Updated Information
Week ending December 15
Posters to help all our learners with feelings and behaviors
All classes had discussions on feelings, what you can do when you feel that way, and what are acceptable/non acceptable behaviors
Calling All Heritages!
Parents/Families: Do you remember a game from your childhood? From your heritage or country? A fun activity for kids?? We invite you to share with the students at ESS! Our school is planning a day of fun for February 29, 2024!!
Let us know if you have a game/activity to share with your child's class or grade level. We are looking for volunteers to come to school and teach us FUN in a unique way
Click on the link here to sign up-https://forms.gle/bMTpLhqp81eYtFZw6
Flexibility Look For
VORS Focus for December-Flexibility
If you see your child showing flexibility at home, please use this link to let us know! Please be specific in how they are showing it at home
Please do not fill in any other months but December and Flexibility
Updated Information
This week's news:
Thank you for the Mitten and Hat donations-we have many to donate!
Report cards, progress reports and data sheets will be sent home on Monday-since the report cards are new we needed some extra time
Ask your child to fill you in on DEAR time as well as Spotlight on Behavior-those are some new incentives we have here at ESS
Have a great weekend--Mrs. Weber
Old News-
- Please remind your child about expected behaviors on the bus and at school. Students are needing many reminders about speaking nicely to one another as well as toward staff members. If a behavior referral is sent home, please review it with your child. Have a strong home/school connections is so important. Thank you for your help with this.
We have designated visitor parking in front of the school. Please use those spaces when you come to school. Parking is not allowed at any time in the fire lanes or in front of the school after 3:00 when buses begin to arrive
- The students are continuing to work hard each day. I am so impressed with the progress both academically and behaviorally-keep up the good work!
- Please be sure you send your child dressed for outdoor recess each day-we will go outside for recess each day unless it is actively raining or snowing. If your child comes to school without a coat, there are many available in the lost and found for them to put on
- If you send your child to school in rain or snow boots, they must have a change of shoes with them. Those boots are very warm and bulky to wear all day long
- Please be sure your child finishes any donuts/breakfast foods, coffees or Starbucks drinks prior to arriving at school. We have so many allergies in classrooms-we need to keep everyone safe-thank you
- We are continuing to have a problem with parent drop off and pick up parking. You may NOT park in the fire lanes-it is a hazard. Also you may NOT move the cones that are set up to prevent access. The police have noticed and mentioned that they may be ticketing cars if the practice continues-this is for the safety of all involved
Please be sure your child is in school appropriate footwear-crocs are super cute but not practical for the playground.
- Spirit days are fun ways to unite as a school. They are optional and if you do not want your child to participate, that is completely fine. The schedule for the year is attached below
- Just a reminder that any medications must be brought to ESS by an adult. Students are not allowed to have medications in their backpacks at any time
- If your child is arriving in the morning after the doors are closed, please do not just drop your child and drive away. Please walk your child to the front door and ring the bell and we will escort them to their classroom
As stated in the rules/expectations that were sent out and are also linked below please remember that
- Student cell phones and smart watches must remain in backpacks in the off position during the school day. Students are not allowed to use these devices while at school. If your child contacts you during the day, please call the office instead of responding.
- Be sure to label all student items including jackets, sweatshirts, water bottles and lunch boxes. We have an overflowing lost and found collection each year. Anything left at the end of the year will be donated
- We have designated visitor parking in front of the school. Please use those spaces when you come to school. Parking is not allowed at any time in the fire lanes or in front of the school after 3:00 when buses begin to arrive .
Important Dates
December 18-
- Report Cards distributed
December 20-
- Festive wear/ugly sweater day
December 21-
- 9:45-11:15-Winter snack/craft
December 22-
- Early dismissal for all
- Pajama Day
- Sing Along and Reindeer games
December 23-January 1-
- December Break
Sign up to Volunteer in the Media Center
Important Links
- Please be sure you have read and have familiarized yourself with all the rules/expectations at ESS-especially about morning arrival and afternoon dismissal https://www.smore.com/app/pages/preview/mh5j6
- Link to our school website which contains lots of information-http://elizabethshelton.sheltonpublicschools.org/home_page