UHCC OER Incentive Program
2021-2022 Call for Participation
The University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges continue to be a part of the global Open Educational Resources (OER) movement to reduce textbook and learning material costs for students and to provide quality education. Research shows that students do better when taught with OER.
With the support of the UH Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges, our college chancellors, and vice chancellors for academic affairs, the community colleges have joined together to contribute funding to support a UHCC Open Textbook Incentive Program. This program provides OER training and support for eligible UHCC faculty, lecturers, and APTs who wish to modify or create a textbook, or convert a course to Textbook Cost: $0 (TXT0). OER professional development will be offered in fall and spring and we encourage you to sign up. For those who complete a fall training and are ready to start an OER project, we hope you will also apply for a modification or creation award.
Open Textbook Library Reviewer Training
Attend a one-hour workshop that covers the basics of OER and what you need to know about becoming an open textbook reviewer. We need subject matter experts who would like to review an Open Textbook Library textbook in their field of expertise.
Workshop attendees agreeing to serve as open textbook reviewers will provide a concise review based on the Open Education Network textbook rubric. The review will be posted on the Open Textbook Library website under an open license where it can help other faculty to decide if adopting open educational resources is right for their course. Sample textbook with textbook reviews.
If you are interested in serving as a reviewer, register for this training. Up to 60 seats are available for those who complete this training. A $200 award* will be available to each UHCC attendee submitting a textbook review. The allocated money is available on a first come, first served basis. Completed reviews must be submitted within six weeks of the training to receive the incentive payment.
- Workshop date: October 29, 2021
- Register by October 8, 2021
An additional session is planned in spring 2022 and will be announced in late fall.
* All incentive payments will be processed as overload, subject to participant eligibility.
OER 101
This professional development gives you the basics for understanding what OER are and how to use them as teaching materials. It will give you basic copyright, fair use, and licensing information and open your world to the more than one billion open educational resources online. You will receive the foundation you need to add OER to your class, to adopt and modify OER, or create new OER. This knowledge is essential if you want to move your course to Textbook Cost: $0 (TXT0.)
We all have different learning styles and schedules. You can sign up for a synchronous online workshop series or take an asynchronous, 6-module course in Laulima. Each offering takes about 15-20 hours to complete.
UHCC participants will be compensated $300* for completing the requirements of the workshop series or course and will receive an official UHCC OER 101 certificate or badge. Eighty seats have been set aside for OER 101.
If you plan to apply for the Modification Award (OERMA) or Creation Award (OERCA) (see below), you will need to complete OER 101 by November 30. The OERMA is for modifying a textbook or course and the OERCA is for creating a textbook or course to OER or Textbook Cost: $0.
Do you like attending workshops where you can collaborate with others in real time? We are offering several synchronous Zoom workshops. You will be working with our very own OER experts to get an excellent introduction to modifying and creating OER. Estimated time for work: 15 hours, including three in-person, 90-minute online meetings.
Register for a fall workshop series below. Spring 2022 workshop dates are pending.
- October 8, 15, 22
- Fridays, 9:00-10:30 AM
- Register for the October workshop by September 17, 2021
- November 2, 9, 16
- Tuesdays, 1:00-2:30 PM
- Register for the November workshop by October 12, 2021
Do you like to learn on your own time and schedule? We are offering a Laulima-based asynchronous course with six modules. You can sign up at any time and take as long as you need to complete**. Estimated time for work: 15-20 hours.
You will be compensated $300 for completing the requirements of this course* and will receive an official UHCC OER 101 certificate or badge.
Sign up for the asynchronous Laulima OER course.
* All incentive payments will be processed as overload, subject to participant eligibility.
** if you plan to apply for the Modification (OERMA) or Creation (OERCA) Awards (see below), you will need to complete the Async OER 101 by November 30.
If you are committed to converting an AY 2022-23 course to Textbook Cost: $0 and are ready to modify existing open materials or create your own, we would like to support you in this work. In order for your proposal to be accepted, you will need to show that you have completed OER 101 professional development. This could be prior completion of an introduction to OER training offered through UH, current registration in UHCC OER 101, or prior OER work (requires prior approval from your UHCC OER Grant Program lead). The Open Textbook Library Reviewer Training workshops do not apply.
OER Modification
We are looking for subject matter experts who are committed to using an open textbook and want to either modify the textbook with customized, updated, and/or localized content OR subject matter experts who wish to create ancillary support materials for an existing open textbook or course. Projects can be proposed by a single author or teams of no more than four. Ancillary materials could include:
Test banks of questions based on an existing open textbook
Presentations (PowerPoint, Google Slides, etc) to accompany an open textbook
Multimedia such as audio or video content that could further enhance the open textbook
Instructor and/or student manuals accompanying an open textbook
Assignments and other additional learning activities including open pedagogical practices
The award amounts are as follows:
$500-$1,500* for one UHCC author (amount based on project proposal)
$1,000-$3,000* total for a team (maximum of four UHCC authors)
If approved, a project timeline will be created and agreed upon with checkpoints and deliverables. All checkpoints and deliverables through April 2022 must be submitted no later than May 1, 2022.
