The Board Bulletin December 2023
A Monthly Summary of Board Discussion and Action
December 14, 2023
About The Board Bulletin
The Bulletin is published monthly following the voting meeting of the Board. The Bulletin is designed for informational purposes to keep the West York Area School District Community informed of Board happenings and is not intended as an official record of meetings. To view official meeting minutes, please visit BoardDocs and click on the specific meetings of interest. Each meeting's minutes are presented to the Board for approval at the following meeting. For questions or comments about this Bulletin, please contact
Board Meeting Highlights
Tuesday, December 12, 2023, Board Voting Meeting
- The meeting was called to order by President Lynn Kohler.
- President Kohler noted that Directors Myers and Shope wanted to be at this meeting, but they were unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts. He also noted Director Harlacher would be arriving late.
- The minutes from the December 5, 2023, Board Work Session and Reorganization Meeting were approved.
- Holiday musical selections were presented by Legacy (HS) and the 5th-grade Concert Band under the direction of Mr. Robert Titus and Ms. Sarah Foery, respectively.
- The student artists, Miss Sophia Garcia (2nd grade) and Miss Arya Swancer (3rd grade), who designed the 2023 District holiday cards, were recognized by the Board. (images of their cards are below)
- Miss Alyssa Murray, HS Student Council representative, shared updates from the High School.
- Dr. Davies shared updates from the District to include information about weather-related facility closures for outside agencies using District facilities, as follows:
- In the event of severe weather or if there is the potential for severe weather, the School District will be closed to ensure the well-being of all stakeholders and the proper upkeep of District fields and facilities.
- During any forecasted weather event, the outside agency is responsible for verifying the facility's availability with either the Athletic Director or Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds.
- The District will not commit additional resources to clear snow from walkways or parking lots unless there is a District-sponsored activity.
- District employees will not be required to come in for the exclusive purpose of clearing snow or managing weather-related issues when no district activities are scheduled.
- As a rule of thumb - if there is snow, including drifting snow on parking lots and/or sidewalks entering the building, the site will be closed.
- If snow accumulates after the start of the activity, it is the responsibility of the outside agency to cancel the activity and vacate the premises at the earliest available time.
- The outside agency is responsible for communicating all closures to parents, athletes, opposing teams, and officials.
- Renters, as per AR 707, are kindly requested to contact either the Athletic Director or the Director of Buildings and Grounds for further guidance on any facility-related matters during weather-related closures.
- President Kohler recognized Vice President Margetas for his ten years of service to the students and community of West York. Director Margetas has been appointed to the West Manchester Township Board of Supervisors, where he will continue his service to the community.
- Directors Rice, Gettys, and Herman also shared their appreciation for Director Margetas' service.
- There was no public comment from the audience.
- Action was taken on the following items:
- School Director Resignation: Vice President George Margetas
- District Health and Safety Plan
- LIU Board Seat Nomination - Director Todd Gettys
- Act 1 Resolution
- McClure Company Summer 2024 Projects
- Two school-related trips (over 50 miles)
- Turf Track and Court (TTC) Trimmer Improvements Survey
- York County School of Technology Budget
- Personnel Items
- Monthly Financial Statements
- Informational Reports, including the monthly enrollment report and district rentals, were shared.
- Other matters included nominations from sitting Directors of community candidates to fill the vacant seat by Director Margetas.
- Those nominated are:
- Ms. Kelley Courchene
- Mr. Jeffrey Mummert
- Mr. Brian Siatkowski
- Discussion was held regarding an AdHoc Meeting prior to the January Work Session to hear from the candidates about their interest in serving and for current Directors to pose questions to the candidates.
- Also, information about an upcoming Facilities Meeting on Monday, January 8, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. and a Happy Holidays video from the athletic department (linked below) were shared.
- President Kohler adjourned the meeting.
Reorganization and Work Session Highlights
Tuesday, December 5, 2023, Reorganization and Work Session of the Board
- A roll call of holdover members was conducted.
- Director Margetas was elected as temporary president to conduct the first part of the meeting.
- Board Secretary Schlemmer read the official York County election results.
- The following re-elected and newly elected Directors took the oath of office:
- Director Todd Gettys
- Director John Hamme
- Director Jeanne Herman
- Director Lynn Kohler
- Director Brandy Shope
- Board Secretary Schlemmer called roll for the full board.
