Community Letter
November 12, 2021
World Kindness Day!
Tomorrow, November 13, is World Kindness Day, a global day that acknowledges the importance of being kind to one another, ourselves, and the world. The purpose is to help everyone understand that kindness is what binds us. Simple acts of kindness create a ripple effect that can inspire us to believe that we CAN make a positive difference in our community and world, one act at a time.
Here are ten free and simple ways to be kind:
1. Call a friend or relative you haven't spoken to in a while.
2. Hold the door for someone.
3. Compliment someone.
4. Send a kind card or note to a friend.
5. Offer to help someone with household chores or errands.
6. Pick up trash you see on the ground and throw it away.
7. Say "thank you."
8. Ask someone about their day and really listen.
9. Let someone get in line in front of you.
10. Volunteer.
We hope you will join us in celebrating World Kindness Day by talking to your family about ways we can all create more kindness in this world. Maybe you can create your own family top ten list!
"Kind words do not cost much, yet they accomplish much." -Blaise Pascal
All our best,
Martha and Mary
Our Veterans Day Assembly on Tuesday, planned by ASB
2nd-12th grade students, including our friends from Decatur, attended the assembly
LISD Superintendent, Ed Murray, was one of our guest speakers.
ASB President, Isara Greacen, speaking about the history of Veterans Day
Please use the far south entrance on Center when dropping students off and picking them up in front of the secondary entrance.
Culinary Students to the Rescue!
Limbo Championship Round at the Middle School Halloween Dance!
From the Art Studio...
High school basketball practice begins on Monday, November 15.
Lopez Island School District
Ed Murray, Superintendent
Martha Martin, Secondary Principal
Mary Fordham, Elementary Principal
The Lopez Island School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Ed Murray – emurray@lopezislandschool.org; Title IX Coordinator, HR Specialist, Renee Koplan – rkoplan@lopezislandschool.org; Section 504, Mary Fordham – mfordham@lopezislandschool.org; OR contact by phone, 360-468-2202, OR mail to 86 School Rd, Lopez Island, WA 98261.
Email: mmartin@lopezislandschool.org
Website: lopezislandschool.org
Location: 86 School Road, Lopez Island, WA, USA
Phone: (360) 468-2202
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lopez-Island-School-District-500747673389618