Volunteer, Internships & More
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Mount Olive Church
Mt. Olive Church in Poway is looking for volunteers to help with general cleanup on their property.
When? Saturday, January 18, 2025 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am
Where? Mt. Olive Church, 14280 Poway Rd Poway 92064 - Contact is Tammy.
Why? Get volunteer hours!! You would also be helping a church with members who have gotten older and find that they do not have the ability to do all the work necessary to help the grounds looking nice. The church also does not have volunteers to help with the routine landscaping on their campus like they once did.
How long? 2 hours
Sounds great, how do I sign up? sign up here
Please contact Ms. Brown at jbrown@powayusd.com with any questions.
Student Volunteers Needed!
Click here for more student volunteer opportunities!
Volunteering - it's good for you and our community!
Summer Teen Counselor Leadership Program
A local teen leadership program through Outpost Summer Camps in northeast San Diego is currently recruiting for the Junior Counselor program.
Program info can be found here: https://outpostsummercamps.com/programs/junior-counselors/Links to an external site.
Outpost Junior Counselor Program description:
- Free
- For students entering 10th grade through freshman year in college in Fall 2024
- All current 2023-24 high school students are eligible to apply
- Minimum 2-week commitment
- Monday-Friday, 8:30 to 4:00 PM
- Located at Canyonside Community Park (12350 Black Mountain Rd, SD 92129)
- Includes daily training in leadership, professionalism, and communication
- Looks good on college and job applications
- Counts as “Service Leadership Hours” (One session = 86 hours)
- Junior Counselors are eligible to request letters of recommendation
Our program goal is help Junior Counselors grow in their leadership skills as they give back to their community.
Steps to apply:
- Application: https://outpostsummercamps.com/programs/junior-counselors/junior-counselor-application/Links to an external site.
- Group Interview
- Enrollment (if asked to join the program)
- Training
- One (or more) 2-week session of camp: Monday-Friday, 8:30 to 4:00 PM
They always love having Junior Counselors from Poway!
Get Involved at the Library
All San Diego County Library branches are in need of volunteers for their Teen Service Learner Program. Volunteer to be a Teen Service Learner at the library and you'll have fun while earning community service hours and getting real work experience!
Who? Teens between the ages of 12 and 17.
What? Teen Service Learners help organize library materials and participate in fun library events.
When? Hours are flexible and include weekdays and Saturdays.
Where? All County Library locations.
How? Ask a staff member how you can sign up today!
Volunteers perform a variety of duties, including, but not limited to: presenting and assisting with branch events, tutoring adult literacy learners, reading to children, helping students with homework, leading book discussion groups, etc.
Volunteer Coordinator:
Renuka Pottathil
(858) 694-2429
Help care for kittens
- WHEN: 5 hours every third Saturday
- San Diego County
- 225 Vista Village Drive #310A Vista, California 92083
- Volunteer credit is not offered
WEBSITE: https://www.savingonelife.org/
San Diego Humane Society
San Diego Humane Society Abundant youth opportunities for all ages to volunteer at events or download packets of enrichment activities to log and earn hours for school. https://www.sdhumane.org/support-us/volunteer/youth-service.html Contact: Youth Service Opportunities email: edu@sdhumane.org.
