Mrs. Mulvanerty's Update
August 18, 2024

January 12, 2025
Dear SKS,
Our school is built on the foundation of care, faith, and shared purpose. In times of need, we lift each other up with love and compassion, in moments of challenge we problem-solve and serve, and in moments of progress we come together to celebrate our collective achievements. This week brings opportunities to embody all of these these values through prayer, service and community building.
- First and foremost, I thank you for the outpouring of love and concern for Vicky Gavin this week. Mike Gavin has shared that Vicky will be having neurosurgery on Monday morning. Mr. Gavin thanks everyone for the love and support you have shared and asks for our continued prayers for healing and strength.
- Part of being a strong community means respecting those who live right here in our community. With that said, our neighbors and I met with with Officer Piree from Radnor Township Police who performed a safety audit of our carline with concerning results. It is imperative for all drivers to read the information IN FULL here to not only ensure we are being good neighbors, but to ensure the safety of our students and community. To spread the word, I will also be handing out hard copies in car line to ensure the message is received for babysitters, grandparents, siblings or other drivers who will not receive the message here. Please inform all drivers in your family.
- On January 20, we celebrate Martin Luther King who said, "Anyone can be great, because anyone can serve." In response to this timeless call to compassion for others, SKS will continue its tradition of service by contributing to several important organizations. How can you help? Please read more details below! As a reminder, there will be no school on Monday, January 20.
- Finally, I would like to remind you of our State of the School Meeting coming up this week. This special event is an opportunity for us to celebrate who we are and to discuss our academic program, highlight our team, and share our accomplishments and plans for the future. We will offer two sessions in the parish center: Tuesday, January 14, 6:30PM, or Friday, January 17, at 9am. We hope to see at least one parent from each of our families attend. Your presence matters, and your engagement helps shape the future of our school. If you would like the chance to submit a question to be addressed at this meeting, kindly complete this form. In the meantime, I look forward to seeing you there!
Thank you for your continued partnership in making SKS a wonderful place to learn and grow. Together, we are shaping a community of faith and a bright future for our students.
Jeanne Mulvanerty
*God Bless You
MLK Day of Service
Join us in continuing our service tradition!
On Friday, January 17th, drive through our SKS carline, morning or
afternoon, to pick up a “Bag of Service” for your family! More bags will be available in carline throughout the following week.
The brown bag will contain instructions for five service projects that you could do with your family:
● Make a casserole for Mercy Hospice/Sarnelli House (ask for a pan)
● Fill a backpack for Jenna’s Blessing Bags (we’ll provide the bag)
● Make a toiletry bag for the Kensington Shelter
● Make a protein bag for Saint Patrick’s in Norristown and Catholic Social Services
● Make cards for SKS senior citizen parishioners
You will be able to drop off any of the projects you choose to complete into
bins outside the SKS parish center and school throughout the week of January 25th - January 31st.
On MLK, Monday, January 20 from 10am-12:00pm in the Parish Center will be an in person service day. Anyone in 7th -12th grade is welcome to come and assemble casseroles for Mercy Hospice and Sarnelli House, make sandwiches for St. Patrick’s in Norristown and pack toiletry bags for Visitation Community Center in Kensington.
To read more about the organizations we serve, please click here. Contact Jackie Sevag jsevag@sksschool.org or Steph Twohig stwohig@sksschool.org with any questions.
As always, thank you for your generosity and support!
Catholic Schools Week
January 25-31
We are excited to announce our upcoming celebration of Catholic Schools Week (CSW) from Sunday, January 26th to Friday, January 31st! It’s an opportunity to celebrate our faith, our students, our families, and our dedicated staff. You will see that there is a theme and activity all week. Special thanks to Jackie Sevag, David Heacock, and the Home and School Board for making this week possible!
Catholic Schools Week Events Schedule
Sunday, January 26th: Kickoff!
Join us for the 9:30 AM Mass to kick off Catholic Schools Week! Students who attend in uniform will receive a dress-down pass. The second collection will support our Annual Fund. Mass will be followed by a parish coffee hosted by the Home and School Association, and there will be a special craft for children.
Monday, January 27th: Cherish the Children Day
Theme: SKS goes to the beach in January!
Prayer Service: 8:30-9:10 AM in the gym.
