SABE Noticias Familiares
Vol. 3 No. 3 October 2024
Message from the Principal - Mrs. Reyes
Dear SABE families,
Welcome to October! We can't believe it's already October. It seems like we just started the school year. As we continue to grow as a school community, we are revisiting our school goals as we renew our school's charter. Charter renewal happens every 5 years. We will also start celebrating our 10 year anniversary. Thank you for your unwavering support these last 10 years.
This month we are also thrilled to invite you to our ¡SOMOS SABE! Noche de familia on Thursday, October 17th starting at 5:30 p.m . We are hosting our Fall Fiesta. The Fiesta will include games like a bounce house, cake walk, just to name a few. Parents have signed up to be part of Trunk or Treat and we will also have our annual Fall Book Fair.
Thank you for your continued support and participation in our school community. Let’s make this a fantastic month of growth and connection!
Warm regards,
Mrs. Reyes
- October 8: Charter School Renewal Visit
- October 10: Fire Prevention day @ SABE for Kindergaraten through 2nd Grade
- October 11: Student Ambassador Meeting @ 8:00 a.m.
- October 14: Indigenous Peoples' Day - NO SCHOOL
- October 14-18: Fall Book Fair
- October 17: SABE Fall Fiesta (More details to follow)
- October 8: Charter School Renewal Visit
- October 14: Indigenous Peoples Day - NO SCHOOL
- October 14-18: Fall Book Fair
- October 16: TWIN Time (More details to follow)
- October 16: SABE Loteria Day (School Spirit Day)
- October 17: Student Services Meetings (schedule to follow)
- October 17: Fiestas de SABE (More details to follow)
- October 18: Instructional Leadership Time
- October 18: TEAM Time @2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
- October 25: Principal's Award Nominations Due
- October 25: Student Ambassadors Meeting @ 8:00 a.m.
- October 25: TEAM Time @ 2:30-4:30 p.m.
- November 5: Election Day - NO SCHOOL
- November 11: Veteran's Day - NO SCHOOL
- November 21: ¡SOMOS SABE! Noche de familia
- November 25 and 26: Student Led Data Presentations
- November 27-29: Thanksgiving Break
Scholars' Schedule
Monday – Thursday
7:30-7:50 Drop Off
7:30-8:05 Breakfast in the Classroom
7:50 Instructional Day Begins
11:00-1:00 Lunch Block
3:11-3:26 Pick Up
7:30-7:50 Drop Off
7:30-8:15 Breakfast in the Classroom
7:50 Instructional Day Begins
11:00-1:00 Lunch Block
1:50-2:05 Pick Up
At SABE we take the safety of our students and staff very seriously. Lately, we've noticed parents speeding down Fulcrum, cutting other parents off during drop-off and pick-up or speeding in the parking lot. As we can not control traffic in front of the school on Fulcrum, 25 mph speed signs are posted on the street. We also ask that the flow of traffic be respected once you enter the parking lot. There have been some close calls between cars or staff members being almost being hit.
If you have any questions about our safety procedures or would like to discuss any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are committed to creating a safe environment where students can learn and thrive.
Thank you for your cooperation and support.
October - SABE Fall Fiesta
Our teachers are so excited about this month's SABE Fall Fiesta. This year we will be having games, Trunk or Treat and our Fall Book Fair. The Fiesta starts at 5:30 p.m. Students will be able to win prizes for the games they play. Families will be able to buy tickets for the games. Fall Fiesta pre-sale ticket sale will start on October 8th through October 15th. Students will take home an order form and the tickets will be sent home on Friday, October 11th and Tuesday, October 15th. Tickets will also be available to purchase on the day of the Fiesta. We will also have food trucks with yummy treats.
Thank you to the parents that have volunteered to help before, during and after the Fiesta and for supporting our fundraising efforts.
At SABE, we believe in students being active participants in their learning. Students in all grades take part in student led data presentations. This year our data presentations will take place on November 25 & 26. As the dates get closer, teachers will be sharing a sign-up for the student presentations. At this time, parents will also be receiving a copy of the first trimester report card for their child.
Congratulations to 1st, 3rd and 5th grade for having the highest attendance rate (94%) for the month of September! The classes will be receiving a prize. The 3rd grade class also had the most improved attendance rate. They had an increase of 7 percentage points from August. Keep up the good work!
Our school attendance rate for September was 88%. Our goal is reach 90% for the month of October.
At SABE students do not have a supply list. Families pay a supply fee ($100) which covers all the needed supplies for the year. The fee will be paid in two $50 installments (September and January).
Returning families are able to go to www.mymealtime.com to make the first payment. New families will be contacted due to some technical difficulties we are experiencing while trying to add new students to the system.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office at (505) 771-0555.
SABE Spirit and Casual Dress Days
SABE Casual Dress Friday - $1
SABE Casual Dress Friday is a fundraiser for our school. Students can dress casually (school appropriate) by paying $1.
After School Programs
Jiu Jitsu Presentation
On Wednesday, September 25th, Profe Souza will be having student presentation for our SABE students. There will be a free jiu jitsu session for interested students on the same day after school. See the flyer below for more information.
Click on the picture to access a copy of the calendar and school website.
Pick-Up and Drop-Off Zones
Refer to the photos below that show the flow of traffic.
Morning Drop-Off: All students are dropped off in the "Yellow Zone".
Afternoon Pick-Up
- Yellow Zone: Parents of students in Kindergarten - 3rd grade that have no siblings will be picked up in the Yellow Zone. Any students in 3rd grade that have younger siblings, they too will be picked up in the Yellow Zone.
- Blue Zone: Parents of students 4th-8th grade parents will pick up their children in the Blue Zone. If 4th -8th grade students have younger siblings, the younger siblings will be with them ready to be picked up.
Do students wear uniforms at SABE?
Our SABE PTA will also send home information about uniform exchanges.
Show Your SABE School Spirit
Students can also wear their school spirit shirt as part of the uniform. Below is a link to purchase school spirit shirts. This purchase is optional for parents. All purchases are 30% off July 31st - September 3rd.
SABE PTA is excited to welcome you to the new school year!
SABE PTA is a group of parent volunteers who support the needs of our students and school. In order to host fun family events, and provide support to our SABE students and staff, we rely on the participation and generosity of our community members.
The SABE PTA team can always use volunteers to serve in different capacities. If you are interested in volunteering for the PTA please contact our school office at (505) 771-0555.
More information to come!
Other Parent Resources
Before and After School Care Program
SABE provides before and after school care. If you are interested in the care program for your child/ren please submit an application to the school or send it to Mrs. Reyes at careprogram@nmsabe.org.
Program Hours:
- Before School 7:00 - 7:30 a.m.
- After School Program is from 3:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
This year there will be a fee for the program. Fee rates are listed in the After & Before School Program Application. If your family is experiencing financial difficulty and you would like to be considered for a scholarship, please contact Mrs. Rodriguez at jrodriguez@nmsabe.org.
If you need information or have any questions please email our Operations Coordinator, Mrs. Kubler at careprogram@nmsabe.org.
ClassDojo App - School Communication App
Click below for the link.
Bus Transportation
SABE provides bus transportation free of cost. If you are interested in having your child ride the bus, please use the form below and someone from our office will contact you with further information.