February 2025 Newsletter
Helix Charter High School
A Message from your 2026 GLT
The Grade Level Team has begun meeting with students to finalize course requests for senior year. This is a large undertaking (over 600 students), but important. Every student will be met with to discuss their senior year courses and plans beyond high school. #senioryeariscoming.
Students will receive a copy of their final request in Advisory on Friday, 2/28/24. Please review the request with your student. You can also find the finalized course selections on your ParentVue or StudentVue portal. Students have until Friday, 3/7/24 to make any changes to their request. Once we go on Spring Break, changes cannot be made to the request.
We look forward to meeting with every family at your student's Mandatory Registration Appointment in June 2025. More information about scheduling your registration appointment will be available after Spring Break
Thank you for your patience and understanding while we are out in classrooms meeting individually with your students to finalize their 12th Grade Course Requests.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Grade Level Team or your students teachers with any questions, concerns or good news you would like to share with us. As always, continue to check in with your teenager on a regular basis.
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
- Thursday, February 6th - On-Site Physicals
- Wednesday, February 12th - Athletic Eligibility Determined
- Friday, February 14th - Lincoln's Day - No School
- Monday, February 17th - President’s Day - No School
- Thursday, February 20th - Minimum Day
- Saturday, March 1st - Enrollment Deadline for New Students
- Friday, March 7th- Last Day to make changes to 12th Grade Course Request
- March 12th-13th - Spring Semester I Finals
- Friday, March 14th - No School, Staff Development Day
- March 14th - 28th - Spring Break - No School
Enrollment for '25-'26 School Year - Applications Due by March 1, 2025
If you have siblings you would like to enroll for next school year, you must submit your application by March 1, 2025. Helix is a charter school, so no one is automatically enrolled and you must apply before March 1st to ensure your incoming student has a spot. The application and all information about enrollment can be found here - helixcharter.net/Enroll. No action is required for students already enrolled at Helix.
Student Minimum Day: Thursday, 2/20/25
Class of 2026 Spotlight
Congrats to 2026 Students selected for "Athlete of the Week" in January
LAST chance to sign up for a CTE Pathway
Select pathway courses on your course request!
Family First Info Nights
Every Thursday at 6pm, Helix staff or special guests present on different topics applicable to high school parents. See below for our upcoming schedule. Visit helixcharter.net/FamilyFirst for more information and for links to previous recordings.
Dual Enrollment Info Night - Thursday, February 6th at 6pm
Business Pathway Info Night - Thursday, February 20th at 6pm
Cyber Safety Workshop - Thursday, February 27th at 6pm
So what are the kids up to these days and how can I keep up? Come learn about up-to-date trends in technology like how to check privacy settings on my child's profiles and how to set up boundaries in the digital world. Learn about some of the latest phone apps that could put you or your child at risk, and tips to keep your family on the same page. Learn more about Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Discord, Twitch, AI and its impact on education and mental health and many more! Learn simple techniques to better connect with your child and walk away with the tools to create a technology contract for your family.This meeting will be held via zoom. Click here to register. Meeting ID: 897 8912 6951, Passcode: 765834.
Student & Community News
Sports Clearance & On-Site Physicals
Interested in participating in a Spring sport? Online clearance is now open. Visit THE HELIX ATHLETICS WEBSITE for instructions. On-campus physicals will be held on Thursday, Feb. 6th at 3pm in the Sports Medicine classroom (1160). Cost is $35 and we only accept cash.
Yearbook Sales
Yearbooks are currently for sale at the Dawg House and through the student store. Yearbooks SELL OUT, so buy one TODAY if you are interested!
Winter Play: Hadestown - February 2nd - February 14th
The Highland Players production of Hadestown will be shown in the Helix Mainstage Theater on Wednesday, 2/5/25 - Friday, 2/7/25 and Tuesday, 2/11/25 - Friday, 2/14/25. All shows will begin at 7pm. Hadestown, which won the 2019 Tony award for Best Musical, is a retelling of the Greek myth of Orpheus and Euridyce.Tickets available for purchase here.
