Lions Park Paw Prints
Letter from the Principal
Dear Lions Park Families,
I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving and that your children were able to relax and spend time with family and friends during their time off. These weeks between Thanksgiving and winter break are fun, festive and full of meaningful learning activities. We were glad to have the madrigal singers from Prospect in the courtyard at dismissal yesterday. It is always nice to see former District 57 students, and their music was beautiful. Today it was wonderful to see the students so excited to donate to the Mount Prospect Fire Department Toy Drive. We are so thankful to our Lions Park families for their generosity.
We are looking forward to continuing the tradition of making blankets for the LP Knots of Love project. This project is in honor of Lions Park Student, Lauren Graver. Lauren fiercely fought cancer and passed away in 2017. The project started after Lauren received a blanket during one of her first stays at Advocate Children’s Hospital in Park Ridge. When she received her blanket, she knew others cared about her and she wanted to do that for others. Through her battle, she wanted to be a kid that made a difference and she was. We plan to share a bit of Lauren's story to give our students some background on the project. We will tie it into our MakerSpace during the month of December and we will also focus on the idea of community service and how small acts of kindness can make a big difference, just like Lauren taught us. We want to send a HUGE thank you to the Lions Park PTO for funding this project!
As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Katie Kelly
Lions Park School
Student Vaccination Update
Wednesday, December 15 - Chorus Community Singalong, 6:30 p.m. @ LP Courtyard
Thursday, December 16 - Board of Ed Meeting, 7 p.m. @ FV
Monday, December 20-Sunday, January 2 - Winter Break, NO SCHOOL
Monday, January 3 - LP PTO Meeting, 7 p.m.
SHIELD Testing
The District 57 Education Foundation is a non-profit organization comprised of Mount Prospect community members whose mission is to raise money to fund grants in the areas of curriculum, wellness, and technology. Grant requests may be written and submitted by district teachers, staff, students, and parents. The grants enrich the educational experiences of all students, helping them to achieve at their highest potential. Funded grants allow teachers to have access to the resources they need to support teaching and learning at Westbrook, Lions Park, Fairview, and Lincoln schools.
Over the years, the Foundation has funded computers, iPads, ELMO projectors, Smartboards, musical instruments, art supplies, fitness equipment, and supplemental reading material - all to enrich our children’s educational experiences. We are currently in a new Grant Request Cycle. A description of the grant request submission process and form is located within the Grants section of our website at
Grant requests are due by 12/17/2021 to the Ed Foundation at
Parent community members who are interested in submitting a grant request should contact the school principal to which the grant will benefit. The Ed Foundation will review all requests at our February meeting. Please contact the Ed Foundation Grant team at with any questions. Thank you for your continuous support of the D57 Education Foundation.
Lions Park Elementary School
Location: 300 E Council Trail, Mount Prospect, IL, United States
Phone: (847) 394-7330