The Most Wonderful Time to Shop
Dot Dollars are BACK!!
It Pays to Shop
Holiday shopping is here!! Need some stocking stuffers, teacher gifts, a gift for mom??? Shop here beginning November 10th - December 13th and for every $50 you spend- you will earn $25 Dot Dollars to shop with after Christmas!!!! Get the gifts you need NOW- and treat yourself to something new and fabulous with your Dot Dollars!!
Do you LOVE this bracelet?
If you LOVE our Pave Disc Cuff as much as I do, then just host a show...Host a show and get this FREE just for hosting...AND that doesn't include all of the other other rewards you will get on top of that. I ONLY have ONE left...grab that last one and host a show...you have nothing to lose ladies! It's a no brainer...Email me today :) :)
If you have hosted before...host again!
Sarah Stone (Bragg), Stella & Dot
Email: sarahstonebragg@gmail.com
Website: www.stelladot.com/sarahstonebragg
Phone: 2106630881
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarahstonebragg/
Twitter: @sarahmargaret86