Plants & Pests with Nicole
May 2023
Important Dates
- Thursday, May 18th at 6pm: Kids Container Salad Class at Tall Tree Tastings, $10 per person. Bring your children or grandchildren. Adults are welcome to attend and make a pot for a child. You must RSVP due to container availability! Contact Denise at Tall Tree and confirmation will be given. Kids will decorate a garden pot, plant lettuce seeds, then harvest and eat their plants.
- Monday, May 22nd at 6:30 pm: Tree Planting Program at the Falls City Middle School Commons Area, located at 1415 Morton Street in Falls City. Register with the Richardson County Extension Office by May 18th by calling 402-245-4324.
- Tuesday, June 6th at 6:30pm: Final Spring Series Water Dogs Zoom Program for Master Gardeners. Brad Jakubowski will present on drip irrigation in landscape beds. For information and to register, visit:
Shopping for New Plants
This is the time of year we really get the gardening bug. I would wait until closer to the end of this month to do much by way of garden cleanup and new plantings to avoid having to cover things up. If you do have some plants out, you need to cover them up when temperatures go back down to near freezing. April 25th is the average last spring frost date for most of southeast Nebraska, so we can start to shop for new plants to fill in where there are gaps in the garden or where some from last year didn’t live. When we go to the garden center or plant sale, be sure to pick the right plant for the job.
Plant a Tree for Arbor Day
Trees are so important to our lives! They provide us with many wonderful benefits including clean, fresh air, many fruits and nuts to eat, beauty, and shade. Arbor Day is a day to celebrate trees and to plant new trees, because we can always use more trees in our world. Arbor Day is celebrated on the last Friday in April which fell on April 28th this year. Just because we are past Arbor Day doesn’t mean you can’t still plant trees, they are fine planted well into May. Arbor Day is just a guideline for tree planting.
Planting Vegetable Gardens
Don’t put vegetable plants out too soon in the garden. Check the soil temperature to determine if it is the correct time for our plants,
- 50 degrees: beets, chard, onions, parsley, and turnips
- 60 degrees: beans, cucumbers, eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes
- 70 degrees: okra, melons, pumpkins, and squash
Evergreen Winter Injury
Crabgrass Control
Spring Plants
Spring is here and we are starting to see some activity in our landscapes. There are some great plants starting to green up and you might even be seeing some things bloom already.
About Nicole
Location: 1115 West Scott Street, Beatrice, NE, USA
Phone: 402-223-1384
Twitter: @nikki_Stoner