San Diego Food Bank
Only children ages 11 and older can volunteer, and all children ages 11 to 15 MUST be accompanied by 1 adult for every 4 children volunteering. They are able to sign off on any hour’s sheets you provide them for school, clubs, etc. https://sandiegofoodbank.org/volunteer/ Contact: Paola Mendoza, Volunteer Scheduling Coordinator 858-863-5121 or pmendoza@sandiegofoodbank.org
Feeding America San Diego
Youth opportunities in the Distribution Center, reclamation, food sorting and labeling, etc. They provide a volunteer service hour’s log which can be used as verification of service hours for school, clubs or churches. Volunteers must be at least age 6 years or older. Children ages 6–16 require supervision by a parent or guardian. Volunteers under the age of 18 must bring in a signed volunteer waiver. If you are volunteering for school hours you will need to sign up for any designated project. Please email the Volunteer Department at least three days in advance of your shift if documentation of your hours will be required. They provide a volunteer service hour log which can be used as verification of service hours for schools, clubs or churches. https://feedingsandiego.org/get-involved/volunteer/individuals-families/ Contact: volunteersd@feedingsandiego.org
The Surfrider Foundation San Diego
All of the beach cleanups are open to the general public and do not require any registration or orientation. They typically run on Saturdays from 9am-11am, see Events Calendar for beach clean-up dates. Just arrive at the blue Surfrider tent to sign our volunteer waiver and grab supplies. If you are under 18 years of age, please bring a parent/guardian or bring a signed waiver with you. At the event they are able to sign off on any hour’s sheets you provide them for school, clubs, etc. https://www.surfrider.org/volunteer Contact: Roberta Reilly, Beach Cleanup Coordinator. Phone: 978-382-1806 email: roberta@surfridersd.org
I Love a Clean San Diego
Community Cleanups: They require a waiver signed by a parent or guardian if you are under 18. Waivers are provided at the cleanups but if you are attending without a parent, you will need to bring one pre-signed by your parent/guardian to the cleanup. The waiver for each of their cleanups can be found on each cleanup’s event page calendar. You can print, have parents/guardian sign, and bring with you to participate. Under 18 do not need parent supervision, but they ask anyone younger than ~12 have a parent or guardian to supervise them. They can sign off hours; they have half-sheets they can provide you, and/or they can sign forms you bring. https://www.ilacsd.org/volunteer/
Father Joe's Village
Father Joe’s Village The minimum age to volunteer is 10 years old. An adult must accompany any minor under the age of 15. While volunteering is a great way to teach children about service, it is important to assess a child’s maturity level and their ability to listen and follow directions before signing up. Weekend availability is limited and scheduling early is recommended since many groups schedule the weekends a year in advance. They welcome middle and high school students to complete any schoolrequired service hours. https://my.neighbor.org/take-action/volunteer/ Contact: volunteer@neighbor.org or call (619) 645-6411
San Diego Children's Discovery Museum
San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum Volunteers must be 15 years of age or older. By contributing your time and expertise you can learn something new, help others, and most of all have fun! We are able to create a special place where children, families, and communities can gather to discover our world through science, art, and world cultures through the direct the efforts of our volunteers. https://www.sdcdm.org/volunteer Contact: (760) 233-7755 ext 1002, volunteer@sdcdm.org
The City of San Diego - Citywide Opportunities
The City of San Diego- Citywide Opportunities Volunteers under 13 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Volunteers under 18 years old must have their parents sign a waiver before they begin volunteering. There are a wide array of short-term and long-term volunteer opportunities. Some opportunities have other specific age, background, and training requirements. They are able to sign off on any hour’s sheets you provide them for school, clubs, etc. https://www.sandiego.gov/volunteer-program Contact: volunteersd@sandiego.gov
San Diego Sheriff Volunteer Program
The San Diego Sheriff's Department depends on many volunteers to provide programs and services to our communities. These volunteers work with deputies and civilian staff to provide public safety.
For more information, please email:
Parks & Recreation
Our award-winning park system features 154 facilities across 56,000 acres of land, including parks, camping parks, sports parks, community and teen centers, open-space preserves, nature centers, and historic sites. Some 380 miles of trails take visitors through multiple climates and habitats - from the coast to the desert and the valleys to the mountains. That is a lot of outside! To maintain, operate, and enjoy these incredible locations, we engage local community members who volunteer their time so everyone can experience “the upside of outside” throughout San Diego County!
Volunteer Coordinator:
Tony Richardson
Live Well San Diego
The Live Well San Diego is seeking a volunteer who is interested in learning more about various areas of administrative responsibilities including: database/spreadsheet design and logic, project management, and contract administration. If you’re up for a challenge, our office offers a different learning opportunity daily, surrounded by good people.
Volunteer Coordinator:
Cyndy Trinh-Keo
(619) 692-8078
UC Cooperative Extension 4-H Program
Become a 4-H volunteer and club leader. Youth can study and learn about science literacy, veterinary science, citizenship, public speaking, photography and foods and nutrition to name just a few. Through hands-on learning and positive youth-adult partnerships youth acquire knowledge and develop life skills that enable them to find and focus their energy into their passions while also giving back to the community. More on volunteering with 4-H Program
Volunteer Coordinator: Lori Renstrom (858) 822-7717 llrenstrom@ucanr.edu
10 Places Kids Can Volunteer in San Diego
45 Volunteer Opportunities in San Diego
Volunteer Opportunities and Ways to Help Others
Be advised that the resources above are not associated with Poway Unified School District and are listed for information purposes only. As such, these sites are not necessarily endorsed by Poway High.
Coaches needed for After School Programs
ASES is open Monday-Friday from 2-5 pm. You must be 16 years old to work as a high school aide in ASES.
