, but construction has hampered that ability this year.
The first day of school all students will enter into our auditorium for an opening assembly before heading with their first period teacher to their "Homeroom." If your student knows their first period teacher, it will be helpful, but if they do not, we will have many staff members out front of the building with a list to help them.
The rest of the first day will be spent with that group touring the building, learning expectations, and spending time in their classroom getting settled in.
Our second day of school will be a "Student Professional Development Day." Students will still be spending most of the day with their first period teacher. They will also go to their Related Arts classes and WIN. Other than that students will have 4 blocks of time throughout the day.Three of them will be assemblies presented by Mr. Altland, Mrs. Lamothe and some of our staff on technology, our code of conduct, attendance, WIN (What I Need) time and reviewing our PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) system. The other block will be spent with the teachers and students on their team spending time with each other, reviewing the building, expectations and of course, time with lockers.
On Wednesday and Thursday students will walk their schedule like a traditional day. Staff will be out in the hallways supporting students to get to their classes as seamlessly as possible.
I share this with you so you can assure your student they will not have to know their way around Scott or know their schedule this week. We are all helping each other during these first few weeks!
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival: Busses will begin to arrive at 7:10 and drop off students. Busses pull onto Olive Street and let students out in front of the school. Students will have the option to stop in our cafeteria for a "Grab and Go" breakfast if they wish or head straight to advisory.
If you plan to drop your student off, you do not need to drop them off until 7:15. You will pull onto Olive Street and let your student out in front of the school. (Please be aware of cars behind you and pull up as far as you can). Our day begins with announcements at 7:25. Students will be considered late after that time.
Dismissal: At 2:08 our dismissal starts. We will begin by sending our walkers out the cafeteria doors at the back of our building onto Stirling Street. They will be immediately followed by our busses. The busses will be parked outside of the front of our school on Olive Street. The hope is for the busses to pull away by 2:10, but no later than 2:15.
At 2:15, we will begin our parent pick up. Please do not arrive before 2:15 to allow our busses to fill up and be on their way as quickly as possible. Mrs. Hamilton or Mrs. Lamothe will be out front asking you who your student is. To speed up this process, we would love if you could write your student's first and last on a piece of paper that we will be able to read from your car.
I appreciate your patience as we navigate through these procedures at the beginning of the school year. From experience, it does take a couple weeks to get things running smoothly.
Are You Interested in Joining Our PTO?
Please use the QR code and fill in the form with your contact information.
Our first PTO meeting will be on September 17th at 5:00 in Scott's Library and via Zoom. (A link will be sent out closer to the date)
At the meeting we will discuss plans for the year. Please come with any ideas for helping our students and staff.
7th and 8th Grade Fall Sports Information
Football Game Expectations
Our home football games are wonderful community events. Our first home game is this Friday, August 30th. Here are a few reminders if you and your family plan to attend.
Please be reminded that ticket sales for ALL Coatesville Home Games played at night are ONLINE ONLY and much like 2023-2024 Year - tickets will not be available or sold at the door. Most Ches-Mont League schools are also ONLINE ONLY so if you are planning to attend an away game please check the schools website or our athletics website at http://www.casdschools.org/athletics.
- No backpacks are permitted
- No outside food or drink
- Spectators must remain in the bleachers (unless in line for the restroom/concessions)
- Students in grades K-7 must be accompanied by an adult for admission and throughout the game
- All Spectators are to remain off the playing surface, sidelines, and restricted team and game personnel areas at all times before, during, and after the event.
- Home Spectators should not cross over to the Visiting Side for any reason.
- No Re-Admittance to the event.
Thank you for helping us keep our students and families safe.
Summer Reading
Students entering grade 6 and 7 in the fall will choose a book to read from the lists below. Students should complete a graphic organizer for their book and turn it into their English teacher upon return to school. The organizer will be graded as a homework assignment for the first marking period. The due date is 9/23/24.
Use the links below to access your grade’s reading list and assignment.
GRADE 6/ Summer Reading 2024 Assignment Entering 6th Grade.pdf
English Learners grades 6 / SPANISH Summer Reading Grade 6
GRADE 7/ Summer Reading Assignment 7 Final (1).pdf
English Learners grades 7 / SPANISH Summer Reading Grade 7
Suggested Supply List
As the end of summer approaches and the excitement of returning to school begins, we understand that families want to begin their back-to-school shopping. Below, please find the list of recommended school supplies. Please feel free to provide additional materials that you feel may benefit your child’s learning style. If it is a financial strain on your family, we will assist your child with these supplies.
6th and 7th Grade
• PENS (2 RED) (2 BLUE) (2 BLACK)
• PENCILS (Pack of 12)
• TEXAS INSURMENTS TI-30 CALCULATOR (For use at home. Please see the link to purchase what the students use in school if you would like.) https://www.amazon.com/Texas-Instruments-MultiView-Scientific-Calculator/dp/B000PDFQ6K)
• LANYARD (for school ID)
Back to School Night
Back to School Night
I would like to invite you to Scott Middle School’s annual Back-to-School Night on Thursday, September 12th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. During Back-to-School Night, you will have the valuable opportunity to learn important information about your child's classroom experience and to meet your child's teachers.
Thursday, Sep 12, 2024, 06:00 PM
Scott Middle School, 800 Olive Street, Coatesville, PA, USA
Nurse's Corner
Dear Families,
My name is Ann Keenan, I am the school nurse at Scott Middle School. As your child’s school nurse, I am responsible for the health needs of your child during the school day. Please let me know if there are any health concerns or accommodations needed for your student to access their education. Good communication is the best way to provide a safe and healthy school environment.
The Pennsylvania Health Department requires all 6th grade students to have a physical examination for school attendance. The physical should include a health history, immunizations, scoliosis screening, as well as the annual growth and vision screenings. Also, all 7th grade students require a dental form to be handed in.
Please visit your family doctor to complete your student’ physical, update immunizations and renew medication requests, if needed. All physicals should be submitted by the end of winter break. Any medication required in school must have proper paperwork completed and delivered to school by an adult. Students are not allowed to carry any medication without approval.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Take care.
Ann Keenan RN
Certified School Nurse Email: keenana@casdschools.org
tele#: 610 383-6946 FAX# 1 610-862-3871
Upcoming Dates
August 26- First day of School
August 27- First day of Middle School Fall Athletics Practices
August 30- No School
Home Football Game at CASH at 7:00 pm
September 2- No School
September 5- All students are required to be vaccinated or show proof of future appointment scheduled.
September 12- Back to School Night 6:00 to 8:00 pm
September 17- First PTO meeting in the Scott Library and via Zoom at 5:00 pm
September 18- Early Dismissal for Students/ PM Professional Development for Staff
Contact Information
Website: https://www.casdschools.org/scott
Location: 800 Olive Street, Coatesville, PA, USA
Phone: 610 383 6946
Additional Contact Information
Mrs. Kathryn Lamothe- Principal lamothek@casdschools.org
Mr. Peter Altland- Assistant Principal altlandp@casdschools.org
Mrs. Devyn Hamilton- Guidance Counselor hamiltond@casdschools.org
Ms. Ashley Russum- Principal's Secretary russuma@casdschools.org
Mrs. Sue Shumate- Assistant Principal's Secretary shumates@casdschools.org