Husky Nation Highlights
Community Newsletter - May 19, 2024

Thank You to our Amazing Student Teachers! 📖
Mr. Cheng
under the supervision of
Ms. Nguyen (Kinder/1st)
Ms. Sanchez
under the supervision of
Ms. Vitug (1st Gr)
Mr. Fernandez
under the supervision of
Mrs. Yoshida (3rd Gr)
We're Partnering with Sycamores 🌳🐶
School-Based Services (SBS)
We're excited to announce that we will be entering into a partnership with Sycamores in the 24-25 school year! Starting this Summer 2024, Sycamores will begin to provide daily, on-site mental health services and case management for eligible students in addition to our existing mental health counseling team.
Attention 8th Grade Parents:
Sycamores coordinates a FREE program for incoming 9th graders at AUSD high schools. These sessions teach students coping skills, stress management, organization, conflict resolution and many more skills they will need in high school. Sign up today! Complete this Google Form link to sign up your promoting 8th grade student today!
Interested in Counseling?
Do you think your child might benefit from counseling? Would you like to get started this summer? Please complete the referral linked below and email to Referral@sycamores.org or call (844) 222-2377. Sycamores may be able to see your child at home or at Monterey Highlands, starting as soon as this summer for free with Medi-Cal. Sign up today!
from our Public Health Ambassador, Mrs. Tom 🏥
How Social Media Can Impact Your Health, Part 1 - 5/21 and 5/23
This training will prepare you to. . .
- Define Social Media First Aid
- Identify the importance of Social Media Harm Reduction
- Recognize how social media affects the "Whole Self"
- List 4 ways to support your community using Social Media First Aid
How to get in contact with us:
Leaving Highlands? 😢
If you are planning to move out of Monterey Highlands School boundaries or out of the Alhambra Unified School District, you must inform the front office @ 626-570-6220. For students leaving AUSD, all textbooks and student Chromebook must be returned to the school office by Fri 5/24/24.
Per Ed Code, if you have recently moved and your address is different from what is reported on PowerSchool, you must inform Monterey Highlands if you wish to keep your child enrolled. We are required to have updated and accurate information for all students. You will need to complete an AUSD Permit Application if you now reside outside Monterey Highlands boundaries or your child may be disenrolled.
Any questions? Please contact our Registrar Mrs. Rodriguez at Rodriguez_Rebecca@ausd.us
🌟 A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Amazing Monterey Highlands Community! 🌟
As the school year draws to a close, the Monterey Highlands Elementary PTA would like to extend our deepest gratitude to every member of our incredible community—parents, volunteers, teachers, staff, and administration. Your unwavering support has made this year truly special.
Without your collective effort, we wouldn't be able to achieve our goals of enriching our students' lives, supporting our teachers, and fostering a strong, supportive community. We are eternally grateful for the time and energy invested by Mr. B and his team in helping us plan, coordinate, and deliver our PTA programs throughout the year.
To our dedicated volunteers, you recorded an astounding 8,331 hours of volunteer time this school year—a remarkable effort that underscores your commitment to our cause. Your time and dedication are vital to our ability to make a meaningful impact. Thank you.
And to our extraordinary teachers and staff, words cannot express our appreciation for your tireless efforts in educating and shaping the minds of the next generation. Your role is crucial, and we are deeply grateful for everything you do.
Together, we have made a difference. Here's to many more years of collaboration and success. Thank you, Husky Nation!
PTA presents Husky Appreciation Day - 5/20 🍧
Classes will come out to the Lower Blacktop to enjoy their tasty treat and chill in the shade of the solar arrays! 😎
Congratulations to our PTA Scholarship Winners!! 💰
Mr. Calvin Ly, Adviser
The Associated Student Body (ASB) oversees all fundraising and school activities at Monterey Highlands. The ASB Cabinet meets weekly on Fridays to review activity and fundraising requests.
Useful ASB Information:
- ASB fundraising for the 23-24 school year is closed
- ASB-Approved Clubs
- Chekc out the latest Wonderful Wednesday video from ASB! May's theme is Being Determined featuring 5th Grade students!
6th Grade Science Camp Fundraiser - 7/25/24 🧋
Come out for a cool summer treat and catch up with Husky Nation! We'll be at Twinkle Tea at 406 E. Valley Blvd, Alhambra, CA 91803 on Thursday, July 25, 2024 from 11am-8pm. Present a flyer or mention "Monterey Highlands"! Help 6th Grade get to Science Camp in 2025!
Campus Events 🐝
Career Day - 5/14/24
Career Day - 5/14/24
presented by PTA
Career Day - 5/14/24
Volunteer Breakfast - 5/15/24
Volunteer Breakfast - 5/15/24
Thank you volunteers for all you do!
Volunteer Breakfast - 5/15/24
BMX Assembly - 5/15/24
BMX Assembly - 5/15/24
presented by PTA
BMX Assembly - 5/15/24
Ms. Mailin Chan, PBIS Coach
- Blue Husky Bucks will be retired each year to encourage students to spend their bucks.
- Students have until the end of 24-25 Trimester 1 to use their blue Husky Bucks
- Moving forward, Husky Bucks should be spent in the school year they are earned
- Click to read the PBIS Update for May/Summer 2024
Apollo Afterschool Newsletter 📰
Welcome to our new Site Director, Chrystina Balderas!
Apollo Afterschool has been up to some great things. Registration is open for Trimester 3!
The program will be publishing a newsletter every two weeks to keep the community updated. Click here to view the PDF version or click the images below.
Newsletter - page 1
Newsletter - page 2
Upcoming Dates 📆
Don't forget - College Wear Wednesdays and Fun Fridays (Husky Spirit Wear) continue!
- 5/20 - Husky Appreciation Day (featuring Nomad Ice Pops)
- 5/21 - 8th Grade Picnic (all day), Middle School Quad
- 5/23 - 8th Grade Promotion at 8:30am, Grassy Field
- 5/23 - 8th Grade Dinner Dance, 4-8pm, Courtyard Marriott
- 5/27 - Memorial Day - SCHOOL OFFICE CLOSED
- 5/28 and 5/29 - Anticipated closure of Casuda Canyon to install Electronic Marquee
- 6/1 - 4th Annual San Gabriel Valley Pride Parade (MKHS -> Barnes Park) @ 9:30am
- 6/3 - Final LCAP Meeting from 6:45-8pm (Zoom Link)
- 8/2 - New Student Orientation (TK-8th), 8am-Noon
Monterey Highlands School
📥 Email: highlands@ausd.us
🌐 Website: www.montereyhighlandselementary.org
📍 Location: 400 Casuda Canyon Drive, Monterey Park, CA, USA
📲 Phone: (626) 570-6220