Hamilton Happenings
Thank you all for helping celebrate Hamilton being honored as a 2024 National Blue Ribbon School for Exemplary High Performance! In addition to this excitement, we had a blast cheering on our students in the Jog-A-Thon today! Donations are still being accepted until Friday, 10/4.
Unfortunately, our Outdoor Movie Night, scheduled for tomorrow, has been cancelled due to anticipated weather.
On Wednesday we have our first Hawk Nest of the year! Students are encouraged to wear Hamilton spirit wear on this day, like their class shirts. During Hawk Nests, students learn about our core values of responsibility, resiliency, empathy, and integrity in their multiage family units. A parent connection is emailed home after each Hawk Nest.
Important Dates
- Tuesday, 10/1- 1st Grade Field Trip to Westview Orchards
- Wednesday, 10/2- 5th Grade Indigenous Voices Program at Troy Historic Village
- Wednesday, 10/2, 3:10 pm- Hawk Nest #1
- Tuesday, 10/8, 7 pm- PTA Meeting
- Wednesday, 10/9, 3:15 pm: ALICE Drill #1
- Thursday, 10/10- Half Day of School (12:59 dismissal); Parent-Teacher Conferences in the Afternoon and Evening
- Friday, 10/11- Half Day of School (12:59 dismissal); Parent-Teacher Conferences in the Afternoon
- Wednesday, 10/16– Friday 10/18- 5th Grade Camp
- Friday, 10/18, 6:30 pm- PTA Trunk or Treat
- Friday, 10/25- Kindergarten to Westview Orchards
- Wednesday, 10/30, 2:30 pm- Halloween Parade led by Troy High Drumline; Class parties afterwards.
Jog-A-Thon Fun!
ALICE Drill - 10/9
On Wednesday 10/9 we will be discussing one of our emergency drills, an ALICE drill, at approximately 3:15 pm. For this first drill, we will only discuss the ALICE framework in student friendly language. This framework is used in the event that a dangerous threat has entered the school or school grounds. Our message to our students is to “Do what the Hamilton adult says to do” during these situations. Later in the year, we will actually practice the ALICE framework.
Typical Drill Procedure: The office announces the drill. Staff members instruct their classes to either evacuate or lockdown, depending on the situation. After the “all clear” from the office, students return to their classrooms. After the drill, teachers spend time reflecting on the situation with their classes, answering questions appropriately, and reassuring children of their safety.
One of the most important aspects of ALICE training is that there are many “right decisions” in these situations. Staff members are trained to make the best decision with the information they have at the time of the emergency. In conversations with your children, please remind them to “Do what the Hamilton adult says to do” during these situations. While we want to educate our children on these important safety measures, we certainly do not want to create unnecessary worry or concerns. Emergency training is ongoing – our Hamilton staff will continue to learn about the best ways to keep us all safe.
If you have any questions regarding our implementation of A.L.I.C.E. training, please feel free to contact me directly at drecker@troy.k12.mi.us.
Parent-Teacher Conferences - 10/10 and 10/11
Every family is requested to participate in Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences. The purpose of these conferences is to discuss celebrations and goals for your student based on the first part of the year. This is also a great time to prioritize a specific question about how you can support your child's progress at home.
We have two days reserved for these conversations. All appointments are in-person, either on Thursday, October 10th in the afternoon and evening, or on Friday, October 11th in the afternoon. Both days of school are half-days with dismissal at 12:59 pm.
After you click the PTC Fast link, you will register for the conference session you would like to sign up for. Then PTC Fast will send you an email to select your specific time slot with.
Halloween Parade and Class Parties - 10/30
We will have our annual outdoor Halloween Parade led by the Troy High Drumline at 2:30 pm on Wednesday, 10/30. Following the parade, we have classroom parties. Parents are invited to attend the outdoor parade and classroom parties. Before coming inside for the parties, please check in at the main office. If you plan to come to the classroom party, please be ready to lend a helping hand with the fun!
Students should not wear their costumes to school. After lunches they will have time to get dressed so they are ready to go by 2:30 pm, when the Troy High Drumline will lead our outdoor parade.
Noon Aide Needed
We need your help!
Hamilton is in need of one noon aide to support lunch each day. Noon aides supervise students during lunch, help clean tables, and make sure students are safe at recess. These positions are 2 hours a day. You may volunteer or be compensated for your time. The best part, however, is the daily interaction with Hamilton students and staying connected to the school community.
If interested in being a noon aide, please contact Dr. Recker at drecker@troy.k12.mi.us.
MSTEP Parent Reports
MSTEP parent reports were sent out in the mail on Thursday for students who were 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders during the 23-24 school year. Please see the message below from TSD Supervisor of Grants and Assessment, Kara Beal.
Career Readiness Preparation at the Elementary Level
Optional iPad Insurance (Grades 2-5)
Every year, the Troy School District offers families the opportunity to purchase insurance for their iPads to cover any accidental damage or loss of the device. The fee is $25. Please read the information in the attachment below to learn about what the program covers, the deadline to enroll, and how to register for it.
PTA News
Bus Loop Procedures
If you qualify for transportation, we strongly encourage students to ride the bus as it promotes independence and helps with traffic flow. The bus loop is directly in front of the school. For arrival, Hamilton support staff and 5th grade student safeties will be ready to direct your students from the bus loop to the exterior classroom door, which opens at 9:04 am.
For dismissal, your students will exit their exterior classroom door and load their bus beginning at 4:07 pm. Hamilton support staff oversee this process, and 5th grade safeties are trained to lead Kindergarten and 1st grade students to their buses.
Car Loop Procedures
While we strongly encourage using bus transportation if you qualify, you can also drive your student to school. The car loop is adjacent to the school. For arrival, Hamilton support staff will oversee your students walking from the car loop to their exterior classroom door. As early as 9:00 am your student can exit their car door and begin walking to their classroom door, which will open at 9:04 am. Parents should remain in the vehicle at all times.
You will notice that half of the parking lot in front of the school is for parent parking. At both arrival and dismissal, parents who wish to park and walk their students to their classroom may do so. This is a great option for parents with Kindergarteners. Students must be accompanied with their guardian as they walk across the parking lot.
For dismissal, your students will begin walking to the bus loop at 4:07 pm. 5th grade safeties will walk Kindergarten and 1st grade students to this location. Dr. Recker and several staff members will help direct traffic and kids into correct cars. In order to expedite this process, it is a good idea to have your student’s name and teacher’s name posted in the right side of the car window the first few weeks. Please pull all the way ahead and only load in the right lane. Please stay in the car during this process. When parents have multiple students, the older student is encouraged to stand with the younger students.
Biking and Walking Procedures
For arrival, please wait to enter campus until 9:00 am. You may either walk your child to their exterior classroom door or until they are safely on the sidewalk. There is also a bike rack for students to utilize.
For dismissal, please meet your child outside their exterior classroom door at 4:07 pm. When the teacher opens up the door at the end of the day, your child will be released directly to you.
School Address:
5625 Northfield Pkwy
Troy, MI 48098
School Hours:
- Full Days: 9:04 am - 4:07 pm
- Half Days: 9:04 am - 12:59 pm (no lunch service)
Phone Numbers:
- Attendance Line: 248-823-4401
- Main Office: 248-823-4400