Chancey News
April 28, 2024
Principal's Message
Chancey Cardinal Families,
Our 2nd Annual World Fest was full of good food, learning about different cultures, and lively entertainment. Thanks to all of the families that made it to Chancey on Thursday, I hope you enjoyed yourself! If you have any ideas on how we can improve, please use this link to complete a short survey
2024-2025 Virtual Community Meeting
JCPS will host a virtual community information session Tuesday, April 30th from 6:00-7:00 pm on proposed school start time adjustments for the 2024-2025 school year as well as a chance for questions and answers. You can watch the session live on the JCPS You Tube page
Its Derby Week
Chancey has a long-standing tradition of celebrating Derby with our very own parade. Our kindergarteners make a float, and our first graders dress up like millionaires. Our Derby parade occurs on Thursday, May 2nd, at 1:00 p.m.
Kentucky Summative Assessment
Our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders take the KSA beginning May 6th. You can find your child's schedule below.
Teacher and Staff Appreciation
Teacher and staff appreciation are May 6th-May 10th. If you want to celebrate the teachers and staff at Chancey, find out how you can help using this link.
Mark Your Calendars...Important Dates Below!
April 29th: Orchestra Concert at Stopher Elementary 6:30pm
April 30th: Dental Clinic
May 2nd: Kindergarten and First Grade Derby Parade 1:00pm
May 3rd: No School-Oaks Day
May 6th-10th: KSA Testing for Third, Fourth, & Fifth Grades (see schedule below)
May 6th-10th: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 9th: Skate Party 6:00pm-8:00pm
May 10th: Nurse Appreciation Day
May 14th: Speaker Series (ADHD) 6-7:30pm
May 16th: SBDM
May 17th: Birthday Books
May 20th: Field Day
May 21st: No School-Election Day
May 22nd: Kindergarten Promotion
May 24th: Fifth Grade Promotion 8:30am
May 24th: Last day of School
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
It's not too late to donate. We want to make this week special for all our teachers and staff because they go above and beyond each day to teach and support our Chancey Cardinals!
From the FRC
Hello Families!
If you were able to attend our World Fest celebration, please complete this survey. We would love to have your input so that we can make sure that we are providing activities that are beneficial to your family.
Please join us on May 14 for our second Speaker Series, "Attention Deficit Disorder: Trends, Tactics and Treatment. Our School Psychologist, Melissa Pascua, will be presenting. Student will be participating in outdoor activities. Dinner will be provided. This one will be held at Norton Commons Elementary. Register here.
Are you worried about the amount of time your student spends staring at their devices? Operation Parent is hosting a webinar of screen addiction. See the flier below and register here.
The Kentucky Kinship Resource Center is hosting a webinar where they will discuss behaviors associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders in children. Parents will learn practical tips and strategies. Click this link to register.
- See the flier from LIHEAP to see if you are eligible for help with LG&E costs
- For summer camp ideas, see this link.
- For an educational theatre experiences for ages 5-16, held on the campus of Bellarmine University, check out this link: https://dramabygeorge.com/summercamps.
Have a great week!
Christy Case, FRC
Chancey Elementary's Worldfest 2024
Thank you Chancey students, families, staff, and community partners for participating in our annual Worldfest event. It was a HUGE success.
Kentucky Summative Assessment Information
Knowledge is our SUPER POWER!
Below are a few important details about the upcoming KSA test. Be on the lookout for more helpful information this week.
Shout-Out to our MARCH Super Cardinals!
Use the link below to join our PTA. It is only $5, and we all can agree they do an amazing job supporting us. They also have some great things planned for our Chancey Families! Let’s have 100% membership! You are also able to order spirit wear on this link!
The classroom in each grade with the highest membership rates will win a popcorn party.
Stay Connected to Chancey Elementary!
Email: tioka.ivory@jefferson.kyschools.us
Website: https://sites.google.com/jefferson.kyschools.us/chancey-elementary-school/home
Phone: (502) 485-8387
Facebook: facebook.com/ChanceyElem
Twitter: @ChanceyChat