There are 2 opportunities for our High School students who want to support the After-School Extended Services programs at our Middle Schools:
1. A position as an ASES Coach assisting with a specific sport or activity (Coaches needed for: Flag Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Wrestling & Cross Country)
2. A position as a roving referee for Flag Football and/or other sports listed above.
Questions? Email April Egaran: aegaran@powayusd.com
San Diego Zoo Safari Park
The San Diego Zoo Safari Park will be hiring 16 to 18 years olds at their upcoming hiring event on Saturday, April 20th on-grounds at the Safari Park for the positions that are attached (Food Service Clerk and Merchandise Sales Clerk).
Waterworks Aquatics Swim School
Waterworks Aquatics Swim school located in Poway and 4S Ranch is hiring Swim Instructors starting at age 16 and lifeguards starting at age 15. No Experience necessary and they will train you. Please contact Christina Garcilaso, Waterworks Aquatics at 949-450-0777.
ESS is hiring!
Poway Unified Elementary Schools are hiring responsible high schoolers who have an interest in working with kids. Must be 15 1/2 and older! It is a great job and flexible during the summer and school year. Pick up an application at just about any ESS site. If you are interested in working at a specific elementary school, consider reaching out to each site directly. Consider making an impact on all the kids you help, as well as gaining valuable work and "people" experience this summer! It could be a huge win-win! For more information, call 858-679-8946.
Employment Opportunity - Paid Student Tutors
Poway Equestrian Center
Love Michaels? We're Hiring!
Round Table - Hiring
Iron Wall Security - Hiring Graduates
Are you looking to immediately start in the work force after graduation? Keep this in mind...
No Guard Card? No problem! We will train you.
Duties include:
-Patrolling client properties
-Standing watch at gatehouses and front desks
-Effectively working with patrons and clients to provide a safe environment during your shift
-Complete daily reports, incident reports, and maintenance reports.
-Integrity: communicate honestly and effectively with both clients and management
-Communication skills: ability to accept coaching and direction
-Presentation: premium presentation in uniform and command presence
-High school diploma or equivalent
-Own transportation to get to and from sites would be a plus (patrol vehicles would be provided)
If interested, submit your resume along with times available to speak to hiring@ironwallsecurity.com.
Food and Nutrition is hiring student workers!
YMCA Careers - Camp, Childcare, Aquatics Jobs
Apprenticeship Program - Associated Builders & Contractors of San Diego (ABCSD)
What is Apprenticeship?
- The apprenticeship program combines work experience with formal classroom instruction, received paid on-the-job training with an employer and attend class two nights a week.
- All classes are affiliated with Chabot College and apprentices receive college credits, their tuition fee is free.
- Apprentices receive regular pay increases as they advanced through the three or four year programs, as well as medical benefits. After successfully completing the program, they enter the work force as a state recognized Journey Level Construction Craftsperson in their chosen field.
Opportunities are currently available for training positions. Requirements to enroll are:
- You must be 18 years or older
- Legally able to work in the United States
- Possess a High School Diploma or G.E.D.,
- Electrical applicants must have completed a course in algebra with a ‘C’ or better.
- You must complete an application and pass the written entrance test, followed by an interview and drug test.
Interested candidates can visit our website at www.abcsd.org and click on the apprenticeship tab for more information and an application. If you have any questions, please contact us at info@abcsd.org.
The San Diego Sheet Metal JATC Apprenticeship Program
All questions and inquiries, https://www.smart206.org/applying-to-the-apprenticeship-program.html and email Lorenzo Miles (LMiles@smjatc.org) or Liz Gaytan (EGaytan@smjatc.org) or call (619) 265-2758.
City of San Diego Internship and Work Readiness Opportunities
Internships - Build skills and engage in work experience that is relative to your career aspirations and interests! View and apply for internship opportunities.
Work Readiness Opportunities - Connect with a career professional in diverse opportunities in various City Departments! View and apply for mentorship opportunities.
Job Shadowing - Gain insight into the public sector as you glimpse into the daily work of a City employee! View and apply for Job Shadow opportunities. Teachers or counselors with 10 or more students to place for a Job Shadow Day, please email workreadiness@sandiego.gov at least one month in advance.
Youth Mental Health Academy Internship
Employ + Empower Internship
The City of San Diego is accepting applications for their Employ + Empower Internship, in which students will earn $15 per hour working for one of the City’s many departments. They have over 30 positions available in economic development, real estate assets, planning, IT, communications, engineering, parks and recreation, and more! See more information below about the program’s eligibility requirements and application process and how you can set up a recruitment event with a City staff member at your school.
