The Mustang Minute
May 10, 2024- Issue 31
Thank You Families!
We would like to thank all of our families for your generous donations all week. We truly feel appreciated!
Six of our students went to the Track in Boston to compete in an in-person STEM event with other schools across Massachusetts. There were over 1,000 students in attendance and over 500 Industry Professionals and teachers. The students presented their projects from their Computer Science class with Ms. Serradas to over 10 industry professionals who provided feedback on how their projects could work in the real world and judged them on a variety of standards. Proudly representing the Coakley was:
Maddie the Wolf Leader Peterson and Maren Norton for their Pink Palace, the most adorable children’s bedroom, using switches and pressure sensors to turn on lights, play music and spin a fan. The details are amazing!
Layla Ferguson and Elina Gillbow for their amusement park called Chewy Park. It’s a fun land for dogs and pets of all kinds. Their project had swings that rotated, a ticket booth for redeeming prizes and even fireworks.
Riley Adams and Kirk Mathews used MIT App Inventor to create Break N Bounce which is similar to the Breakout game. They used over 2,000 blocks of code incorporating 3 levels of difficulty into their game. They will be selling their game on the Play Store!
Although our students didn’t officially win, they received lots of recognition for their amazing projects. We are extremely proud of each and every one of them. Congratulations on a job well done!! A special thank you to Mr. Sleeman for his tinkering and 3D printing inventions. We look forward to bringing more students to this showcase next year! Look below for some photos!
May Cash Calendar: Week 2 Winners!
5/6 Swag: Inga Nelson
5/7 $20 GC: Samantha Bradley
5/8 $10 GC: Jennifer Bartucca
5/9 Swag: Chartel Reen
5/10 $100 GC: Helen Gougoulias
Citizens of the Month
Congratulations to the April winners of Dr. Philip O. Coakley Middle School’s Citizen of the Month. Citizens of the Month exemplify the school’s mission statement and are chosen by teachers and staff.
Grade 8: Raymond Cloonan, Seanne Fernandes, Jim Rodriguez, Kirk Mathews
Grade 7: Kaylee Howard, Isla Marenghi, Samantha Lee
Grade 6: Paul Battaglia, Jayka Reid, Aislin Kelly
Yearbooks On Sale!
We're excited to announce that the Coakley Middle School 2024 Yearbook is available for sale! This year's yearbook is a Full Color Soft Cover bound and available for delivery after 6/12/2024. The cost of books this year is $18.00. You can purchase your yearbook anytime before 5/31/2024.
Please consider purchasing and donating an extra yearbook for an 8th grade student who is unable to purchase their own. This donation would be greatly appreciated!
No School and Early Release Days
May 27th - No School Memorial Day
June 19th - No School Juneteenth
June 21st - Early Release: Last Day of School
Grade 8 Events
Washington DC: May 28-31st
Grade 8 Dance: June 7th
Grade 8 Promotion: June 14th
Canobie Lake Park: June 17th
Grade 8 Promotion
This year's Grade 8 Promotion Ceremony will be held on the Little League Filed behind the Coakley. To maximize room for families we will have three ceremonies, one per team. The schedule is below. The awards broadcast will be the evening before on NCM. More details to come!
Gold Team: 9:30AM
Blue Team: 11:00AM
Green Team: 1:15PM
The PTO Needs You!
Coakley PTO
The PTO is a parent/teacher organization that helps fund a variety of activities at CMS from assemblies, to field trips, to classroom projects and more. We would love for everyone to be a part of the PTO!
New Treasurer needed for the 2024-2025 School Year. If interested, please email coakleynorwoodPTO@gmail.com . We would have you start in May of 2024 to work with the current treasurer and transition to the new year.
PTO meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm both virtually and in person. The dates are listed below a link to the meeting online is sent out the day of the meeting.
Next Meeting: May 21st - Note date change!!
June 18th
Dr. Margo Fraczek
Email: mfraczek@norwood.k12.ma.us
Website: https://sites.google.com/norwood.k12.ma.us/cms-principal/home
Phone: 781-762-7880
Facebook: facebook.com/CoakleyMIddleSchoolPTO
Twitter: @mfraczek