The goal of this award is to support you in creating and sharing your open educational materials, making them available for other instructors who are adopting, modifying, and creating materials for their students. Authors are expected to publish their textbooks on an approved public platform, for example UH Pressbooks, LibreTexts, or UH OER Commons, and share ancillaries in the UH OER repository or UH OER Commons. If in Laulima, a copy of the course must be provided to UHCC OER that will serve as a template available for others to copy and use. We will help with training and support.
By May 1, 2022, authors are expected to have, in draft, eight weeks of coursework or eight textbook chapters modified. They should be ready to teach with the final material in fall 2022 or spring 2023, depending on when the course is offered.
Depending on the scope of the project, final course deliverables are due in AY 2022-2023.
Courses must be marked TXT0 for the AY 2022-2023 semesters and summer sessions that it is offered.
The textbook or course must be published on an approved public platform for sharing or, if in Laulima, a copy of the course must be provided to UHCC OER that will serve as a template available for others to copy and use.
Authors must license their textbooks and courses with a Creative Commons license. The textbook must not be for-profit or created with the purpose of selling to a publisher. The OER textbook must be openly licensed and freely shareable according to one of the following licenses: CC BY, CC BY-SA,CC BY-NC,CC BY-NC-SA.
Award payments will be disbursed by the end of Summer 2022.
To apply, fill out this Modification Proposal form. The deadline to apply is September 17, 2021.
OER Creation
We welcome subject matter experts who would like to convert a 2022-2023 course requiring a single (for-cost) textbook to a Textbook-cost: $0 course through the creation or authorship of new, openly-licensed educational resources. Projects can be proposed by a single author or teams of no more than four.
The award amounts are as follows:
Up to $2,000* for one author (amount based on project proposal)
Up to $4,000* total for a team (maximum of four UHCC authors)
If approved, a project timeline will be created and agreed upon with checkpoints and deliverables. All checkpoints and deliverables through April 2022 must be submitted no later than May 1, 2022.
The goal of this award is to support you in creating and sharing your open educational materials, making them available for other instructors who are adopting, modifying, and creating materials for their students. Authors are expected to publish their textbooks on an approved public platform, for example UH Pressbooks, LibreTexts, or UH OER Commons. If in Laulima, a copy of the course must be provided to UHCC OER that will serve as a template available for others to copy and use. We will help with training and support.
By May 1, 2022, authors are expected to have, in draft, eight weeks of coursework or eight textbook chapters and be ready to teach with the final material in fall 2022 or spring 2023, depending on when the course is offered.
Depending on the scope of the project, final course deliverables are due in AY 2022-2023.
Courses must be marked TXT0 for the AY 2022-2023 semesters and summer sessions that it is offered.
The textbook or course must be published on an approved public platform for sharing or, if in Laulima, a copy of the course must be provided to UHCC OER that will serve as a template available for others to copy and use.
Authors must license their textbooks and courses with a Creative Commons license. The textbook must not be for-profit or created with the purpose of selling to a publisher. The OER textbook must be openly licensed and freely shareable according to one of the following licenses: CC BY, CC BY-SA, CC BY-NC, CC BY-NC-SA.
Award payments will be disbursed by the end of Summer 2022.
Who will own the copyright for resources I produce?
As an open educational resource, copyright will remain with the content author(s). However, to be eligible for funding, the new resources must be openly licensed and freely shareable according to one of the following Creative Commons licenses:
Can work be done collaboratively?
Yes, for OER modification or creation projects. There needs to be a project lead, but teams up to 4 people can submit a proposal. At minimum, the project lead must be a subject matter expert that is committed to implement the created resource(s). A staff (APT) member might be eligible for a team if they will play a major role in the development of the resources.
Is this for faculty only or can lecturers and APT apply?
- Lectures and staff (APT) members can apply for the Open Textbook Reviewer Training.
- Lectures can apply individually or as part of a team, but compensation eligibility may not be approved until employment in spring 2021 is verified.
- A staff (APT) member might be eligible for a OER modification or creation project team if they will play a major role in the development of the resources and obtain supervisor approval.
Can I Review any Open Textbook?
No. At this time, we are only providing funding for reviews of open textbooks from the Open Textbook Library. The review will be posted on the Open Textbook Library under an open license, where it can also help other faculty to decide if adopting open educational resources is right for their course.
If you have any questions, please contact your campus UHCC OER Grant Program lead or email uhccoer@hawaii.edu.
Email: uhccoer@hawaii.edu
The University of Hawai‘i does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, color,
national origin, or disability. For inquiries regarding our nondiscrimination policies,please contact your campus designee noted on the UHCC Nondiscrimination Policy.