Dragon Strong Community
Superintendent's Update - July 12, 2020 - Item Dispersal
Item Dispersal
July 12, 2021
Dear Dragon Community,
The MHS FACS lab is being renovated to install a commercial kitchen for the Foods Production program of study, made possible through a CTE Start-Up Grant.
The following items are still available following the June bids.
Mountainburg Public Schools is offering the following items from the FACS lab for dispersal.
The bid forms may be downloaded from the link below or contact the office at 479-369-2121.
Submit the bid form in sealed envelope to the Administration offices located at 129 Hwy 71 SW on or before 4:00 on Monday, July 19.
For assistance contact the office at 479-369-2121.
Dr. Debbie Atwell
Return sealed bids to Admin Office by 4:00 July 19
Item #1 GE Electric Range/Oven
broken handle
purchased in 1996
Item #2 Dishwasher - Whirlpool Quiet Partner II
Purchased in 2011
Item #3 - Amana Self Cleaning Stove
Purchased in 1996
Item #4- Stainless Steel Sink - 2 part
Leading Dragon Strong
- Honor our History through Values and Traditions
- Build our present through Teamwork and Collaboration
- Create our future through Creativity and Innovation
Dr. Debbie Atwell is serving her 4th year as superintendent. She and husband Roger are MHS graduates, life long residents of the community, and are owned by dogs Woodrow & Sadie.
Email: debbie.atwell@mountainburg.org
Website: www.mountainburg.org
Location: 129 Hwy 71 SW, Mountainburg
Phone: 479-369-2121