FJVD Weekly Info!
We Live the Word!
Friday, May 18
Grandparents' Day Essays...
Last month, we enjoyed hosting Grandparents' Day for our grandparents and grandfriends! Over the next few weeks, I would like to share the essays that our students presented that day.
Grandparents are fun
Even when they make an unfunny pun!
Grandparents are cool
Even when they don't have a pool!
Grandparents are rad
Even when they don't know the latest fad!
I love my grandparents and you should too
Their wisdom helps to carry us through!
written by Jackson, grade 8
As always, Thank You for your support of Father John V. Doyle School!
Mrs. Jae T. Smith
Wishing our performers a successful show!
Lunch Menu for JUNE 2018
Scholarship Applications available for students entering grades 7 and 8
The Scholarship Application for students entering grades 7 & 8 is attached as well as available in the rectory office. The deadline for receipt of completed applications, including all accompanying forms, is May 31, 2018.
Students, please pay attention to the deadline for accompanying forms. Be sure to give your teachers at least a week to write a reference letter! And, it's always best to ask for a reference in person!
Thank you!
Reminder... Please fill our Purple Bins!
Last Dress for Charity Day for the year... May 25!
Art Camp
Book Camp
Fun in the Sun Camp
Song and Dance Camp
Theater Camp
Please refer to the attached flyers for more information on each fun-filled camp!
FJVD Night at the Pawtucket Red Sox!
Great News! This year we will be offering the SchoolKidz supply kit program for students entering Grades 4-8.
SchoolKidz offers pre-packaged, school supply kits filled with the exact supplies requested by your child’s teacher. Kits are offered per grade level (entering grades 4-8) and arrive personally with the student’s school, name, and grade. The kits are a cost effective and convenient way of purchasing your back-to-school supplies.
Skip the lines this summer. Order your supplies with SchoolKidz!
You can place your order online at www.ShopTTKits.com by June 15.
Use account number 92272.
Upcoming Dates to Remember!
- Doyle Dinner Theater May 19
- Dress for Charity May 25
- Gentlemen's Choice Event June 2
- Eighth Grade Awards Night June 5
- Music Program Spring Concert June 7 @ 12:45pm
- Grade 8 Graduation Mass June 9 @ 11am
- Athletic Awards Night June 12 @ 6:30pm in the gym
- PreK Graduation & K Celebration June 15 @ 9am
- Last Day of School for students June 19
- FJVD Night PawSox vs. Syracuse Chiefs June 23... use the link above to purchase your tickets!
Father John V. Doyle School
Website: fjvd.org
Location: 343 South Main Street, Coventry, RI, United States
Phone: (401)-821-3756
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gofjvdsaints