Marlow Monday Message
Monday, September 9, 2024
We hope everyone had a great weekend - It sure does feel like Fall is in the air!
Highlights from last week include:
- 5th Graders getting creative in Science class, shaping their frontal lobes and building play-doh brains
- Our Kindergarteners received the 'HCPS Senior Class of 2037' t-shirts on Thursday, marking the year they will be graduating high school, and
- Teachers and Staff we treated on Friday to an Iie cream treat when Norman's Ice Cream Truck drove up. A great way to end the week!
The Marlow Magic is alive and well in the halls of GMES, and it was another stellar week!
There is a lot of 'New' information (and still some important stuff in the 'Old') in this week's Marlow Monday Message, so please take a look:
- September is Attendance Awareness Month
- September School Counselor's Newsletter
- Parents Rights to Know Letter
- Q1 Midterms - Is it time already?
- GMES Spirit Night @ Toasted and Sauced - Monday, September 16th
- Hendersonville Symphony Youth Choir
- Important Dates to remember
- All things 'Marlow PTO'
- Daddy / Daughter Dance
old stuff...:
- Calling ALL Runners!! - Truly Tough XC Classic @ Rugby Middle School
- Standard Response Protocol
- SchoolMessenger and text messages
- Morning Car Rider line reminders
- Be Good Neighbors with Alethia Academy
- Media Center Newsletter
- Chromebook Agreements - ALL students/parents must complete
- Marlow Spirit Link is still 'LIVE!'
- Follow us on Instagram!!
Have a great week!
With Marlow Pride,
John Hart
🏵 🍃🏵 🍃🏵 NEW STUFF!!! 🍃🏵 🍃🏵 🍃🏵
September is....Attendance Awareness Month
Attendance plays such a vital role in a child's success at school and beyond. Research shows that missing 10 percent of the school, or about 18 days in most school districts, negatively affects a student’s academic performance -- That’s just two days a month and that’s known as chronic absence.
So far this year, our weekly student attendance rates are as follows:
Week 1: 97.72%
Week 2: 96.90%
Week 3: 95.97%
Last week: 98.25%. (OUR HIGHEST YET!!!! - Can we go even higher?!?)
Did you know:
Chronic absence is an early warning indicator that a student will fall behind academically and drop out of school.
Research shows that missing 10 percent of the school year for any reason negatively affects a student’s academic performance.
10 percent of the school year is 18 days in most school districts- That’s just two days a month.
The academic impact of missing that much school is the same whether the absences are excused or unexcused.
September's School Counselor Newsletter
Here is Ms. Rachel Malmgren's, our school counselor, September newsletter:
Parents Rights to Know Letter
Please see the links below for the Parents Right to Know letter:
English: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QJsbV4wDCapptHve00xRx_WkQDKtLRVq7f4UdNj2JiY/edit?usp=sharing
Spanish: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jx2eoLvNuP4EKAQNX8YRzq5ajo3X1Ph_IzUMS8lW7JI/edit?usp=sharing
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Hart - jehart@hcpsnc.org
Thank you!
Q1 Midterms - Is it time already?!?
Q1 Midterms will be distributed / made available on Wednesday, September 11th. Please take this time to talk with your child about his or her academic progress, your plans for continued success, upcoming class assignments, and strategies to improve performance as we prepare for your child’s achievement throughout the year.
KI - G2 Parents - Midterms will be sent home in your child's folder
G3 - G5 Parents - Midterms will be made available through the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
If you are having trouble logging into the Parent Portal, please contact our Data Manager, Jo Pittman, here at school for further assistance.
GMES Spirit Night @ Toasted and Sauced -- Monday, Sept. 16th!
Hendersonville Symphony Youth Choir -- G2 - G5 students
G2 - G5 Parents - See the flyer below, if interested
Important Dates to Remember
- Week of Sept 8th - Sept 13th - National Arts in Education Week
- September 11th - Q1 Midterms Distributed / Made Available
- September 15th - Beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month
- September 16th - GMES Spirit Night @ Toasted and Sauced in Mills River
- September 19th - Marlow PTO's Daddy / Daughter Dance - 6pm
- September 20th - WHHS Varsity Football vs. North Henderson 'Elementary Night!'
- September 27th - National Teacher Assistant Day!! (Let's show our TA's some love!!)
