24th January 2024
Dear Parent/Carer
I am writing to outline the process regarding applications to our Ofsted-rated Outstanding Sixth Form for our existing Cardinal Pole Year 11 students. Progression to the Sixth Form is not automatic – students need to apply, receive an offer, and achieve the entry requirements in order to gain a Sixth Form place.
By now your child should have applied to Cardinal Pole Sixth Form using our online application form. If you would like to look at their application these can be accessed using the following link:
The next stage of the process will be for offers to be made. This will be based on your child’s attendance, punctuality, conduct and work ethic so far in the time at Cardinal Pole Catholic School, and particularly during Year 11. Successful applicants will receive conditional offers in early March. These offers will be conditional as students will still need to achieve the entry requirements for the subjects they choose in order to enrol.
Some students will not receive offers if their conduct so far has not met the high standards required to gain admission into Cardinal Pole Sixth Form. If this is the case students and yourselves will be informed in early March. The school will re-assess any such unsuccessful applications at the end of students’ time in Year 11, and it may be that substantial improvements in the final months could lead to a late offer of a place being made.
All Year 11 students, whether they have received an offer or not, will be invited to attend a supportive interview with a member of the Sixth Form or Senior Leadership Team. These will take place on the 19th and 20th March and will help ensure your child makes the most appropriate decisions regarding Post-16 destinations and courses in light of their Mock Exam results.
Finally, on GCSE results day your child will need to enrol in the Sixth Form in order to take up a Sixth Form place. Again, they will also need to achieve the entry requirements in their GCSEs for their chosen courses. More information about this process will be sent to you nearer the time.
Please contact me via school enquiries if you have any questions. I wish your child the best of luck in their upcoming Mock Exams.
Yours faithfully,
Mr T Read
Assistant Headteacher - Sixth Form
Contact Us
Website: https://www.cardinalpole.co.uk/
Location: 205 Morning Ln, London E9 6LG, UK
Phone: 020 8985 5150