Shark Bites
Socastee Elementary School News ~November 1, 2024
Important Dates:
Tuesday, November 5th - No school; Election Day
Friday, November 8th - Paradise Flavors Ice Cream during lunch
Monday, November 11th - SES Veterans Day Program @ 10:00am
Friday, November 22nd - Spirit Day! Wear your SES gear or blue!
Monday, November 25th - Friday, November 29th - No school; Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, December 3rd - MAP Reading test (please be on time!)
Wednesday, December 4th - 2nd Quarter Interim reports sent
Thursday, December 5th - MAP Math test (please be on time!)
Monday, December 23rd - Friday, January 3rd - No school; Holiday Break
No School Tuesday, November 5th for Election Day
Congratulations Amy Orr -Teacher of the Year 2024-2025
Congratulations to our beloved Amy Orr on being named the 24-25 Socastee Elementary Teacher of the Year! Mrs. Orr is one of the hardest - working, most organized people in our building. She loves her students, their families and her colleagues and is a huge part of what makes our school so special!
Join us for our Annual Veterans Day Program!
Join us in honoring our veterans and active service members at our Veterans Day Program on Monday, November 11, 2024, at 10:00am. This special event will feature performances by our talented chorus, celebrating the bravery and dedication of those who have served our country. Come together with us in gratitude and remembrance as we pay tribute to our heroes. We look forward to seeing you there!
Paradise Flavors Ice Cream
We are trying something new! This Friday, November 8th, Paradise Flavors will be selling handcrafted, artisanal ice cream and sorbet bars. The cost is only $5 and will be sold during your child's lunch. Our SES PTO will receive a percentage of each bar sold. If you would like your child to purchase an ice cream bar, please send them with $5 cash on Friday, November 8th. We are unable to hold money until that time. Thank you!
Career Conferences-5th grade ONLY
Throughout the month of November, students will have the opportunity to explore careers in the classroom. Students will be learning includes post-secondary options and middle school courses. They will also complete an interest inventory using and explore careers based off of their interests. Please take time to ask your child what careers best fit their interests.
Click here for more information regarding Careers.
Fall Food Drive
SES is collecting non perishable items to donate to the Salvation Army. Join us to help fight hunger in the community. You can help by donating any of the listed items below. There are two big blue bins in the front of the school that you can place your items. Join us to give back hope to our community.
What is PBIS?
You may have heard your child come home talking about PBIS, PBIS celebrations, and doing his/her B.E.S.T. Well, PBIS is our school-wide positive behavior system. PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. Each month, students have the opportunity to earn digital points for doing their B.E.S.T. (Be Kind, Effort, Self-Control, Teamwork). Ask your child...they should be able to show you how we do it at SES!
At the end of the month, students have the opportunity to "go shopping" with their points in our digital store. Prizes range in point values and students can save their points each month to purchase something BIG! Also, students that continually do their B.E.S.T. each month have the opportunity to participate in our PBIS celebrations at the end of each month. No discipline referrals and no missing work equal BIG FUN! This month's celebration will be bouncy houses!
At times, students may struggle with making the B.E.S.T. choice regarding their behavior and our behavior learning specialist Amy Orr works closely with students and teachers to ensure that all our students have the opportunity to experience success. Through our PBIS program, Ms. Orr utilizes strategies such as:
Be consistent and predictable
Teach expected behaviors
Prevent inappropriate behaviors
Improve classroom strategies
Maximize student achievement
We are proud to be a PBIS school and value this program. Please reach out if you have any questions!
Volunteer at SES!
We LOVE to have volunteers come and help in our school! If you are interested in volunteering at SES, you must register and be an approved Horry County School volunteer before you are able to come in to help. You can register here, and once approved, please reach out to Amy Orr, Behavior Intervention Specialist/PBIS Coach, by email at aorr@horrycountyschools.net or call her at the school at 843-650-2606.
Morning and Afternoon Drop-Off
The first month of school has flown by! Now that our students are aware of the routine for morning and afternoon drop off, we must request that parents no longer park in the staff parking lot. Please remain in the car rider line and DO NOT park in the staff parking lot and walk your children up in the morning and afternoon. There are a few parents that have children with special needs and we make this exception for them, however, all other students need to get dropped off in the line. We know that the car line may seem long but it moves quickly and efficiently.
Beginning next week, we will no longer be calling students as "walkers" if you park in the staff parking lot. This is not fair to the parents that are waiting in the line. Thank you for your cooperation!
Students Should be Drinking Water Only
Our entire school is carpeted and we are working very hard to ensure that these carpets remain clean and unstained. Students are only permitted to bring water into school. Outside drinks such as soda, juice, iced coffees, etc. will not be allowed in the building. When filling containers from home, please only put water in them. Thank you!
Nominations for Monthly Awards!
