Warhawk Weekly September 30, 2024
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The Hall Way...
Hello Warhawks!
The Warhawks love spirit days! Please join us as we countdown to Parent Teacher Conferences with our Attendance Spirit Days! Each fall the D200 community looks forward to Parent Teacher Conferences. Not only do we get to connect and meet with our families, the entire NMS community gets to take a break after conferences with the extra long weekend. With that being said, the time approaching conferences is important in terms of attendance. Teachers and students are working together to finish up skills and units as they approach the break. To highlight the importance of attendance as we approach this time of year, please encourage your student to participate in the Attendance Spirit Week.
You may have noticed that we have been emphasizing the importance and relationship between attendance and success. When students are present in school they are able to continuously connect with their teachers, peers, classwork, and routines. This connection is crucial for their growth as a learner and student. We understand that things happen where students have to miss and we appreciate our Northwood families working with us on making sure your student is in school as much as possible.
Students will finish up their Rotation One Exploratory Class on Wednesday. Please check with your student to see if they need to ask for help or turn in any missing work for the rotation. Finish strong, Warhawks! Students can use the portal to check their schedule if they are not sure what their new class will be for Rotation 2. Teachers will also have class lists posted outside their classrooms for the start of Rotation 2 on Thursday, October 3.
The Warhawk Weekly is our newsletter for families and students. Each week we will share important updates and information. Please contact the school office with any questions and/or concerns you have now or anytime throughout the school year. Together we can provide a positive environment for our students to PREPARE, PRACTICE, and successfully PERFORM in all aspects of being a Warhawk!
Bethany Hall
Northwood Principal
Highlights This Week: Boys Basketball, Cheerleading, and Club Meetings
Save the Date
Wednesday, October 2
- Last Day of Rotation 1
Thursday, October 3
- First Day of Rotation 2
- PTO Meeting - 6 pm in NMS Library
Friday, October 4
Monday, October 7
Tuesday, October 8
Wednesday, October 9
- Half Day Attendance for Students - Dismissal at 12:35 pm
- P-T Conferences: 5 - 9 pm
Thursday, October 10
- No School for Students
- P-T Conferences: 9 am - 9 pm
Friday, October 11
- No School
Monday, October 14
- No School
Tuesday, October 15
- End of First Quarter
Parent - Teacher Conferences - October 9 & 10
Treats for Teachers
Help the NMS PTO Stock the Lounge with treats for the NMS Staff during Parent Teacher Conferences!
Sign up using the link below to support the NMS staff and donate snacks for them during their two days of conferences. Donations can be dropped off at the main office by noon on Wednesday, October 9. Thank you for your help!
Tutroing will only be held on Monday and Tuesday this week due to PT Conferences
Activity Bus
Need a ride home after a club meeting or tutoring?
Northwood has an Activity Bus at 4:30 pm on Monday - Thursday.
Students that currently receive transportation can sign up to take the activity bus home at 4:30 pm on Monday - Thursday. Please use the sign up sheet below to reserve your seat each week.
SIgn ups are required each week to ensure that you are included in the activity bus route.
NMS is Looking for PTO Members
PTO Meeting - Thursday, 10/3/24 - NMS Library
Looking for a way to support Northwood? We are looking for parents to join our PTO. Please sign up below so we can have a list of interested parents.
We will have our first meeting on Thursday, October 3, at 6 pm in the NMS Library.
Handle with Care - Social Work Support
If your family is experiencing difficulties at home, we would like to provide additional support at school. We understand that you are not always able to share details and that’s okay. If your child is coming to school after a difficult night, morning, or weekend please let us know. Please leave one of us a message on our confidential voice mail or fill out our online Handle with Care form (linked below). This will let us know that your child may need extra time, patience, or help during the school day.
School Social Workers
Lexi Carter 815-206-4655
Tiffany Moore 815-206-4650
Patty Whalon 815-206-4656
Looking for NMS Spiritwear?
The NMS Spiritwear webpage is open!
All orders will be shipped to your house.
Thank you for suppoeting the NMS PTO!
Notes from the Nurse
Please remember that all sixth graders and new students to the school are required by the state of Illinois to have a new physical and dental exam. Please feel free to email the information to the nurse at kkush@wcusd200.org or drop off the paperwork at the front office. If you send the paperwork in with your child please touch base with Nurse Kush to ensure that the nurse has received it, many times it remains in the backpack. If you have any questions, please reach out.
D200 Events and Community Connections
Keep in Contact with Northwood!
Office Hours: 7:30 am - 4 pm
Phone: 815-338-4900
24 hour Northwood Attendance Line: (815) 337-8618
Please call the 24 hour attendance line if your student will be late or absent to school
Principal - Bethany Hall bhall@wcusd200.org
Assistant Principal - Tyler Carlson tcarlson@wcusd200.org
Secretary to the Principal - Chris Maldonado cmaldonado@wcusd200.org
Secretary to the Assistant Principal - Sarai Butler sbutler@wcusd200.org
Registrar - Robin Simandl rsimandl@wcusd200.org
Nurse - Karli Kush kkush@wcusd200.org