- October 2nd - Fall Picture Day
- October 14th / 15th -- No School for Students (OTWD and RWD for Certified Staff)
- October 17th - Q1 Report Cards Made Available through PowerSchool Parent Portal
- October 24th - Marlow's Annual 'Pumpkin Lighting' Festival!
PTO Father Daughter 'Boots and Bling' Dance
Glenn Marlow Elementary is so excited to invite you to this year's Father / Daughter Dance on September 19th from 6:00-8:00 in the gym!
Enter through bus lot entrance. Get your boots on and get ready to dance the night away. Western wear optional but encouraged. Daughter attending must be a Marlow student.
Adult name:
Student name(s):
Form of payment ($15 per adult - $10 per student) :
Payment options: cash, check, or through School Cash Online; https://hcps.schoolcashonline.com/
Dads: Spoil your cowgirls with a fresh flower corsage for the Father Daughter Dance! The Glenn Marlow PTO has partnered with Grey Dog Flowers in Mills River to offer fresh, locally grown flower corsages. Order yours and pick up at the dance on Thursday September 19!
🍃🏵 🍃🏵 🍃🏵 🍃🏵 OLD STUFF....🍃🏵 🍃🏵 🍃🏵 🍃
Calling ALL Runners!! - Truly Tough XC Classic @ Rugby Middle School
September 28th @ 9:00AM
Elementary runners are encouraged to participate and is FREE for all runners in the Elementary Division
Medals will be awarded to all finishers!
Click on the document link below for registration information.
Wear your Marlow gear! Would love to see a huge Buckaroo turnout!
Standard Response Protocol
As stated in the SchoolMessenger that went out last Friday evening, students all last week learned about the five actions within the Standard Response Protocol, in the event there is an emergency or major incident here at school.
The five actions that your child learned were: Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, and Shelter. Students also learned about the appropriate response in the event one of these actions is needed, with the main message being ‘Listen to your teacher.’
More information about these five actions can be found on our district website or on the I Love U Guys Foundation website. https://iloveuguys.org/
If you have any questions after speaking with your child about the updated standard response protocol, please do not hesitate to contact me at 828-654-3225.
SchoolMessenger and text messages
Our school utilizes the SchoolMessenger system to deliver text messages, straight to your mobile phone with important information about events, school closings, safety alerts and more.
You can participate in this free service* just by sending a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our school’s short code number, 67587. You can also opt out of these messages at any time by simply replying to one of our messages with “Stop”.
Click on the link below for more information:
Morning Car Rider line reminders
- We open our doors at 7:30am. Please do not let your child out of the car until a Marlow Staff member has open the front doors.
- If at all possible, please have student get out oft the car on the passenger side, closest to the curb. This is safest for your child, as well as the other cars in line.
- We are always in need of volunteers (both Moms and Dads) to help us with morning car rider line, ensuring that students get out of their car in a safe and timely manner, keeping the line running smoothly. If you are interested in helping out, send me an email at jehart@hcpsnc.org, or, just show up and help out. We have a lot of fun!!
- At the 8:00 bell, we will place a blue sign on the sidewalk. If you are tardy to school (pat 8am), you MUST park and walk you child inside to sign them in. Please do not drop your child off if there is not Marlow Staff member is outside.
Thank you for helping make our mornings safe for all involved!!
AM / PM -- Let's be good neighbors to our friends at Alethia Academy
In both the morning car rider drop-off line, and afternoon pick-up line, please do not block Alethia Academy's driveway, if stopped in the road.
Alethia kindly asks that you allow space from the car in front of you to let them in their parking lot, in the event traffic is stopped on Butler Bridge.
In advance, thank you for helping us be good neighbors to them!
Media Center Family Newsletter
Ms. Dina Waxman, our Media Coordinator, has created a Family Newsletter for students and parents.
Click on the link below to view:
Chromebook Agreements - All students / parents must complete
Please use the digital form below to complete. You will need your child's 10-digit student ID number.
Again, this needs to be completed for every student.
Marlow Spirit Wear link -- NOW LIVE!!
The 2024 Marlow Spirit Wear link is now live!! The link is:
Order your Marlow spirit wear today!!
Follow us Instagram!! @glennmarlowmustangs
Glenn C. Marlow Elementary School
Email: glennmarlowelementary@hcpsnc.org
Website: https://www.hendersoncountypublicschoolsnc.org/mar/
Location: 1985 Butler Bridge Road, Mills River, NC, USA
Phone: 828-654-3225
Twitter: @marlowmustangs