Badger Pup Bulletin
2024-2025 School Year
August 25, 2024
News from Principal Tetreault
Dear Mile High families,
Mile High is forming a booster club (like a PTA) for the purpose of supporting student academic, artistic, athletic, and extracurricular pursuits throughout the school. We will foster a strong sense of school spirit, community, and pride through the provision of resources and financial assistance. We will also foster a positive community of support for our teachers and staff alike.
Please click below for more information.
Thank you,
Ashley Tetreault, Principal
Tuesday, August 27th- Volleyball Game: Red Team Home/ White Team away @ Liberty
Tuesday, August 27th- Cross Country Meet @ Heritage Middle School 4pm
Wednesday, August 28th- PUSD Board Candidate Forum
Thursday, August 29th- Volleyball Game: Red Team VS White Team
Friday, August 30th - No School for Students ~ Professional Development for Teachers
Monday, September 2nd - No School Labor Day
Thursday and Friday, September 12 & 13 ~ Parent Teacher Conferences Half Day: Dismissal @ 11:45
Shout Out a Staff Member
If you have a positive interaction or shout out with a staff member you can share it here!
Campus Hours for Students
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 AM - 2:45 PM
Fridays: 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
The Mile High Middle School campus is open for students from 7:30 AM – 3:00 PM. Students may not arrive at school prior to 7:30 AM. Supervision will not be available before or after these specific times, please make arrangements to drop off/pick up your children during school hours for their safety.
Student dropped off between 7:30-7:45 MUST go to the cafeteria. From 7:40-7:55 students can be in the following locations:
- Cafeteria
- Quad
Students eating school breakfast must eat first, prior to going to the quad. Students will have the option to go to their first period class starting at 7:55am when the bell rings. If the temperature or wind chill is below 22 degrees, or if it is raining or snowing, announcements will inform students they may stay inside before school.
7:30am to 7:55am - Breakfast is served in the cafeteria
7:40am - Students NOT eating breakfast may be dropped off and go directly to the Quad or Cafeteria. Please do not drop students off prior to 7:30. (We will not have supervision.)
7:55am - Get ready bell, teachers ready outside doors to greet students. Students can NOW go to their first period rooms.
8:00am - Class begins (Tardy bell)
Transportation Information
Bus Route Information: Click Here
Free lunch information!
Food Service/Free and Reduced Meal Program
Please Apply for Free or Reduced School Meals Today!
While PUSD is not able to provide free school meals for all students, you may qualify for free or reduced meals! We are requesting that ALL PUSD families complete this application because (1) families may not realize they qualify for free and reduced-price school meals, and (2) these applications are used for more than determining eligibility for free/reduced school meals; they also help link families to other benefits and qualify schools for critical educational funding.
This funding goes towards improving students' academic achievement and provides additional resources for addressing the needs of the whole child.
Many before and after school clubs, math and reading intervention, enrichment activities, staff, and supplies are funded based on free/reduced meal percentages.
You can obtain a form from the front office of your child’s school, download and print a hard copy at this link, or apply online at or by scanning the barcode to the right. The online application is encouraged because it is more streamlined and user-friendly.
Our goal is to have 100% of PUSD families participate this year! Help us make that happen by completing your form, today!
Farm To School Newsletter
Dress Code Policy for Mile High Middle School
Prescott Unified School District encourages students to take pride in their attire as it relates to the school setting. A spirit of support and cooperation between parents and school personnel is needed to ensure that students come to school appropriately dressed in attire that does not pose health or safety hazards and is appropriate to the school environment. Students should dress in a manner that takes into consideration the educational environment, safety, health, and welfare of themselves and others.
Allowable Dress & Grooming
Leggings or yoga pants as long as they are not see-through or reveal undergarments.
Ripped or torn jeans but that do not have holes that reveal undergarments, or buttocks.
Baggy pants that cover undergarments and do not fall off when students walk/run.
Shirt straps that are wider than credit cards.
Shirts must have an appropriate length (must cover all skin between shirt and pants/skirts/shorts).
Must cover the torso (both front and back) and have an appropriate neckline and fitted armholes.
Undergarments should not be visible at any time.
Hats and sunglasses may be worn while outside. When entering a building hats will be removed, with the exception of religious headgear.
Shoes or sandals with a hard sole must be worn at all times.
Non- Allowable Dress & Grooming
Clothing with obscene words, slogans, double meanings, sexual content, acts of violence, considered hate speech, or anything that can be interpreted as immodest or indecent.
Any clothing promoting, advertising, or depicting alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.
Tube top or bandeau shirts
Pajamas, Blankets, Slippers, Flannel Pants/Onesies, ect.
Hoods, stocking caps, headgear (crowns, ears, etc), costumes and bandanas are not to be worn during the regular school day.
Articles of clothing or jewelry which may cause damage, maintenance problems, or present any safety concerns or school disruptions (ie chains, spikes, etc).
Students are not allowed to draw or write on themselves or others.
Make-up should be used with restraint. Hair needs to be styled so that the student’s eyes are visible.
Applying perfume, cologne, hairspray, body spray, make up and other personal hygiene items are not allowed in class, restrooms or hallways. P.E. Teachers will monitor proper use in the locker rooms.
Nails that are filed in pointed shapes (coffin nails, stiletto nails). Nail length needs to be appropriate to the school environment and setting.
The school administration reserves the right to employ administrative judgment in disallowing any clothing, accessories, jewelry, and/or other items which could include any trends or fads that are distracting to the educational process, atmosphere, climate, or that pose a safety issue.