My Horry News is running their 2024-25 campaign for staff. Nominate and vote monthly for your deserving SES staff member. Let our secretary Lisa Sapochak (lsapochak@horrycountyschools.net) know if you make a nomination and she will put out an email encouraging students and staff to vote. Best of luck to everyone!
Administrator of the Month, sponsored by Hard Rock Cafe, is a 9-month campaign where people can go in and nominate their school's principals and assistant principals. The administrator with the most votes by the end of the month wins a plaque, prize from Hard Rock Cafe, and a follow up story in our local papers. Below is the link for the September Administrator of the Month: https://bit.ly/4e6pAwK
Student of the Month, sponsored by Beazer Homes, is a 9-month campaign where people can go in and nominate students in Horry County for Student of the Month. The student with the most votes by the end of the month wins a plaque, prize from Beazer Homes, and a follow up story in our local papers. Below is the link for the September Student of the Month: https://bit.ly/3APGVMa
Teacher of the Month, sponsored by Window World, is a 9-month campaign where people can go in and nominate teachers in Horry County for Teacher of the Month. The teacher with the most votes by the end of the month wins a plaque, prize from Window World, and a follow up story in our local papers. Below is the link for September Teacher of the Month: https://bit.ly/4g3Ruvj
Info about all of the campaigns listed above:
- the campaigns will reset on the 1st of each month so be sure to nominate your favorites every month!
- participants can vote everyday for their favorite!
- vote count is not public knowledge!
- the campaigns run every month, with a new ballot each month, September ’24 through May’25.
- please include what school the person you are nominating is from.
- the links for the campaigns will change each month, but you can find all of our campaigns at www.myhorrynews.com/contests whenever you need them!
Safety Drills
At Socastee Elementary, your child’s safety is our top priority. In order to ensure that all of our staff and students comfortably know what to do during an emergency, we practice a variety of safety drills. Additionally, our school has a safety team that reviews the efficiency of our drills.
Drills that we practice throughout the year include:
Fire Drill- Fire drills are conducted monthly. Students practice evacuating the building quickly and safely. Each classroom has a designated evacuation location. Since we have a two story building, additional safety procedures are created for students or staff who need support going down stairs during a fire drill.
Tornado Drill- When a tornado warning is put in place for our school, students and staff are relocated to the interior of our first floor until the warning is lifted. This is practiced during a statewide drill in March, as well as throughout the year.
Earthquake Drill- The “Great Shakeout” drill is practiced every October. Students and staff practice these three steps: drop, cover, and hold on until the shaking stops.
Secure Drill- Secure is called when there is something potentially dangerous outside of the building. Students and staff are brought into the building and exterior doors remain locked.
Lockdown Drill- A Lockdown is called when there is something potentially dangerous inside of the building. Students and staff are trained to enter or remain in a room that can be locked, and maintain silence.
Reunification Drill- In the event of an emergency that does not allow us to dismiss normally, our staff practices where we would go to keep our students safe and how we would ensure that they were reunified with an approved adult. Please be sure that your child’s emergency contacts are updated in PowerSchool. Students can only be released to guardians and emergency contacts.
Lunch Visitors:
Unfortunately, due to our growing student enrollment, we will be unable to accommodate lunch visitors this year. There will be special events and days throughout the school year for parents to come eat lunch with their children. These days will be announced ahead of time so you have time to make arrangements. We appreciate your understanding.
Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Title I Parent Newsletter
Horry County School provides parent resources that benefit you and your child. Please click the links below for more information and parenting tips.
Parents Make the Difference(Elementary)--English (November)
Parents Make the Difference(Elementary)--Spanish (November)
Parents Make the Difference(Early Childhood)--English( November)
Parents Make the Difference(Early Childhood)--Spanish (November)
School Hours:
Doors open in the morning at 7:00am and students have the option of eating breakfast in the cafeteria or waiting in the gym. At 7:20am, the bell will ring and students will be escorted to their classrooms by their teachers. The final bell, signifying the start of the school day, rings at 7:30am. Students that arrive after 7:30am will be marked tardy and will not be able to eat breakfast.
Dismissal begins at 2:30pm daily for bus riders and car riders. If you must pick your child up before 2:30 dismissal, please do so by 1:45. SES office hours are 7:00am - 4:00pm.
Birthday Treats
We will not be permitting outside treats for student birthdays in the building. Your child's birthday is acknowledged on our school-wide morning news show so the whole school can wish him/her a "happy birthday." Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Socastee Elementary School
Our SES Mission: SES students will become caring, productive citizens and lifelong learners.
Our SES Vision: At SES all children will be loved, valued, challenged and supported so they can reach their full potential.
Email: sschubiger@horrycountyschools.net
Website: https://www.horrycountyschools.net/Socastee_Elementary
Location: 4223 Socastee Boulevard, Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
Phone: 843-650-2606
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hcssocasteeelementaryschool