Patrick Henry Post
April 30th, 2021
April Showers Bring May Flowers
As we close out the month of April and the chaotic weather of St. Louis spring, I am reflecting on all that we have accomplished this month, and the rewards that work will bring into May. Just as the saying goes, "April showers bring May flowers," I believe our hard work in the month of April will pay off in our final month of school in May. Throughout the month, we have been preparing for the MAP test in our upper elementary classrooms, and half of our students have completed their tests. Next week, our final two classes take their assessments, and we know their hard work will show in their effort! We have also been busy in our lower elementary classrooms pushing for more growth in reading, math, science, and social students. We have been using art and physical education as a form of self-expression. We have been planting beautiful seedlings into the garden beds. We have been using our class time to dive deep into difficult concepts, and we have been pushing students to go on an academic journey with us. I want to say thank you to our students in every grade level for continued learning and growth, and thank you to our staff for staying strong through our final quarter of the year. I am excited to see what May will bring!
Highlights from around the building
PreK Garden Time
Ms. Smith's preschool and kindergarten students worked in the garden this week to not only find rocks to assist in the weed mesh project, but also to be inspired by the outdoors!
PreK Garden Time
Students went outside and worked on their artistic skills using clipboards, paper, and pencils. The outdoors is an amazing place to explore and doesn't require many supplies!
Hydration is key!
Fourth graders in Ms. Hammock's class received awesome new water bottles to keep them healthy and hydrated. This will eliminate the need for individual water breaks at the fountain, allowing our Covid restrictions to stay firmly in place.
Early Childhood Reading Quiz
Ms. Munnelly's class read a story together using Epic and then worked as a class to answer the quiz questions after the story. Shoutout to Promesse, who knew the right answer to EVERY question that was asked!
Independent Reading
2nd grade students have several options for curling up and getting cozy during independent reading time. It allows students a level of comfort that we all seek out when we are ready to sit down with a great book!
Reading pride
Dallas couldn't help but show off the work he was doing while in his reading centers. It is awesome to see our students excited about their work and their progress!
Guided Reading
Students gathered at Ms. Jami's guided reading table to receive direct instruction on their specific reading level. This
Matchy Matchy
Our matching staff member trends continue! This week it was Ms. Valentine, Ms. Smith, and Ms. Smith who just couldn't help themselves and had to match! Who will it be next week??
If your students are in need of an educational brain break, coolmathgames.com is a fun and exciting option. Seth in 5th grade showed off his rocket skills in a game that explored trajectories and geometric shaping.
Letter Practice
Preschool and Kindergarten students in Ms. Valentine's class were spotted in the middle of their finger-painting-letter-practice project.
Letter Practice
What a fabulous way to combine learning and fun. It looks like a simple activity, but think about the incredible skills that go into this one simple task!
Shoutout to Ms. Bryant!
Our virtual 3rd and 4th grade students are pictured above showing off their incredible art skills. Ms. Ivory sent in the following shoutout this week for Ms. Bryant: "One thing for sure, my students love art, and they are good at it! I appreciate their love for the arts! Big shout out to Mrs. Bryant because they are always excited after art class, and that excitement gets us through the second half of our day. Thank you so much!"
5th Grade Field Trip
Ms. Von's Class Goes to the Zoo
Ms. Von Behren's class took the first Patrick Henry field trip of the entire year on Friday, April 30th! Because of our Covid restrictions, we have been unable to take a field trip up until now. Students remained Covid-safe by wearing masks all day and taking an outdoor field trip. Students were also able to attend the field trip only if they attended all of their MAP testing sessions and had perfect attendance this week. We are so happy that students are able to experience field trips for the first time in over a year, and we are happy to report that the field trip was a huge success! Students had a great time and represented our school well at the St. Louis Zoo in Forest Park!
Update from the Garden
Growing and Preparing
We were busy this week enjoying our leafy greens' growth and prepping our garden beds for a summer planting season. Our students collected rocks, our Gateway Greening partner brought us mesh, and our Garden Committee laid out the foundations of keeping the weeds at bay. It was a beautiful collaboration of staff, students, and community partners, and our garden is looking gorgeous!! Thank you to all who have contributed. If you're looking for a way to participate in the garden, we meet on Wednesdays after school. All are welcome!