- The seated Board re-elected Director Kohler to the Office of President.
- The seated Board elected Director Rice to the Office of Vice President.
- The Board established meeting dates and times for 2024, which will be advertised.
- Discussion was held regarding committee assignments. President Kohler will work with Directors to make committee appointments in the coming weeks.
- The Reorganization Meeting of the Board adjourned by President Kohler.
President Kohler announced that an Executive Session was held prior to the meeting to discuss personnel and legal matters.
President Kohler shared that the Reorganization Meeting of the Board was held and noted the new and re-seated Directors and Officer elections (as noted above).
President Kohler called for a moment of reflection for the holiday season and our students and staff.
The minutes from the November 21, 2023 meeting of the Board were approved.
- Discussion items included:
- Act 1 Resolution
- District Health and Safety Plan
- LIU Board Seat Nomination
- McClure Information
- York County School of Technology Budget
- Other matters for discussion included:
- There will be two school-related trips on the voting agenda.
- Bond issuance.
- Vice President George Margetas shared that he has been appointed to the West Manchester Township Board of Supervisors and will be tendering his resignation from the WYASD Board of Directors at the meeting on December 12, 2023.
Personnel Recommendations were shared with the Board.
Committee Reports:
- Note that internal committee minutes are attached to the Work Session agenda in the month following the committee meeting.
- Internal Committees:
- Budget and Finance Committee - There was no meeting. Treasurer Gettys indicated that information would be shared in January.
- Cocurricular Committee - Director Rice shared highlights of the November 21st meeting.
- Educational Programming Committee - The next meeting will be held in January.
- Facilities Committee - There was no meeting.
- Foundation for the WYASD - Director Myers reported that there will be a reorg meeting soon and they are looking at hiring an executive director.
- CEC Committee - Director Shope noted there was no meeting.
- Wellness Committee - There was no meeting.
- External Committees and Boards:
- West Manchester Township Recreation Committee - No report.
- York County School of Technology - Director Harlacher reported that a West York student was included in the attached Student of the Month video.
- York County School of Technology Authority - Director Rice had no report.
- York Adams Academy - Director Herman report that winter graduation will be held on January 24th.
- York/LIU Joint Authority and LIU Board of Directors - Treasurer Gettys reported that the Dawn's Early Light was attached.
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
President Kohler adjourned the meeting.
Upcoming Meetings
Meetings are held in the Administration Boardroom for in-person attendance, via Zoom, and live-streamed on our District YouTube channel.
- January 8, 2024, Facilities Committee - 5:30 p.m.
- January 9, 2024 Educational Programming Committee (EPC) - 5:00 p.m.
- January 9, 2024 Work Session of the Board - 7:00 p.m.
- January 16, 2024 Communication and Engagement Committee (CEC) - 5:30 p.m.
- January 16, 2024 Board Voting Meeting - 6:30 p.m.
- February 13, 2024 Work Session of the Board - 7:00 p.m.
- February 20, 2024 Board Voting Meeting - 6:30 p.m.
Meet the School Board
Click the photos below to meet our WYASD School Directors.
Director Lynn Kohler
December 2015
Committees: All Board Committees, Chair of Facilities
Director Dan Rice
Vice President
December 2021
Committees: Cocurricular (Chair), YCST Authority Board
Director Todd Gettys
December 2007
Committees: Budget & Finance (Chair), Facilities, Lincoln Intermediate Unit (LIU) 12 Board of Directors
York/LIU Joint Authority Representative
Director Hamme
December 2023
Director Shawn Harlacher
December 2021
Committees: Facilities, YCST Joint Operating Committee Board
Director Jeanne Herman
December 2011
Committees: EPC (Chair), Communication and Engagement (CEC), York Adams Academy Board of Directors
Director Wes Myers
December 2021
Committees: Cocurricular, Facilities, Foundation for the WYASD
Director Brandy Shope
December 2019
Committees: Communication and Engagement (CEC)
(Chair) and Cocurricular
The Board Bulletin is designed for informational purposes for the West York Area School District Community and is not intended as an official record of meetings. To view official meeting minutes, you can visit BoardDocs and click on the specific meetings of interest. The Board approves each meeting's minutes at the following meeting. For questions or comments about this Bulletin, please contact