FY 2026 Budget Information
STJSD Proposed Budget for 25-26
Welcome to the St. Johnsbury School District FY 2026 Budget Information Page!
This is a dedicated space to keep our community, families, and stakeholders informed about the development of the St. Johnsbury School District's FY 2026 budget. Transparency is vital to building trust, and we want you to have easy access to the most current and accurate information throughout this process.
In this document you will find up-to-date details on the budget draft, insights into key decisions, and regular updates on any revisions, meetings, and/or important milestones. To further support you, we’ve also created a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page that provides answers to common questions and offers additional context on various budgetary topics. We hope this resource will help clarify any questions you may have.
Additionally, we want to hear from you! We value your feedback and encourage community members and other stakeholders to share thoughts, ask questions, or provide suggestions about the budget draft. To submit feedback and engage directly with us in shaping the final budget, please connect with us using this dedicated online form.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in ensuring that our district is well-resourced to support student success and community priorities. Together, we can make a difference!
Karen E. Conroy
St. Johnsbury School District
1216 Railroad Street, Suite C
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
(802) 745-2791
FY 2026 Budget Development Information
January 13, 2025 - Change in Long Term Weighted Average Daily Membership (LTW ADM) Results in Further Tax Rate Decrease
The State of Vermont provided update information on the St. Johnsbury School District's Long Term Weighted Average Daily Membership (LTW ADM). This increase in student weightings has resulted in a further tax rate decrease for the proposed FY 2026 budget bringing the updated estimated homestead tax rate to $1.76, resulting in a -$0.03 decrease from the current year.
LTW ADM, or long term weighted average daily membership: This is the state’s adjusted count of how many students there are in a school district. This is what is used to calculate per-pupil spending. Homestead tax rates are pegged to how much a district is spending per-pupil, but because some kids are expected to be more expensive to educate, certain students are weighted differently in the state’s formula.
January 6th, 2025- School Board Meeting
At the January 6th school board meeting, the St. Johnsbury School Board approved the proposed FY 2026 budget, which totals $30,217,239, reflecting a 3.19% increase from last year. The proposed budget also results in an anticipated property homestead tax rate decrease of $0.01, bringing the rate down to $1.78. Superintendent Karen Conroy provided a brief presentation on the budget. Answers to frequently asked questions are available on the district's FAQ page, and additional questions can be submitted via the Connect with Us page found on our website at stjsd.org.
December 16th, 2024- School Board Meeting
St. Johnsbury School District Presents FY 2026 Budget Proposal
At the December 16th board meeting, Karen Conroy presented the latest version of the draft FY26 budget (version #3). This budget reflects an increase of $935,486, or 3.19%, over FY25, bringing the total operating budget to $30,217,239. The tax rate impact remains uncertain, as the district is still awaiting the accurate Long-Term Weighted Average Daily Membership (LTW ADM), which is necessary for calculating the tax rate for St. Johnsbury. The board did not vote on the budget during this meeting and has decided to delay further discussion until the LTW ADM data is available and the estimated tax rate is calculated. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 6th at 6 p.m. where the board is expected to vote on the FY 26 budget proposal. No additional finance committee meetings scheduled at this time.
The proposed budget details, copies of the line-by-line budget and a copy of the presentation from December 16th are available at the following links:
December 9th, 2024 - Community Forum
St. Johnsbury School District Presents FY 2026 Budget Proposal
On Monday, December 9th, 2024, the St. Johnsbury School District hosted a Community Forum and shared the proposed budget for FY 2026 with a budget of $30,251,502 which is an increase of 3.34% over the previous fiscal year. During the meeting, Superintendent Karen Conroy provided an overview of the district’s current needs and outlined proposed changes to the school’s staffing model.
Copies of the line-by-line budget, the community forum presentation, and the budget summary are available at the following links:
December 2nd, 2024 - School Board Meeting
The St. Johnsbury School District administration shared the second version of the FY26 budget proposal at the School Board meeting on Monday, December 2, 2024. This proposal was created based on the guidelines set at the Finance Committee meeting on November 21, which asked the district to keep the overall budget increase from the FY25 budget to no more than 3.5%. The new proposal shows a decrease of about $400,000 from the original draft and keeps the increase at 3.5% compared to last year's budget.
Superintendent Karen Conroy presented the new budget plan, which includes a recommended cut of $407,916, reducing the budget from $30,714,684 to $30,306,768.
