QE Weekly Update
September 3, 2023
Temperature This Week!
The temperature will be in the low to mid-90s this week so please make it a point to have all students dress comfortably and please have them bring plenty of cold water for the day. As you know, the lack of air conditioning makes the environment very warm and uncomfortable at times so coming prepared to handle the heat will only make the day more manageable.
Important Information
Start Time and Pick Up Time
While the end of the day has been much improved, we have noticed an uptick in the number of students who are entering school after 9:05 AM. While we are always happy that out students made it to school, regardless of the time, it's important that we are getting them to school on time. Remember, doors open at 8:50 AM for all students, and the doors open at 8:25 AM for students who are coming for breakfast.
Finally, we have noticed a number of students who are arriving between 8:25 AM and 8:45 AM, however, they are not coming into the building. Please remember that students should not be arriving at school prior to 8:45 AM if they are not eating breakfast. We will begin contacting parents and guardians this week to help us control the early morning surge of students who are hanging out.
Sign Up for Band and Orchestra Lessons
This message is for families of students who are NEW to the band or the orchestra program only. Students who are continuing on their instrument from last year are already signed up for lessons on the instrument they learned last year. If your child is NEW to band or orchestra, interested in learning to play a musical instrument, and wants to perform in our school concerts, now is the time to sign-up and get your instrument supplies.
- Students in grade 3 can select an orchestra instrument to learn this year.
- Students in grades 4 and 5 can select from their choice of band instruments and orchestra instruments to learn.
- If your child is learning a NEW band or orchestra instrument, families must register their child for lessons by clicking the yellow registration form button at the top of the music department website here: www.qcsd.org/music
- Once you register for lessons, visit the STORES AND SUPPLIES page on the music department website to obtain an instrumental rental, lesson book, and folding music stand. Music store contact information is located at the bottom of the page for you to call and compare prices.
- If you have any additional questions visit the CONTACT page on the music department website to find your child's band and orchestra teachers' contact information.
Upcoming Important Dates
Friday, September 8 - PBIS Kickoff Assembly and Fire Drill
Wednesday, September 20 - Back to School Night (6:00 PM - 7:30 PM)
Monday, September 25 - No School!
Wednesday, September 27 - PIE Meeting (6:30 PM - 8:00 PM)
Tuesday, October 3 - Picture Day (More Info to Come)
Wednesday, October 4 - Emergency Dril (More Info to Come)
Friday, October 6 - Hausman's Farm (More Info to Come)
About Us
The children are our most cherished possessions. Please know that we will do everything in our power to make sure your child feels respected, safe, happy, and successful at Quakertown Elementary School. When we are working together; parents, teachers, staff, and students, we will come together to help each child reach their fullest learning potential.
Email: glesher@qcsd.org
Website: https://qes.qcsd.org/
Location: Quakertown Elementary School, South 7th Street, Quakertown, PA, USA
Phone: 215-529-2412
Facebook: facebook.com/NA
Twitter: @QEPride