Farnham FLASH
September 12, 2024
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Este boletín se puede traducir a casi cualquier idioma haciendo clic en el botón "traducción" en la parte superior derecha de este documento.
13th, Friday - Family Night Out - Panda Express (See Flyer Below)
16th, Monday - Picture Day (See Flyer Below)
18th, Wednesday - Pumpkin Walk Committee Meeting, @ 6:15 pm, Library
19th, Thursday - Board Meeting, @ 7 pm, PDC District Office
A Message from Our Principal
Dear Farnham Families,
I hope you are all doing well. We are so excited to have our littlest Falcons on our campus all day! Our TK and Kindergarten students have had a seamless transition to full-day school. I am delighted to share that when I checked in with our classrooms, the students happily exclaimed, "We are having a blast! We love school!"
Earlier this week, we had a visit from the City of San Jose Rock and Roll program. The safety information shared is crucial for our daily travels to and from Farnham. When you bring your child to Farnham, you have several safe options: park in our neighborhood and use our supervised crosswalks or drive through the loop or the parking lot where our Student Leadership Team will escort your Falcon to their classroom door. Please remember to drive slowly and follow all staff directions. Safety is our top priority, and we value your partnership in this.
Lastly, we have our Farnham Picture Day on Monday. All of the information can be found below.
Here's to a fabulous week ahead where we solve problems, make good decisions, and show respect.
Be well,
Amy O’Hehir
Principal, Farnham Elementary
P.S. Scroll to the bottom to see our Falcons at work
Picture Day - Sept 16th
Picture Day is Coming!
Monday, September 16th
Se acerca el dia de la foto!
Lunes, 16 de septiembre
Clothing Donation
The Health office is in need of gently used clothing. We are looking for boys sweat pants and shorts, in sizes 3T-5T, and girls sweat pants, leggings, and shorts, in sizes 3T-8. We also need NEW boys and girls underpants in sizes 3T-8.
Our Giving Campaign is underway, and we want to thank those that have already generously donated. Help us reach our goal of 50% participation within our community and consider giving anything you can contribute. You can contribute online or by returning your donation with the flyer below.
Our Pumpkin Walk committee is meeting on September 18, at 6:15pm, in the library. Love decorating or baking, want to brainstorm great ideas for a Haunted House, or just participate in our fall event, come out and join us on September 18.
If you are looking for somewhere to eat on Friday, September 13, head over to Panda Express on Meridian Avenue and support our first Family Night Out of the year.
As always, reach out to hscfarnham@gmail.com if you have any questions or want to get involved.
Upcoming Events
9/13 - Family Night Out Fundraiser - Panda Express
9/18 - Pumpkin Walk Planning Meeting at 6:15pm, library
10/8 - October HSC Meeting at 6pm, library
Family Night Out
Sept 13th , Panda Express Meridian Ave Location
Pumpkin Walk Meeting
Sept. 18th, In the Library
Annual Giving Campaign
What Your Donation Funds at Farnham
Spirit Wear
Back to School Spirit Wear Sale - t-shirts, sweatshirts, long sleeve shirts, caps, and more! Purchase on-line using the QR codes. Purchases made through the Farnham HSC website will be delivered to your student’s classroom. Purchases made through the 3rd party vendor, ApparelNow, will be mailed to you. If you have any questions, please email: FarnhamHSCSpiritwear@gmail.com
Lost and Found
Visit our Lost and Found to find your student's jackets, lunchboxes, and water bottles! The Lost and Found is located in front of the cafeteria, so students can check for lost items during the school day. Most mornings, we wheel this to the front of the school for you to check as well.
Please label all items with your child's first and last name! Labeled items will be sent directly to your child's classroom
Allera Sports
Soccer, Flag Football and Volleyball
STEM with Lego
Grades TK-2nd Grade
Lego Robotics
Grades 3rd-5th Grade
Cambrian School District
We Are Hiring!
Price Middle School
Community Wellness Fair
Precio de la escuela secundaria
Feria de bienestar comunitario
Cambrian Educational Foundation (CEF)
Fundacion Educativa Cambrica (CEF)
Dress for Comfort and Safety
Please help make sure our Falcons are dressed in clothing that will help them stay safe and comfortable while playing during recess or participating in our PE classes.
CLOTHING: Pants, shorts, skirts, and dresses should be an appropriate size and fit. T-shirts should cover the torso and midriff. Pajamas are not permitted to be worn at school except on specific spirit days.
SHOES: Should be sturdy and have good tread for the running and jumping our Falcons do during the school day.
Cambrian School District is pleased to offer all students complimentary breakfast and lunch meals. Meals will be available for pickup in the cafeteria during scheduled meal periods. Please consider taking advantage of our FREE school meals by clicking here and signing up. It extends your grocery budget, saves time planning and preparing meals, and is comforting and familiar for kids to have school meals. In addition, every meal served is reimbursed by the USDA and funds go toward Child Nutrition staff wages. Please note that you are not taking food away from someone who needs it more – we have plenty to go around!
Branham Jr. Cheer Clinic
Branham Jr. Cheer Clinic
Cambrian Park Little League
KidFanBase Fall Soccer
TK-5th Grade, September 4- November 23rd
Cambrian Branch Library
Cambrian Branch Library
Sept-Oct Fall Events
Children should STAY HOME if he/she is ill or if any of the following symptoms are present. If your child becomes ill while at school and exhibits any of the following symptoms, your child will need to go home.
- FEVER – any temperature over 100 degrees. Your child must be fever-free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school.
- GREENISH NOSE DISCHARGE AND/OR CHRONIC COUGH – please take your child to your health care provider for treatment
- SORE THROAT – especially with fever, rash or swollen glands in the neck.
- DIARRHEA – 3 or more watery stools in a 24 hour period, especially if the child acts or looks ill.
- VOMITING – any instance of vomit, your child will need to stay home or be sent home. Your child may return once he/she is vomit free for 24 hours
- RASH – especially with fever or itching.
- EAR PAIN OR DISCOMFORT – especially with other symptoms
- BEHAVIOR AND/OR APPEARANCE - pale, lack of appetite, unusually tired, sleepy, confused or irritable
- EYES - thick white or yellow discharge from the eyes, matted eyelids, swelling or redness.
Free Up Voicemail for Your Child's Safety
Please make sure that your voicemail is free and set up. School staff will call parents with important and timely information about their child, most often about injury or illness. Please be sure that we are able to contact you during school hours. If your contact number changes at any time, please make sure to let the school office know.
2024/2025 Bell Schedule
2024/2025 School Calendar
We Love to Read
Walk N Roll Assembly
Filling up our Falcon Nest
Our Library is Open
Student Leaders in the Loop
Student Leaders raising the Flag
Farnham Elementary School
Website: farnham.cambriansd.org
Location: 15711 Woodard Road, San Jose, CA, 95124
Phone: 408-377-3321