These cuts will affect several areas, including Outdoor Education, Plant Operations, Early Childhood programs, Regular Education support, and other smaller expenses. Some of the changes include reducing outdoor education field trips, using the Capital Reserve Fund for maintenance projects, cutting one kindergarten classroom due to fewer students, and lowering the number of unfilled paraprofessional positions. These changes were discussed in detail during the meeting.
These slides were presented at the December 2nd, 2024 School Board meeting.
A recording of the meeting can be found here.
A Community Forum is scheduled for Monday, December 9th, 2024 at 6:00PM.
November 21st, 2024- Finance Committee Meeting
The STJSD Finance Committee convened on November 21, 2024, to discuss the preliminary development of the Fiscal Year 2026 (FY2026) budget. During the meeting, Superintendent Karen Conroy presented two primary budget scenarios for consideration: a level-funded budget and a level-service budget.
The level-funded budget proposed maintaining the same funding as the current fiscal year, resulting in a 0% increase. In contrast, the level-service budget suggested a 4.9% increase, amounting to an additional $1.4 million from the FY25 budget. This scenario aimed to ensure that existing programs and services remained intact; however, the board expressed their intent not to support this increase. Instead, they directed the administration to aim for a budget increase of no more than 3.5%.
The school board and Superintendent Karen Conroy encouraged ongoing community involvement and feedback throughout this important process, recognizing that collaboration is vital to creating a budget that balances the needs of students and the community.
These slides were presented at the November 21st, 2024 Finance Committee meeting.
November 5th, 2024 - Budget Update
Finance Committee Meeting - November 4, 2024
FY26 Budget Update
The St. Johnsbury School District Finance Committee met on November 4, 2024, to discuss budget development. Director of Finance, Jacob Wood discussed his preliminary calculations and budget assumptions which include a 12% increase in state health insurance premiums, a figure that will be refined after open enrollment concludes later this month.
A key focus of the budget discussions has been staffing, with Jacob Wood working alongside district administrators to review staffing models and identify priorities for the coming year. Special Education, in particular, will be reviewed to assess last year’s over-budgeting, which may have been caused by challenges in placing students in alternative educational settings due to limited availability. Colleen Morris advocated for the creation of an in-house alternative special education program, although she acknowledged challenges such as space and the need for specialized staff.
Jacob Wood also provided an overview of the PICUS report, commissioned by the Vermont Legislature and produced by the consulting firm Picus Odden & Associates, which analyzes Vermont's current education spending and proposes a model for more efficient spending. The report, however, is not based on current Vermont legislative regulations or requirements, but rather serves as a guide for optimal staffing based on educational best practices.
During the meeting, community input was shared by Carl Johnson, President of the Teachers Union at St. Johnsbury School who recommended adding 5th and 6th grade teaching positions back into the budget and two additional behavior staff members for the lower grades to support behavior student needs.
As part of the budget planning process, the board has scheduled several upcoming meetings to discuss and refine the FY26 budget:
Upcoming Budget Development Meetings:
November 18, 2024 - 6:00 PM: School Board Meeting
November 21, 2024 – 9:30 AM: Finance Committee Meeting (Presentation of FY26 Budget - 1st draft)
December 2, 2024 – 6:00 PM: School Board Meeting (Presentation of FY26 Budget - 1st draft)
December 9, 2024 – 8:00 AM: Finance Committee Meeting
December 9, 2024 – 6:00 PM: Community Budget Forum (Location: School Auditorium)
December 16, 2024 – 6:00 PM: School Board Meeting
The district encourages continued community participation as we work together to finalize the FY26 budget and address the needs of our students and families.
These slides were presented at the November 4th, 2024 School Board meeting.
Voting Information
Save the date: Vote on Tuesday March 4th or anytime before using an absentee ballot!
Absentee ballots can be requested from the Town Clerk's Office. Absentee ballots can be used to vote up until 3:00pm on the Monday before voting. Ballots will be available by February 10th but may be requested anytime. Absentee ballots will need to be requested by phone, email or online through https://mvp.vermont.gov/.
Provide Feedback
Connect With Us!
Feedback is ongoing, please share your thoughts through the following link or QR code. We look forward to hearing from you.
Karen E. Conroy
St. Johnsbury School District
1216 Railroad Street, Suite C
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
(802) 745-2791
The St. Johnsbury School Board can be reached at schooboard@stjsd.org.