Knights EXCEL
Updates for week of Jan 23rd & looking into week of Jan 30th
What's Happening the remainder of 2nd quarter/1st semester: TAKE NOTE!!
- Teacher Workday January 27th
- Basketball vs AJ Prep at home 1/23
- Basketball @ Penn Griffin 1/26
Afterschool actiivties:
- Chess club: Jan. 26th
- Athletes and Dance club participants check with coaches
- Math 6 and Math 8 Interim Assessment #2: January 26th
- Reminder to Science and Math 1 to get all students completed if absent on test day
- MAP testing for all students January 31st ELA & February 2nd Math-modified schedule
Homeroom/Success block info:
- New Semester encores for students: January 30th DEADLINE for--GOAL SETTING FOR MAP TESTING
- Student Services Team Online presentation January 31st 5:30 pm
Time: Jan 31, 2023 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 754 3992 6948
Passcode: 3cujh5
- GCS Magnet Choice Option Showcase February 1st 5:30-8:00 pm
"Learners need endless feedback more than they need endless teaching" Grant Wiggins (ASCD)
Reflection is a powerful step in moving us forward: Take time to talk with your child
What does that mean? It is clear that the power in learning is in the action of doing the activity. Reflection provides the same power through the action of articulating thoughts. Reflection is the necessary bridge in the learning process that takes place when a student is involved and can articulate their role in learning and thus growing. Partner with your child to take ownership of reflections. Have your child reflect on their thinking, learning, and school work.
Ask your child these questions:
- What were you most proud of in your class(es)?
- Where did you encounter struggles today, and what did you do to deal with it?
- What about your thinking, learning, or work today brought you the most satisfaction?