STAR Parent Weekly Updates
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Weekly STAR Family Updates
Good afternoon STAR Families! This is Mrs. Traumuller, the Proud Morehead Principal, with the weekly reminders and updates!
I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of the Morehead Community for pulling together to make our Remote Learning Day on Friday a success! We had such a great turn out with every class having more than 50% of their students online and ready to learn from the comforts of home. I saw parents having their STARS in the car and working from their phones while traveling, I saw students working while parents were working, and overall, I saw an extreme dedication to learning from our students, staff, and parents! THANK YOU! Also, thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures of our STAR students enjoying the snow! It was so much fun seeing them be kiddos and enjoy just the joys that snow brings.
This week is planned for a full week of instruction. IF you have a car rider - please use caution in our car line as you go around the back of the cafeteria. Due to the shade from the building, there is a large amount of snow and ice that has formed. We pretreated this area on Friday prior to leaving, but it did not prevent the compacting of snow and ice. We will treat it again on Monday morning, but use caution as you round that corner.
This week we will begin by having our ELA coaches walk to ensure that our staff and students are on target with teaching and learning. On Tuesday through Thursday, our students in 2nd grade will take their CogAT testing. This is a battery of several tests over three days of school. They will need their iPads charged upon coming to school and will need to be on time in order to make the testing sessions.
BEFORE YOU PUT AWAY ALL OF YOUR FAMILY HOLIDAY RECIPIES, consider the PTA's newest family celebration with their "Dining with the STARS Cookbook, A Taste of Morehead". We really want this to be a keepsake of our families and student culture. I am adding mine now - let's get a full book! Please check out the flyer below to get the details. Please take time to visit our Morehead PTA Website for all of the up to date messages and information!
Please let us know your feedback. We have put together a simple form for you as STAR Families to share what we are doing well, what we should consider changing, or just "food for thought". This will be shared weekly as well as be on Class Dojo for your convenience. https://forms.office.com/r/UnDz5WWgQk
That is all that I have for you this week. Thank you again for your partnership and support of our Morehead STAR Community! We will see all of our STAR Family again tomorrow, Monday, January 13th. Have a great evening.
Morehead Elementary 2024 - 2025 STARS ON THE RUN Sponsors!
MOREHEAD ELEMENTARY - An Expressive Arts Magnet
Email: traumul@gcsnc.com
Website: www.gcsnc.com/morehead_elementary
Location: 4630 Tower Road, Greensboro, NC, USA
Phone: 336-294-7370
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Morehead-Elementary/1506333736312196
Twitter: @MoreheadStars