Girls and Women in Sports Day - February 5th
Our Female athletes are kicking off National Girls and Women in Sports Day with an ALL FEMALE ATHLETE PHOTO in the stadium at lunch on FEB 5th.
We will continue to Celebrate by hosting female athletes; past, present and future, at our Girls Water Polo and Girls Soccer Games that evening.
31st Annual Helix Instrumental Giving Gala - Thursday, March 13th at 5pm
HIMA's 30th Annual Gala will be held at the Thursday Club on March 13th. Tickets can be purchased here.
Support Helix through Farm Fresh To You
Use promocode HelixCharter when purchasing Farm Fresh to You products and they will give 10% back to Helix.
Community Service Opportunities
A list of community service opportunities can be found at helixcharter.net/community. We keep it very updated and some interesting new opportunities have just been added!
Dance Auditions
See below for audition information for next school year.
Helix Choir Auditions
See below for audition information for next school year.
Parent Rep Vacancy on Charter Board
The Charter Governing Board, consisting of parents, staff, and community members, is empowered to make school wide policy decisions. School wide policy includes, but is not limited to: graduation requirements, admission standards, attendance policies, school calendar, general and fiscal oversight, and annual budget approval. Moreover, the Helix Charter Governing Board is also responsible for appointing, evaluating, compensating and, when necessary, replacing the Executive Director.
Helix Charter High School currently has a vacancy on the Charter Board. The successful candidate will take office April 1, 2025, and end their first term March 30, 2028.
Candidates will be expected to attend the Charter Board Meeting on Monday February 10, 2025, to introduce themselves to the Charter Board and answer any questions. Meetings are held in the Helix Library and begin at 4:45 pm.
To apply for this position or for any questions, please contact the Clerk to the Governing Board Mark Demers: demers@helixcharter.net
PTSA Board Members Needed
Parent engagement is a priority at Helix and necessary to keep our community strong. The PTSA plays an important role in this. Helix PTSA is looking for volunteers to serve on the board in the following positions. Serving on the board means committing to attend the meetings when possible which are on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 5:30pm in the Helix Admin Bldg or via Zoom. The easiest way to support is to become a member if you're not already. You can join here. Please email helixptsapresident@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering.
PTSA Teacher / Staff Member Nominations
The Helix PTSA needs your help recognizing some outstanding Helix teachers and staff. Please fill out this link to recognize some Helix All-Stars. They will be recognized in our all-staff monthly meetings.
Helix Foundation Golf Tournament: Saturday, 4/5/25
The Helix Foundation facilitates fundraising that promotes the growth and improvement of the programs, facilities, and activities at Helix Charter High School as well as funding many scholarships for post secondary education to graduating seniors. Their annual golf tournament is coming up on Saturday, 4/5/25 and they are looking for both participants and sponsors.
If you or someone you know is interested in being a sponsor for the golf tournament, please click here for more information.
2024-2025 SAT Test Dates
Remember that the SAT is still required for some in-state private universities and out of state colleges. We encourage students to sign up for the Spring Test Dates.
2024-2025 ACT Test Dates
Remember that the ACT is still required for some in-state private universities and out of state colleges. We encourage students to sign up for the Spring Test Dates.
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. Across the nation, young people and their loved ones unite to raise awareness about teen dating violence. Please join us in educating our school communities to stop dating abuse before it starts.
The Teen Dating Violence (TDV) Committee of the San Diego Domestic Violence Council is excited to host a Preventing Teen Dating Violence in Schools training on Wednesday, 2/5/25. Please see the flyer below for training and registration information.
We will be covering this topic during Advisory this month. We encourage you to continue these conversation with your student(s) at home.
Contact Information
Mrs. Paula Ann Trevino (trevino@helixcharter.net) - Grade Level Principal
Mr. Hugo Gonzalez (gonzalez@helixcharter.net)- School Counselor
Ms. Rebekah Smith (rsmith@helixcharter.net) - School Social Worker
Ms. Lopez-Barajas (lopez-barajas@helixcharter.net)- Academic Advisor
Ms. Cabral-Grajeda (cabral-grajeda@helixcharter.net) - Administrative Assistant
Ms. Brenda Flores (bflores@helixcharter.net) - Attendance Tech