Hardy Elementary Newsletter
January 4, 2025
Early Release
Please, note the early release times for Tuesday and Wednesday.
Tuesday, January 7th, Early Release for Students at 11:30
Wednesday, January 8th, Early Release for Students at 11:30
This document includes links to teacher appointment slots.
January 7th, 12-3 pm
January 8th, 12-3 pm
January 9th, 6-8 pm
Dress Warm!
We will always try to get students outside for fresh air and exercise. As the weather becomes colder, please send your child with a winter jacket, hat and mittens or gloves. Please, reach out to Mary Bellerose, if you need assistance securing any of these items due to a financial hardship. We will try to secure the necessary items or put you in touch with a resource.
Office Hours for Families
Assistant Principal Tsatsoulis and I enjoyed meeting with families who came to office hours on Friday. While it was a small group, it was a productive conversation, and we enjoyed the opportunity to build community. We will continue to offer office hours.
Responsible Assembly
We will launch our Responsible value at the January 10th assembly. We will also celebrate Hardy the Husky's birthday!
PTO Website and Information
Check out the Hardy PTO Website for information on how you can join PTO, support the Hardy School, find out about upcoming fun events.
Hardy School Contact Information
Principal: Gretchen Saunders - gsaunders@arlington.k12.ma.us
Assistant Principal: Peggy Tsatsoulis - ptsatsoulis@arlington.k12.ma.us
Administrative Assistant: Mary Bellerose -mbellerose@arlington.k12.ma.us
Main Office Number - 781-316-3783