LHS Updates and news
November 22, 2024
Here is what is happening in our Building
National Honor Society
Congratulations to the following students that were inducted into the National Honor Society on Thursday evening in the LMHS auditorium. Mrs. Jennifer Miller is the NHS advisor and coordinated a beautiful ceremony to honor this year's inductees.
Grade 12 / Seniors:
Caroline Ayles, Alexsandra Lasorsa, Abigail Miller, Jared Prokowiew, Angel Torres
Grade 11 / Juniors:
Anthony Angelo, Shayna Birungi, Madison Burden, Charlotte Caiozzo , Aiden Call, Paige Daly, Lyla Dellasanta, Elianna Frank, Tatum Furman, Erinn Gerra, Julia Grebinar, Lillian Grebinar, Aliya Holden, Kimberly Inferrera, Brady Kelly, Julianne Maio, Amanda Martin, Katherine Mason, Ayman Mazour, Calissa McKenna, Sage Orni, Anushka Patel, Zackary Porter, Lara Qasim, Alexander Rabinow, Brett Richard, Grady Smith, Brendon Stokes, Leanne Taylor, Iliana Thomas, Madelyn Wilson
LPS Gift Card Drive
The Lunenburg Public School Secretaries are very excited to kick off our 7th Annual Holiday Gift Card Drive. Every year we receive gift card donations from you, our generous community. Thanks to you, we have helped numerous families over the past 6 years. We will be collecting gift cards until December 6th, you can drop them off at any of our schools, send them in by mail or send e-cards to mbowen@lunenburgschools.net.
Some suggested gift cards that would benefit families with all age children could be Walmart, Target, Visa, and Dollar Store. Additionally, grocery gift cards benefit everyone these days. Of course, a gift card to any store of your choice is greatly appreciated.
If you are unable to give this year, spreading the word in town is also essential to help us to reach our goal. We would like to thank you in advance for joining us in this amazing opportunity to help those who may be struggling a bit this year. It truly does take a village!
With Sincerest Gratitude,
Tina Cooney
Mona Bowen-Carpenter
Sandra Sheehy
Madison Rowley
Courtney Fuller
Deb Aro
Laurene Broden
Liz Petersen
Alicia McAllister
Krissy Carbone
Powderpuff Football Game
We had a great time and a great turn out at Tuesdays Powderpuff Football game. The staff and the seniors pulled out a hard fought win respectively,
Recycle Challenge
The Lunenburg Lions Club is participating in the TREX recycling challenge. The challenge is to collect 1,000 lbs. of plastic that would otherwise end up in the landfill. The plastic is recycled into TREX products and the Lions Club will receive a beautiful TREX bench if they can reach their goal.
Plastic that is acceptable is clean, dry grocery bags, bread bags, bubble wrap, plastic shipping envelopes, cereal bags, salt, pallet or wood wrapping, newspaper bags, ice bags and the like.
We can all do our part to help save our environment. Plastic can be dropped off at the donation boxes located at Lunenburg Middle High School lobby. There are other collection boxes located at the food pantry at TC Passions and Ritter.
Blue Knight Apparel Sale
Blue Knight Apparel and Merch Sale
Missed the PTO apparel fundraiser? Looking for those elusive pajama pants? Sick of feeling a cold chill while sitting on the bleachers at events? Need a holiday gift any student would love? Check on the Class of 2027's Apparel and Merch sale. Most items can even be customized! Ship to your house or save shipping fees for school delivery (week of December 16th). Orders need to be placed by Friday, November 22,2024.
Overdue Library Books
Library overdue notices were sent out this week and will be sent out every Tuesday morning. Please return any books you still have checked out as soon as possible because others are waiting to read them. If you are still using a book, please reply to the email so that Mrs. Vallee will know to renew it for you. There is a book return cart right outside the main office or you can return the book to the library circulation desk. Thank you!
LMHS November Menus
November LHS Breakfast and Lunch Menu
2024-2025 yearbooks are on sale now. The special "back to school" sale price is good until 9/27. Click the link to order.
