Ridgeway RAP January 31, 2025
Phone (573)214-3550 ~ Fax (573)214-3551
Upcoming Events
- Friday, February 7: Early Release dismissal at 12:10
- Thursday, February 13: Valentine's Day Parties
- Friday, February 14: Early Release Dismissal at 12:10
- Monday, February 17: No School - President's Day
- February 18 to February 21: Kindness Week
- Friday, February 21: Munch-n-Read
- Wednesday, February 26: Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences & Book Fair 3:00-6:30 PM
- Thursday, February 27: Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences & Book Fair 3:00-6:30 PM
- Thursday, February 27: Panera Dining Out Fundraiser
- Friday, February 28: No School
February 3 - February 7
***Please be sure to double check dates listed on your club menu sheet. Not all clubs meet every week!
Tuesday/Thursday Morning (7:10-7:35 AM) ***TBD based on weather/blacktop conditions
Running Club - Tuesday February 4 and Thursday, February 6
Afternoon Clubs
Monday, February 3 - No Clubs
Tuesday, February 4 - Friendship Bracelet Making Club
Wednesday, February 5 - Photography & Yearbook Club
Thursday, February 6 - Guided Drawing and Choir
Friday, February 7 - No Clubs
Principal's Pen
We are SO PROUD of all our spellers who competed in the Ridgeway Spelling Bee!
Congrats to our winner, Sebastian (4th Grade), who will move on to the Regional Spelling Bee on March 18th. This event will take place at 4:30pm at Rhynsburger Theatre at MU.
It required a lot of courage to stand up in front of the whole school and spell today. Great job to all our spellers who competed!
Spellers who competed: Stellan, Alyssa, Charlotte, Delaney, Tucker, Asher, Wren, Amiyah, Avery, Trudy, Anna, Alex, Juyoun, and Sebastian
1st place: Sebastian
2nd place: Anna
3rd place: Tucker
Unit Notes
Unit A
Reading: Unit A continues our informational reading and writing unit on insects. Mrs. Munsterman, the media specialist, is rotating through homeroom classes to do a week-long project-based learning unit on force and motion.
Writing: Students will be able to pick an insect of interest and complete a research project on their insect. We are excited for our students to use the skills we have worked on to showcase their learning in a way that best fits them.
Mincke/Triplett- Our students are working more on CVC words and digraphs (wh, sh, ch, th, ck).
Blades/Horn: We have been working on suffixes (plural suffixes, -ed, and -ing). We continue working on digraphs (wh, sh, ch, th, ck) and three letter blends (scr-, spl-, etc.). This week's new high-frequency words are: because, from, their, when.
Mincke/Triplett: We have finished iReady and are so proud of their growth! We are moving on to addition and subtraction strategies.
Blades/Horn: We have finished iReady and are so proud of their growth! We are continuing to work on two- and three-digit addition and subtraction strategies.
Help us celebrate 100 days of school:
Unit B
- A list of student and staff names was sent home today as families prepare valentines. Unit B students are welcome to bring Valentine’s Day cards if they wish. Students that choose to bring cards must bring a card for each student in their homeroom. Then, they may bring cards for other Unit B or Ridgeway students as they choose. Students may begin bringing cards to distribute on Monday, February 10th.
- Please check in with your student to see if they have enough pencils at school. They should always have three pencils in their pencil box and extras in their cubby at school. We do have snack time everyday. Please check in with your student before school if they have packed one. Unit B teachers have a just in case stash but it is running low and sometimes students have to go without a snack.
Valentine's Party: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0548A4AA2CA0F85-54568985-unit
Unit B Communication Tech Museum
Unit B is planning a Communication Tech Museum for mid-February. We are looking for different forms of communication over time for students to view/explore. If you have any of the below items (or others that would fit this description), please reach out to Mrs. Munsterman at rmunsterman@cpsk12.org letting her know what you have. We will want things to be labeled with your name to ensure we get it back to you. If you are a Unit B parent and are interested in volunteering at this event, please reach out to your child’s homeroom teacher.
Items needed:
Rotary phone
Cordless house phone
Corded house phone
Different models of cell phones (not current ones)
Bag car phone
Early models of desktop computers or laptop computers
Writing quill and ink
Morse Code machine or materials
Answering machine
Old radio (what people would have used before computers or phones to get important news and information)
Old newspapers
Unit C
We’re embarking on a new unit in literacy. Our next unit will primarily focus realistic fiction. Your student will bring home Valentine’s list Friday. The expectation is if your student brings any Valentines, they must bring enough for their entire homeroom. They may also bring Valentines for other Unit C students outside of their homeroom and adults around the building.
Specialist News
What has been going on in the Media Center this trimester?
In Media class, all Units did some coding practice before winter break and coded Dash robots (Unit B & C) and code-and-go mice robots (Unit A) to parade through the beautiful winter village they created in art class.
Since winter break, Unit A students have been working on camera skills using their iPad, including the Slow-motion feature as well as timelapse. They have also learned about taking polls and ways to represent that data. Unit B has been hard at work learning keynote which is an apple app used for presentation making. They are also learning some research skills using the CPS databases. Unit C has started a large board game creation project. They are beginning with research to make question cards for their game and then they will create a game board, write the instructions, design and 3D print needed game pieces, etc. It will be a fun culmination of many skills and use a variety of programs they have learned throughout the year.
Another area of the Media Program is incorporating technology and design thinking in the classroom. Unit B has been learning about properties of materials in class, so they were tasked with building a cooler out of recyclable material to keep a popsicle from melting. This tested their knowledge of conductors vs insulators and was a great opportunity to practice teamwork as well. Unit A just finished a force and motion science unit that took a project-based learning approach. Students had to build a device to help them move a load of heavy rocks. They used what they learned about pushes, pulls, friction, and collisions to help make their designs.
Rebecca Munsterman, Media Specialist
Marion Timmerman, Instructional Aide
Tiger Tuesday
Incoming Ridgeway Siblings
As we prepare for next year's Kindergarten class, it is time to let the Ridgeway office know if you have a younger sibling of a current or former Ridgeway student entering Kindergarten next year. In order to hold a spot for your child, please let the office know by completing this form https://forms.gle/pSJkr1ytCJ97EeG6A by Wednesday, February 26, 2025.
Birthday Favors
Let CPS Wellness help you celebrate your student's birthday in class with non-food treats! Non-food birthday treats for school celebrations offer several benefits including promoting health, inclusivity, less mess, long-lasting, and fosters a positive environment!
Find the order form below and email to Bridget Lolli blolli@cpsk12.org, CPS School Wellness Coordinator.