Woodbridge Email Template
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Principal's Message
Thank you to all who came out to our Wax Museum/Art Night! It was a huge success!
As a reminder, please do not drop your child off in the bus loop in the morning. This is for busses ONLY. Also, please remain in your car in the drop off zone in front of the school to keep traffic moving along. This area is a loading/unloading zone ONLY. Thank you for helping our mornings run smooth!
As always, thank you for being a partner with us in your child's education! Together, WE can make a difference!
Student Handbook
Please use the link below to access our student handbook.
PBIS Behavior Focus & 25 to Thrive Weekly Focus
School-Wide PBIS Focus
This week, we will be focusing on Organization while on the Playground on our PBIS Matrix.
Return all equipment to the ball cart.
Throw away all trash.
Walk quickly and quietly to your line at the end of recess.
25-to-Thrive Focus
#4. If you are asked a question in conversation, ask a question in return.
Important Dates
3/17-28 - Spring Break
Have You Reported Your Students' Absence?
If your child is absent, please call 209-331-8160 and choose option #3. ☎️ Be sure to call in to report your child's absence as soon as possible!
Important Reminders
Students drop off is between 7:45 am and 8:10 am.
Free breakfast will be served until 8:10.
Students not eating breakfast will head straight to the playground to walk.
Late students need to go directly to the office for a tardy slip.
Kindergarten students need to be supervised by a parent/guardian until the teacher arrives.
Please put your child’s name on their backpack, clothing, and lunch box.
Other than BRIDGE PROGRAM students need to be picked up at the end of the school day, unless they walk/ride home.
Breakfast and Lunch are free to all interested students; bring ONLY healthy snacks to school. No candy, Hot Cheetos, or Takis.
Student Drop Off/Pick Up
Thank you for taking extra precaution when driving around the crosswalk areas to help keep our River Otters safe! Please remember not to leave your car in the drop off zone in front of the school to keep traffic moving along. This area is a loading/unloading zone ONLY. Thank you!