September Lyon County 4H
Here is what’s new for Lyon County 4H
Thank you from fair help
We appreciate the efforts 4-H members took to complete their projects successfully and the contributions they provided to others. I am always reminded at the fair of the ability and potential of our 4-H youth! Although it would have been simpler for you to just sit on the sofa, we are happy that you chose the more gratifying course of studying. There is hope for the future of our communities with such a remarkable bunch of young people! Well done!
I appreciate the club leaders' assistance and direction in getting all 4-H members and their projects to the fair. Your time spent volunteering is precious! Thank you to the livestock superintendents for your leadership and direction, for helping with fair preparations, for locating trophy sponsors, for keeping things operating well in the animal barns, and for organizing great shows! Your dedication to 4-H is essential for the accomplishment of livestock projects.
Beef Grant Wichmann, Tammy Borman, and Klint Willert
Dairy Janelle Louwagie and Julianne Myhre
Dog Jean Goslar
Llama Mary Beth Sinclair
Meat Goat Susan and Sammie Philips
Poultry Jordan Moorse
Rabbit Marla Moorse
Sheep Leah and TJ Bueltel
Swine Ashley and Tony Rialson
We appreciate the efforts of the Ribbon Auction Committee and all of the volunteers who helped make the event a success. Clint Gehrke, Pat Remiger, Ashley Rialson, Paul Lanoue, and Sue Ann Moyers. The Ribbon Auction raised more than $82,000( almost doubling any previous year's Ribbon Auction) for Lyon County 4-H this year. 80% of the premiums go directly back to the 4-Her!
We appreciate all of the volunteers' efforts throughout the year and for their range of contributions during the fair. We appreciate everyone who helped out at the snack bar and food stand.
We appreciate Mary Beth Sinclair, manager of the food stand.
Vince Wambeke, the Federation's Adult Treasurer, is to be commended for managing the Federation's finances and participating actively in the fair.
We appreciate the Ambassadors' support with the pre-fair judging and animal show announcements.
Thanks to Tony Rialson, Sammie Philip, and Dawn Moorse for serving as State Fair Chaperones.
Many thanks to the Lyon County Fair Board for all of their support and hard work in ensuring the annual success of the county fair and Lyon County 4-H!
Many thanks to everyone who participated in the pre- and post-fair cleanup efforts! When we all work together, we definitely accomplish a lot! The list continues on, but we continue to demonstrate that we are our greatest asset each year.
Federation Officer Application
Would you like to expand your leadership skills and have a chance to help lead? Lyon County 4-H Federation Officer Applications are available online and are due on Monday, September 19th, 2022. The applications will be circulated to the electorate at the September meeting, in addition to the candidate having a chance to introduce themselves and field questions. Voting will occur on September 20th, 202. Each club will have two votes. A youth and adult vote.
4-H Project Records
4-H emphasizes more than merely doing to learn. It involves learning by doing, sharing, comprehending, connecting, and applying. Maintaining a record of your experiences helps you to think back on them so you can share and learn from them. Youth can receive up to 3 record awards at the year-end Round Up Banquet in November. Record book covers are available at the Extension Office. Call or visit us during the hours of M-W 8:00 – 4:30PM and Th 8:00 – 3:30PM. The Extension Office must receive all records by October 19, 2022. Records judging is scheduled for October 25 from 3 to 7 PM.
Record judges are also necessary. The work would be simplified if each club could provide at least one judge, ideally two. At your September meeting, please talk about who from your club might be willing to go.
Ribbon Auction Checks and Fair Premiums
County Fair Premiums: County fair premium checks will be given to the club leaders at the September Federation Meeting. You will need to pick up your club check from your club leaders.
Ribbon Auction Checks
Ribbon Auction checks are available to be picked up at the office. Please cash all ribbon auction checks immediately.
Livestock Committee meeting
Federation Meeting
We want to feature you!
As you are working on your project growth this year dont forget to document it with pictures! We wan those pictures for the Lyon County 4-H calendar we are making for the 2022-2023 4-H year! Send photos to Aimee (insert email address) or Sam
Year End Awards and Scholarships!
Through year-end awards, we honor the incredible achievements of Lyon County 4-Hers every year. These honors are given out during the Round-Up awards luncheon in November. The Extension Office must receive all award applications by October 19th. Check out the following sections to find out more about the awards and to apply:
Lyon County 4-H Scholarships
Each year, two $200 scholarships are given to young people who have excelled in the Lyon County 4-H Program and have served in the county or club youth leadership roles. The young person must be a junior or senior in high school to apply.
“I Dare You” Award
Each year the American Youth Foundation recognizes outstanding 4-Hers (one boy and one girl) from each county who have demonstrated constructive leadership and excellence in character and personal development. This award is for high school juniors. Please complete the Special Award Nomination form and the “I Dare You” application form for your outstanding boy or girl nomination from Lyon County.
Incentive Award
Each year Lyon County 4-H offers the Incentive Plaque to one outstanding Lyon County 4-Her who has attained a well-rounded 4-H record with progress in three or four projects. The 4-Hers record should accompany the nomination form. Please complete the appropriate form for the person you are nominating.
Start-Up Award
The Start-Up Award is replacing the Bond Award. Two applicants will be awarded a $25 award in the form of a check from the Lyon County Federation in order to put towards a current 4-H project, the start-up of a new project, college fund, 4-H trip, or Leadership Conference, etc.
Outstanding Project Award
This award recognizes 4-Hers who have done an outstanding job in a general project area. This could be in one, or many projects. The awards usually relate to the project records the 4-Her is nominated for. Be sure the 4-H’ers records accompany this form.
Friend of 4-H and 4-H Alumni Awards
Friend of 4-H and the Alumni Award is presented to recognize adult volunteers who “go above and beyond” with their service to Lyon County 4-H. Nominations can be made by anyone involved with Lyon County 4-H. Nomination forms are available from club leaders or the Extension office.
Local Staff: Lyon County 4-H events
Sam Jens, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, Lyon County or 507-532-1310
Aimee Powers, Support Staff, Lyon County or 507-532-8219 Ext. 1
Location: 500 Fairgrounds Road, Marshall, MN, USA
Phone: 507-532-8219
Twitter: @UMNExt