Family Connections
Week 5: Developing Grit
Did You Know?
We want our children to have GRIT!
Having grit is the quality or personal attribute that can help someone get through life’s tough or unexpected situations. Grit helps us to adapt with the changes life brings, to learn, and grow from them, rather than to stay stagnant or fall backwards. Some other words commonly associated with grit are tenacity, resiliency, and adaptability. The good news is that we are all capable of having grit and grit can be developed!
Grit: the power of passion and perseverance!
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Family Connection Activity
Complete these family activities to help your child build grit.
1. Visualizing Grit through Poetry & Books: “We can certainly learn lessons about perseverance from nature. Just think about the Tupac Shakur poem The Rose That Grew from Concrete. You can read this poem with your child to discuss what represents the “concrete” in her life. What are their obstacles? Next, discuss how your child can “breakthrough concrete” like the rose. What can they do to overcome their obstacles and reach their dreams? Similarly, you can help your child learn about grit by reading relevant books, poems, or short stories. For instance, read stories of perseverance like “The Little Engine That Could” or Chelsea Clinton's "She Persisted Around the World: 13 Women Who Changed History". (Big Life Journal)
2. Resilient Characters: “This video is inspired by Angela Duckworth's book on Grit. Grit can help you increase your ability to persevere -- to keep going, even when the going gets tough.” Watch this video with your young children and discuss one of the examples shown of characters refusing to give up or pursuing their dreams despite all odds. For older children, discuss famous people that have success after failure using this video here. Always preview videos before sharing with children.
3. Welcome boredom and frustration. “Success rarely occurs on the first try. In fact, there’s usually a pretty long road peppered with all sorts of bumps and potholes to navigate along the way. Being confused, frustrated, and sometimes completely bored out of your mind is part of the journey.” (Scholastic) This week, instead of jumping in with a solution when your child hits a roadblock, see if they can come up with a solution on their own. Just watch and listen.PSUSD Staff Spotlight
Omar Tinoco, Principal
"As a middle school principal, I try to instill grit in our students so they can find a passion for the goals they set with us that will carry on to high school and into life. Setting goals is the easy step, but finding the grit to stick with it and achieve those goals is a whole other level!
I am lucky to be the Principal of Desert Springs Middle School where my staff define grit! They persevere change and are passionate about doing what's best for our Scorpions. I am honored to be part of Scorpion Nation!"
Family Connection Partners
The Foundation for Palm Springs Unified
For more information about Developing Grit:
American Psychological Association: Article on Resiliency (Spanish version)