Timber Talks
River Mill Elementary - January 13, 2023
Dear River Mill Families,
We are in the final few weeks of the semester and your child's learning outcomes are a priority for us. Keeping you informed about how your child is doing in relation to their Essential Learning Standards is something we are working to improve. Beginning this next week, you will be sent a link via Parent square to review an updated progress report in PowerSchool related to your child's learning. We highly encourage you to review your child's scores and ask any questions to better understand what it means. We want you to know how to navigate our system of reporting, so please take a few moments to go to this link and video explaining how to do so. If after reviewing, you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher who can provide you with further details about your child's scores.
This week there is no school on Monday in observance of MLK Day. Because of this, Friday will shift to a regular school day. Looking ahead, we will be hosting our Family Breakfast for our Kindergarten and 5th grade families on Wednesday, January 25th. Below you will find information about how to pre-register to help save time during the event. If you have questions or need support with HomeTown Fan, please let us know.
Thank you and have an excellent extended weekend!
Corinne Johnsen
Principal, River Mill Elementary
Kindergarten & 5th Grade Family Breakfast
We cannot wait to welcome our Kindergarten and 5th grade families to our family breakfast event. Please register in advance to help us with a smooth transition inside. You do not need to register the student you are joining. You can register yourself and additional guests via this link:
Wednesday, Jan 25, 2023, 07:30 AM
River Mill Elementary School, North Broadway Street, Estacada, OR, USA
This Week's Schedule
When we return in January:
- Monday, January 16th, No School, MLK Day
- Tuesday, January 17th, Regular School Day
- Wednesday, January 18th: Regular School Day
- Thursday, January 19th: Regular School Day
- Friday, January 20th: Regular School Day!
Jan. 25th - Kinder/5th Grade Family Breakfast
Illness & Returning to School
Please remember a coat for your child at school!
This Month's Standard of Excellence
My School Bucks - Meal Service Payment System
My School Bucks is an online payment service that provides parents the ability to securely pay for meals, monitor student cafeteria purchases, and receive email notifications for low account balances.
Please note: currently, a convenience fee of $2.75 will be applied for each transaction.
All transactions are processed and applied to students' accounts nightly.
To enroll, please click the link below and have your student's ID number handy.
My School Bucks can be accessed via the link below: https://login.myschoolbucks.com/users/register/getsignup.action?login_hint=&clientID=schoolbucks
River Mill Elementary
Principal Corinne Johnsen
Go Timbers!
Email: johnsenc@estacada.k12.or.us
Website: www.rmes.estacada.k12.or.us
Location: 850 North Broadway Street, Estacada, OR, USA
Phone: 503-630-8517
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiverMillElem
Twitter: @RMTimbers