Lauren's Stella & Dot Newsletter
November 2015 Edition
Happy November!
Concact Info:
Web Site: http://www.stelladot.com/lululauren
Email: mailto:lululauren78@gmail.com
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/lululauren1978/stella-dot/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lululauren78
Instagram: https://instagram.com/lululauren78/
Holiday Look Book: http://www.stelladot.com/shop/en_us/lookbook/holiday-15-look-book?icn=holiday_launch_2015q3&ici=lookbook_us
Black Friday Sales (from the comfort of your own home)
Time to Shop for the Holidays
Need some ideas and inspiration for holiday party accessories or gifts to give others during the holiday season? Check out our Youtube Holiday Video:
Dot Dollars Are Back!
I Know Santa....
November Hostesses
I have quite a few dates available for in-home or online trunk shows.
Don't see a date that works for you? Let me know what your schedule looks like, and I'll see what I can do.
Style Session Info: http://www.stelladot.com/trunkshow
Sat 28th (anytime)
Sun 29th (late afternoon/early evening)
It's ONLINE Holiday Mystery Hostess Trunk Show Time!
My ONLINE Holiday MHTS officially runs from Nov 9th-30th, but you can start placing orders now and they'll arrive to you in 3-5 business days. I'll choose the winner of the hostess rewards on Dec 1st.
Trunk shows must have 4 orders and $300 in sales to qualify. (The ONLINE End-of-Summer MHTS winner won $187 in FREE Stella & Dot with 3 half-offs.)