Students need to be between the ages of 16 – 30 and currently enrolled in school or a postsecondary training program to apply. Applicants will be asked to provide proof of school enrollment, such as a photo of their school ID.
Impact Internships
Helping High School Students Gain Access to Virtual Science Immersion Experiences. Throughout the year (fall, spring, and summer) this organization is excited to continue their Health Sciences Immersion Program (HSIP), Computer Science Immersion Program (C-SIP), and newly added
ENGINEERING SCIENCE IMMERSION PROGRAM (E-SIP). This is a series of 9 Saturday afternoons and HSIP students will learn more about their academic, research and professional opportunities in the above mentioned fields. Students from Free and Reduced Lunch Backgrounds who are accepted into our programs received full scholarships allowing them to attend free of charge. Other students pay a tuition fee that is significantly lower than comparative programs.
Impact Internships is a 501 c3 non-profit originally founded in November 2016 as Camellia Collaborative. The non-profit is not affiliated with any academic institution.
Chegg Internship Search
Rise Resale Internship
American Cinema Editors ACE Internship
American Cinema Editors is currently accepting applications for their prestigious internship until June 30th and #FilmTVeditor Joaquin Elizondo is hosting a #FREE live webinar and Q&A session this Thursday May 19 at 8pm Pacific that will go over all the details about the application. Registration is FREE:
Interns Needed at Code Ninja
Code Ninja in Poway is looking for two students interested in interning. They would like high school students with experience in coding or IT. They will train the students, and the internships at Code Nina may eventually turn into paid positions. Please see attached job description.
Students should contact Jazmine West directly at 619.322.5409 or by email, jazmin.west@codeninjas.com
Civil Service Internship
Palomar Health Internship
Palomar Health's Pathmaker Level I High School program provides high school-age students with opportunities to explore the diverse career paths in healthcare in our hospital system. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we paused our Level I program since March of 2020.
We are happy to announce that we are reopening our Level I High School program! Visit our website at www.palomarhealth.org/pathmaker for more information regarding our program and the application process and requirements.
Rady's Children's Medical Academy
The RCHSD Medical Academy programs provide learning and growth opportunities for high-school students with an interest in pursuing careers in healthcare. Our programs are taught by healthcare professionals and feature hands-on skills and interactive learning opportunities. We are offering two sessions of our signature 2-week Summer Medical Academy (SMA), three 3-day Weekend Medical Academy Programs, as well as one 3-day Advanced Medical Academy Programs for Medical Academy (MA) Alumni only.
Advanced Medical Academy: “A Surgical Experience with Fresh Start” March 2025- TBD (for MA Alumni only)
Weekend Medical Academy: “From Dreams to Reality-Become a Professional Nurse” April 18-20, 2025
Weekend Medical Academy: “Mental Health Matters in Medicine” May 16-18, 2025
Summer Medical Academy: “Learning, Doing, Sharing” Session 1: June 16-27, 2025; Session 2: July 7-18, 2025
San Diego Fire Cadet Program
SD Fire Cadet Program's next orientation will be in the middle of June. The cadet program is for 16-21 year old men and women interested in joining the fire service. If you would like to join, please visit sdfdcadets.com or send us an email at sdfdcadets@sandiego.gov. For more details, visit the Fire Cadet Program Presentation.
Impact Internships Health Science Immersion Program
Health Science Immersion Program (HSIP) where high school students gain an introduction to the health sciences field. Students will be hearing from a great array of graduate students, research professors and health professionals as they learn more about the academic, research and professional components of the health sciences. They will also have the opportunity to take workshops on various topics like college admissions and work on a group research project. The program is free for all students whose families qualify for the Free and Reduced lunch program. Students can also learn more/apply at (impactinternships.org/hsip).
Virtual Medical Career Panel
Work-Based Learning Resources
Our partners at the community colleges recorded several virtual presentations last year that they would like to share with our students. These work-based learning activities featured employers across all sectors — from health sciences and engineering to blue tech and media. Enjoy!
· Logically and TechiT Services
· Lean Six Sigma Institute and Solar Turbines
· Scripps
Be advised that the resources referenced above are not associated with Poway Unified School District and are listed for information purposes only. As such, these sites are not necessarily endorsed by Poway High.
Poway High Counseling
Email: jbrown@powayusd.com
Website: www.powayusd.com/phs
Location: 15500 Espola Road, Poway, CA, USA
Phone: 858-748-0245