New Albany High School
Transition to Remote Learning
Dear New Albany High School Students and Families,
The New Albany Plain Local School Board of Education voted Thursday, December 10 to enter a period of remote learning from Monday, December 14, 2020 through Tuesday, December 22, 2020.
During this time, we have asked our staff to streamline the online platforms we use in our building to create consistency for our students while they engage in remote learning. To make remote learning successful and effective, it is the expectation that students follow the Remote Learning Schedule developed by staff. Students should attend all class meeting times just as if they were in the building. Adhering to this daily schedule will help provide consistency and structure for students and families during this period of remote learning. Teachers will also be sharing virtual office hours in the coming days for students who have questions or need extra support outside of their virtual class period. Please note that Fridays are now an opportunity for intervention or enrichment and students may be required by their teachers to meet for small group or one-on-one meetings.
The four platforms students and families should plan to use during the remote learning period are:
NAPLS student email (for Blackboard group communications)
Google Meet
PowerSchool will remain active and up to date for monitoring student progress and grades. To login to the parent portal for PowerSchool please use this link and enter your username and password. Our teachers will also be using Blackboard to send any necessary group communications while we are closed. Blackboard can be used to send emails to an entire class’s NAPLS student and parent email accounts.
Schoology will be our primary learning management system. Schoology will include information on all lessons, activities and assignments for students. Links for Google Meets will also be posted and available for students in Schoology. If you are not already enrolled, please sign up for a Parent Schoology Account. You may also find this Parent Guide to Schoology useful as your student engages in remote learning.
We understand that remote learning can present challenges for families including technological issues. Our district is committed to providing the necessary support needed for students to continue their learning during this closure. A Tech Help and Resource Desk will remain open during normal business hours. You can access the Tech Help and Resource through this link. Additionally, the NAPLS district will have a main phone line open for families to call with questions or concerns. We are asking that all technology inquiries be made to 614.413.8389. This number will be monitored and operated between the hours of 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM, Monday through Friday.
During the period of remote learning, our Student Well-Being Services are still available. If you have specific questions related to your child’s well-being services, please contact their school counselor.
Due to moving to 100% remote learning, Ohio State Tests will be postponed. Additional information regarding our testing schedule will be communicated when determined.
To provide additional resources to all of our students and families, we have created a remote learning webpage that will provide all of the information that you need to make this experience successful. We thank you for your continued support and patience as we work through this unprecedented situation. We will continue to be vigilant and monitor circumstances while working to provide a high-quality education to all students.
Thank you,
Ken Kraemer
Our Purpose
The New Albany-Plain Local School District is committed to creating a culture of accountability that achieves the best academic and developmental outcomes for each student.
New Albany High School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: www.napls.us/hs
Location: 7600 Fodor Road, New Albany, OH, USA
Phone: 614-413-8300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyHS/?ref=bookmarks
Twitter: @napls_hs