PARSS eNews & Conference Update
February 2025
Dear Superintendents,
Valentine’s Day is approaching, and no one I know will be sending a valentine to him/herself. We reserve heartfelt messages and gestures for the “others” in our lives, but I want to address the notion of taking a moment for ourselves, otherwise known in today’s world as “self-care.”
Love yourself. Reserve time for yourself. Give yourself a break today and each day after.
Folks, I fully understand that stress is a constant companion in your daily work life. Although I served as a superintendent for seven years, it’s a different atmosphere today in your role. I’d like to relate to your professional life, but I believe the demands placed on you from staff, the community, and frequently school boards create pressure-packed work days that lead to burnout and fatigue. The brisk turnover of superintendents each year supports my premise. It’s a tough job, and many opt out after just a few years.
That old airplane analogy stands the test of time. You need to put on your own oxygen mask first before you can help anyone else. Fortify yourselves. Start regular self-care habits. It’s essential while guiding and uplifting others. Perhaps each Sunday you schedule a time during the day that is exclusively for you. Watch the game, tackle the crossword, catch up on reading, bike, hike, grab a bite at a new restaurant.
Once Monday arrives and you’re back in the fray, do what I did. I remember many times walking inside the high school auditorium and sitting for just ten minutes, in complete quiet, to pause and reflect. The stillness penetrated my soul and allowed me to regain energy and focus. Here’s another idea: One of my mentor’s would go for a car ride when he needed a short reprieve from the grind, and one superintendent I knew would schedule meetings with himself, just to benefit from some time alone to take a breath and reassess.
Investing in a little bit of self-love, or self-care, will enable each one of us to serve others with greater patience and renewed energy. I encourage you all to find a self-care moment or a self-care technique that brings you peace.
With gratitude and encouragement,
Edward Albert, Ed.D.
Executive Director
A variety of session topics will be covered by legislative staff, government officials, educational organizations, and legal representatives.
Registration is open! See the information below to complete your registration and make your hotel reservations ASAP. **Accommodations are NOT included in the registration fee.**
We look forward to seeing you in April! If you have any questions about this event, please contact Dr. Ashley Rednak.
Thank you!
NEW This Year!
Wednesday Afternoon Optional Sessions
From Superintendent to Retirement:
Strategic Retirement Planning for Education Leaders!
Wednesday, April 30 @ 3:00pm
Presenters: Chuck Linderman & Kimberly Keel, Kades-Margolis Corporation
Session Overview: This workshop will review the importance of retirement planning and how you can take control now to better prepare for what's to come.
Join us to learn more about the following:
- Act 93 & Executive Contract retirement related strategies – Ways to enhance overall benefits and compensation outside of traditional salary increases.
- Review of options under PSERS
- Social Security benefits and how they factor into your retirement plan
Yoga Flow With Karen Haberberger
A 60-minute yoga flow class designed to energize your body, calm your mind, and leave you feeling balanced and refreshed.
Time: 4:15-5:15pm
Location: Fireside Room @ Wyndham
Don't forget to bring your own yoga mat!
Contact Us
Dr. Joseph Clapper, Asst. Executive Director
Dr. Jon Rednak, Financial Officer
Dr. Ashley Rednak, Conference and Special Projects Coordinator
Dr. Woodrow Sites, Emeritus Historian
Website: www.parss.org
Location: 137 Stone Hedge Ct, Lebanon, PA, USA