Nursing Notes
Stay up to date on COVID-19 changes in school
Changes in COVID-19 Testing Program!
At Amesbury Public Schools, keeping your students safe and in school is our top priority. We are writing to let you know, in accordance with Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the Department of Public Health (DPH), our district is updating our COVID-19 testing program effective 1/31/2022.
We are opting into an at- home testing program that will increase testing of our participating students and staff, regardless of vaccination status. The at-home testing option will begin Monday January 31, 2022. In addition to this new at-home antigen test option, we will continue with symptomatic in school testing during the week. As part of this shift in the program, we are discontinuing Test and Stay and contact tracing for in-school close contacts. This means that if your child is a potential contact in school, they may continue to come to school and do not have to quarantine. This new at-home testing opportunity is voluntary and only those who opt-in will receive tests. We strongly encourage you to fill out the form on our district website to opt-in.
We are excited to move forward with this new program and allow more time for students to be in school. If you have questions, please contact your school nurse. As always, please keep your child home if they are sick.
Stay healthy,
The Nurses of Amesbury Public Schools
Overview of the New Testing Program
About the Test: iHealth is a 15-minute at-home FDA-approved rapid antigen test
Opt-In: To participate, you must opt in by completing this form: . By opting in, you will agree to review the training materials for test administration, report positive test results to your student’s school, and administer the tests according to Amesbury Public School District's guidelines.
Weekly: Every two weeks you will receive an iHealth at-home rapid test kit. Each kit contains two individual tests. Your student will administer one test each week on Tuesday evening
Reporting Positive Test Results: If your student tests positive on an at-home antigen test, you will inform their school of the positive result using the form attached below. The school will keep the results confidential and will not make individual results public. In addition, it is strongly recommended that you inform your healthcare professional of the positive result.
Easy, Free, and Flexible: This test is administered at home (not at school), reducing the burden on school staff and time to administer tests and increasing a family’s flexibility to do testing in the home for free.
When Does This Start?
How Will the Tests Be Distributed?
-Students and staff will be given their test kits at school on Monday to bring home and they will be done anytime after school on Tuesday afternoon/evening
-There are 2 tests in every iHealth kit so tests will be received every 2 weeks. You will only report positive results
Should I Still Opt-In if I am Vaccinated?
How Do I Submit My Results?
Positive test results are shared with your school district for informational purposes only. Individual results will remain confidential, and they will never be made public
If I am Negative Do I Need to Report Those Results?
Can I Opt-In at Anytime?
Will Schools Still Do Symptomatic Swabs at School?
What if I Have Had Covid in the last 90 days?
Per DESE guidelines, you may opt-in to the new program around/after the 90 day window from your recent COVID-19 infection
If I am Sick What Type of COVID-19 Test to Return is Acceptable?
- Rapid antigen test completed by a medical professional
- PCR test
What If I Test Positive At Home or Over the Weekend?
Local Covid Testing Sites
Walgreens - Haverhill Road - Amesbury
15 Haverhill Road, Amesbury, MA 01913
By appointment only
CVS - Lafayette Road - Salisbury Covid-19 Testing Site
2 Lafayette Road, Salisbury, MA 01952
By appointment only
35 Storey Ave, Unit 1, Newburyport, MA 01950
8:00am-8:00pm Mon-Sun
Walgreens - Main Street - Haverhill
310 Main St, Haverhill, MA 01830
By appointment only
MedExpress Haverhill Urgent Care
296 Main Street, Haverhill, MA 01830
8:00am-8:00pm Mon-Sun
Walgreens - S Main Street - Haverhill
68 South Main St, Haverhill, MA 01835
By appointment only
CVS - Haverhill - Lafayette Square - Covid-19 Testing Site
150 Lafayette Square, Haverhill, MA 01832
By appointment only
Walgreens - River Street - Haverhill
800 River St, Haverhill, MA 01832
By Appointment Only
CVS - Central Street - Ipswich Covid-19 Testing Site
114 Central Street, Ipswich, MA 01938
By appointment only
Questions?? Call Your School Nurse
Kristin Tierney, FNP Amesbury Innovation High School (978) 388- 8037
Elisabeth Shorter, RN Amesbury High School (978) 388- 4800
Jody Omohundro, RN Amesbury Middle School (978) 388- 0515
Carol Greene, RN Cashman Elementary School (978) 388-4407
Nicole Quadros, RN Amesbury Elementary School (978) 388- 3659