Cougar Connections
November 2023
Important Dates
November 1st - 7th Grade Open Gym 5:30 - 7:00
November 2nd & Feb 8th - Get Air Fundraiser
November 4th - Craft Fair
November 5th - Kalahari Night
November 6th - Family Contact Time / No School
November 7th - Professional Developement / No School
November 9th - Whitmer Preview Night
November 14th - Family Forum Meeting 6 pm
November 22nd - Ohio Skate Night 6-8 pm
November 22 to 24th - Thanksgiving Break
Washington Junior High School
offers homework help every Monday through Thursday after school until 3:35
Monday/Wednesday: Math
Tuesday/Thursday: All Subjects
The location will be announced each day.
The late bus is available in front of Whitmer at 4:00 pm
Washington Junior High Quarter One Honor Roll
From the Counselor's Office
Hello Washington Families,
As we are wrapping up the first quarter of 7th grade, I wanted to review some things we are seeing at school. Students are carrying everything in their backpacks and not utilizing their lockers. We have had some backpacks rip at the bottom because they are packed so full. Students must use their locker for their cell phones, smart watches, lunch boxes and coats/jackets. We are encouraging the students to go to their lockers three times a day, before Academic Advisory in the morning, before/after lunch and at the end of the day. This will help with the amount of items they are carrying in their backpacks. If they are not regularly cleaning out the backpack and organizing it, this is also a good time to have them start doing this on a weekly basis.
I am seeing an increase of students being mean to other students for no apparent reason. They are name calling, body shaming or making fun of how they look. This is not okay for any reason. We work endlessly to address issues as they arise but we really need our parents/guardians to also have conversations with their students at home on why this is unacceptable. Please sit down with your student and have conversations about their school day. Opening up that communication allows for them to freely express how they feel. We are here to support all of our students and we want every student to come to school and feel safe and accepted.
I have been a junior high counselor for many years and I am also a mom to two teenagers. Please feel free to reach out to me with questions on navigating conversations with your student or any concerns that may arise.
Thank you,
Molly Toney
School Counselor
Clear Backpacks
Please note: Normal non-transparent lunch boxes are allowed. There has been a lot of confusion about that particular item. Please see the FAQ sheet for details.
Car Rider Line
School Attendance
Start the new year with a Strong Commitment to improving school attendance.
It's never too late to start learning!
Chromebook Monitoring
Washington Local Teachers now have access to a Chromebook management tool called Lightspeed Classroom, which gives teachers the ability to:
See views of student browsing activity and status
View student screens in real time, pull browsing histories, and record device activity
Send quick messages (e.g., “Are you done?” and “Need help?”) and receive replies from students
Lock device screens and send content links
Limit student web access to a website or group of websites for the class period, and release students when they change their status to “done.”
The use of Lightspeed Classroom by teachers is restricted to school hours only
Please remember if students bring a device to school (cell phone, smart watch, air pods, headphones) they are the sole responsibility of the student. Our policy states that should a student bring these devices to school they are to be turned off and stored in their locker during the school day. We are learning more and more about the anxiety produced by devices and social media. Our goal is to support healthy lifelong learners!
Reminders for High School Events
● All students 7-12 students must have a WLS LIVE HIGH5ID on their phones or a 2023/24 school provided ID (available only to students who do NOT have an electronic device) to enter the game or event.
● Children in grades K-8 must be accompanied by an adult into the game (the adult must stay, purchase a ticket and remain in the game for the entire time).
● WLS Students 7-12 can sit in the student section but must have an ID.
● All fans will be wanded by security personnel prior to entry.e game (the adult must stay, purchase a ticket and remain in the game for the entire time).
● Backpacks and large bags are not permitted.
● Outside food & drink are not permitted.
● Once a spectator leaves, there is no re-admittance.
Unaccompanied students loitering inside the stadium will be escorted out of the event. If a student is removed from the game due to breaking rules, they are prohibited from attending any future WLS events.