What's Happening??!!
~ Hawley Elementary School Newsletter: August 28, 2023 ~
From the Desk of Mr. Moretti.....
Dear Hawley Parents/Guardians, Teachers, and Staff,
I hope that you all had an Amazing Summer. Not only can't I believe we are finally back at Hawley, I can't believe School is Starting!
I sent out the Back to School Newsletter which contained a lot of Important Information. I hope that you read it and saved pertinent information. If you did not receive it, please reach out.
Buckle up, stay seated, and keep your hands and feet in the car at all times, as you read on to find out What's Happening at Hawley .....
~ Tomorrow ~
TOMORROW, there are 2 Pre-School Year Festivities: the Kindergarten Bus Run & the Student Walk Through.
The Bus Run information went out to K Parents in the mail as well as an email. It runs from 8:00-9:30. Students ride the bus to school and parents pick up at 9:30. Thank you to our Volunteers that allow us to offer this event. You may visit the classroom afterwards.
The Walk Through is 9:30-10:30. You can visit your child's class and tour the school. There are no presentations, it is just a visit. You can come when you want and leave when finished. Not all arriving at 9:30 is actually helpful (NO Line ;0) Students MUST be accompanied by adults.
Please park at Caraluzzis for these events and walk over. Teachers have a PD Session and Staff Lunch to follow at 10:45, so please keep that in mind when planning your visit.
Drop Off / Pick-Up
Masking sure students are in the right place and supervised is of utmost importance to us. You communicating with us regarding how students are coming and going is vital. Our assumption is that students are riding the bus unless we hear from you.
Being picked up requires a note. It can be one note if a pick-up is regular (everyday, every Tuesday, etc). When plans change, letting our OFFICE know as early as possible is most appreciated.
Dropping off students late or picking them up early regularly is detrimental to your child's education as we begin instruction at 9:05 and activities and lessons conclude at 3:30. Our day is full.
Our Drop Off & Pick-Up Procedures are VERY Specific. I have sent them home in various forms. Click HERE to view (please print & save). It does take a few days for everyone to figure it out so your patience is appreciated.
~ PowerSchool ~
- Parent address, email & phone number
- Emergency Contact Information
- Photo Use Permission
- Email Language Preference
The ParentPortal (in PowerSchool) is also how you access your child's Progress Reports 3 times a year.
If you have had any difficulties, please reach out to our main office.
~ Summer BINGO ~
Summer was the perfect time to enjoy Reading!
Our Summer BINGO, allowed students to keep their reading skills sharp and win some great prizes upon return to school (including breakfast with me ;0).
Students can return their completed activities that they logged on the BINGO Card the first few days back.
~ Counselors' Newsletter ~
~ School Lunch ~
Click HERE for a Chartwells Newsletter explaining all about School Lunches. You can also access applications for Free/Reduced Lunch on our website: Hawley Page, Parents Tab (on top of screen in blue), Nutrition and Menus tab)
Important Reminders / General Info
- Update PowerSchool with your most current information
- Buses will be Early and/or Late the first few days as routes are ironed out. Please be at Bus Stops accordingly.
- Join our Amazing PTA (forms to come home)
Dates to Remember
- Tues, 8/29: K Bus Run, 8:30-9:30 & Student Walk Through, 9:30-10:30
- Wed, 8/30: 1st Day of School
- Mon, 9/4: NO SCHOOL, Labor Day
- Tues, 9/12: Open House, Grades K-2, 6:00-7:00
- Wed, 9/13: Open House, Grades 3-4, 6:00-7:00
- Mon, 9/25: NO SCHOOL, Yom Kippur
- Wed, 9/27: 3-Hr Early Release Day (12:37): Professional Development
- Wed, 9/27: Ice Cream Social (please consider attending)
Out of the Mouths of Babes.....
Student walks up to Mr. M at Popsicles on the Playground for New Kindergarteners.
" Who are you? " asks a young boy
" I'm Mr. Moretti, the Principal. " Mr. M replied
" Do I know you? " the youngster asked
" Kind of, we met when you came to register, do you remember? " Mr. M inquired
" Oh, Yeah. You got old "
Follow Us On Twitter
*For us to use your child's likeness, we need your permission. Permission must be granted annually via the ParentPortal.
Twitter: @hawley_school
The Hawley School Website
Christopher Moretti
Email: morettic@newtown.k12.ct.us
Website: http://newtown.hawley.schooldesk.net/
Location: 29 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT, United States
Phone: (203) 426-7666
Twitter: @cmoretti66