Activity: Minute to Win It games and Kona Ice truck during the lunch periods
Tuesday, January 28th: Explorer Day
Theme: Wear a t-shirt or sweatshirt with any travel destination on it.
Activities: Each 4th-8th grade homeroom will adopt a U.S. city and turn their room into a museum dedicated to that city. K-3 will visit for a scavenger hunt.
Wednesday, January 29th: Hero Day
Theme: Dress as your hero!
Career Day (Grades 4-8): 10:30 AM in the gym.
K-3 Spelling Bee: 8:30-9:30 AM in the gym.
Thursday, January 30th: Buddy Day
Theme: Crazy 8’s! Students can accessorize with eight items
Activity: Buddies gather for board games from 1:00-2:00 PM.
Friday, January 31st: School Spirit Day
Theme: Students may dress down in any SKS swag.
Activity: Faculty/Student Basketball game, dances, games, music, and fun!
We look forward to a week filled with faith, learning, service, and celebration. Thank you for your continued support of SKS and Catholic education!
Career Day
Help prepare our students for the future!
Help us celebrate Catholic Schools Week and prepare students for their future by joining us for our annual career day! If you are interested in sharing your professional expertise, please contact Dheacock@sksschool.org!
Homework Club Returns!
Check the box on homework!
Join Mrs. Orsatti, Mrs. Pena and Mrs. Grimley for Monday Homework Club. Students will not only feel prepared and ready to conquer the week ahead, but they will build confidence and develop positive study habits to help them succeed throughout the school year. Please complete this form to sign up and return to Mrs. Orsatti.
Trivia Night
January 25!
Come join us at the SKS parish center for a fun night of socializing, food, drinks, and, oh yeah, trivia. The fee is $20 per person or $200 for the whole table of 10 spots. If you are short a few people register anyhow, and we will help fill out your roster if need be. Doors open at 6:00 pm with the first question being asked at 7:00 pm. We hope to finish up before 10:30. The rest of the night is yours to enjoy in scenic downtown Wayne, PA.
Click here to purchase Trivia Night tickets!
Food and drink are BYO for this event. Bring cash for 50/50 raffle, answer passes, etPlease contact Eileen McHugh emchugh@its.jnj.com or Dave McHugh davidemchugh@yahoo.com if you have any questions. Looking forward to a great night!
Tosti Basketball Clinic
The Tosti Basketball Clinic on January 20th is now accepting registrations! Click here for the event flyer and sign up information. All students in grades k – 8th are invited to attend.
Speak Up
Save the Date!
SpeakUp! at SKS on February 11, 2025
SpeakUp! is an opportunity for students, parenting adults, and school adults to engage in open and honest conversations on student-selected topics. There is an opportunity for participants to join the Student Leadership Team, click here for the event flyer and sign up information. All students in grades 6th – 8th are invited to attend.
Middle School Electives
Share Your Knowledge!
Students expand their horizons and discover new interests with our exciting Middle School Electives! Each trimester course features four engaging sessions designed to nurture the whole student by exploring career interests, serving our community, supporting academic and social development, or gaining valuable life skills. We are now planning for the third trimester which begins in April. If you have a unique skill or passion you'd like to share and are interested in leading a mini-course, please contact Jeanne Mulvanerty at jeanne@sksschool.org.
Highlights from this week!
Ben Piazza and Paul Evans talk Personal Finance with Middle School Students
For more announcements about SKS activities and clubs, CYO, and parish activities, click here!
A Glance Ahead!
Sunday, January 4 Confirmation Retreat
Monday, January 6 Classes Resume
Thursday, January 9 School picture retakes
Friday, January 10 Electives
Tuesday, January 14 Dress Down Day to benefit Rosemont Care Nursing Home
State of the School Meeting, 6:30 pm, MS Youth Group
Wednesday, January 15 - Monthly School Mass prepared by 7th grade
Thursday, January 16 - Admissions Open House
Friday, January 17 - Kindergarten Parent Teacher Conferences; 2nd session State of the School Meeting 9am
Monday, January 20 - No School
Tuesday January 21 - MS Youth Group
Saturday, January 25 - Trivia Night
Sunday, January 26 - Friday, January 31 Catholic Schools Week