Athletic Fee Waiver Forms
A reminder that the Athletic Fee Waiver Form can be filled out online - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScihrd37c3PhRp5A1xrhFVAe4ggxJgLDExDDqF6xMBKN_VUfg/viewform
LHS Guidance News
From the LHS School Counseling Office:
MWCC Decision Day - Tuesday, December 10th
Admissions Counselors from MWCC will be hosting an On-the-Spot Decision Day on Tuesday, December 10th in the LHS Guidance Office. This event provides an excellent opportunity for any senior looking to apply to MWCC to complete the application process and receive a decision quickly.
Everyone who signs up to participate will be given a time slot to meet one-on-one with a MWCC Admissions Counselor. The counselor will be bringing all necessary packets and applications to complete with students at the time of their meeting. Students will receive an acceptance letter within a week of this event.
All students who are interested in participating should visit Guidance to sign up by Monday, December 2nd. Please reach out with any questions.
College Planning for Seniors
Congratulations to all students who have submitted college applications! Students should update Naviance to indicate their acceptances when they begin to receive decisions from schools.
Students are also invited to visit the Guidance Office to create a college flag to add to our bulletin board of college acceptances.
All seniors who are working on college applications must meet with their counselor at least two weeks before their first deadline. This is necessary to ensure that all components of their application will be ready to submit on time. Students are encouraged to visit the guidance office with any questions throughout their college application process.
AP Exam Registration - Late Registration Fee Has Begun
Lunenburg High School is pleased to announce that AP exam registration is now open. This is a valuable opportunity for students enrolled in AP courses to register for their exams, helping them benefit from a college-level learning experience.
To register, students should visit Total Registration and complete all required fields using the same information they used to join their AP class (email, password, join code). Registration is confirmed when students print their confirmation page. We encourage parents to register together with their students to ensure correct exam orders.
Lunenburg High School offers convenient online payment, so have a credit or debit card ready when registering.
AP Registration Timeline:
November 15, 2024, 12:30 PM - Late registration fee ($40/exam) begins
March 7, 2025 - Last day for a partial refund ($40 cancellation fee)
March 7, 2025, 12:30 PM - Registration ends
For further details, questions, financial assistance, or to register for an exam not listed, please contact Mr. Jonathan Ciullo at jciullo@lunenburgschools.net.
LMHS Athletics
Thursday - Football @ Oakmont 10am
The ski team will have an informational meeting Wednesday 11/20 @ 6pm in the cafeteria. If you are interested in being on the team, you should attend that meeting.
Winter sport registration is open! Here are a few reminders:
Try out dates
All high school winter sports - Monday 12/2 (See Sports You for specific times & schedules)
Middle School boys basketball - W 11/20, & TR 11/21 3-4:30pm
Middle school girls basketball - T 11/19, & TR 11/21 4:30-6pm
Sports You
Please add the Sports You app. The Sports You platform is where student athletes and families will receive all program related information.
Search “sportsyou” in your app store.
Tryout times and all other important information will be relayed on Sports You.
Join code by sport:
Boys basketball ZD9H-74QP
Girls basketball LGCX-WRNX
Boys Ice Hockey 7UZD-ZLPD
Indoor Track 3P5Z-CJDH
Ski - WN58-KB99
Middle school basketball FRU4-G4AQ
If you plan to try out for a winter sport, please make sure that you register prior to the start date. You can do that here: https://lunenburg-ma.finalforms.com/students
If a student is in middle school and looking to try out for a high school sport, they will need to be added manually before you can register. In this case, please email Courtney Fuller at cfuller@lunenburgschools.net
Students CANNOT try out if they do not have an up to date physical in the last 13 months.
Once registered, you will need to pay the user fee. There are two ways to do so:
1.Drop a check off in the box labeled “Athletic Fees” at the main office.
2.Online at https://lunenburg.revtrak.net/
If you qualify for financial aid, please fill out a fee waiver form. You can find it in the Athletics section of the school website, or pick one up in the main office.