The Raider Nation Newsletter
News from Principal Novak: January 2, 2025
Happy New Year!
Dear Atholton Community,
Here we are...it's 2025! I hope you had a restful and enjoyable Winter Break. It's amazing how quickly those 12 days went by, but we are back and looking forward to all kinds of awesome things this year. Our seniors were probably super excited to welcome the new year since it is finally 2025! May will be here before you know it, but there's a lot that they still need to do before they make it to Merriweather (more on that next week).
As you begin this New Year, I encourage you to make a resolution to stay informed and connected to AHS. The "smore" platform I use for newsletters gives me analytics on how many views I get, how long people spend in the newsletter, number of links followed, documents opened, etc. Considering the fact that I share the newsletter link with more than 5,000 recipients in School Messenger, it's kind of crazy when I only see about 500 or so views for the newsletter.
To thank the loyal readers (or if you were starting off 2025 with a newfound commitment to reading the newsletter, today is your lucky day). A $10 e-gift certificate to Amazon to the first person who emails me with the answer to this New Year's trivia question:
* What was the first year that New York City had a New Year's Eve "ball-lowering ceremony" in Times Square?
Good luck and tell your friends to read the Raider Nation Newsletter (after you email me with the correct answer of course...we don't want them to win your prize!)
Nick Novak
Important Information
Inclement Weather Decisions by HCPSS
As we start 2025, we already have chances for snow/ice tomorrow and next week. Just a reminder that decisions to close early, cancel school, and/or delay opening times is made at the district-level. You can consult the HCPSS Weather Closings page for more info and stay tuned for announcements regarding any changes to school and/or event schedules.
Midterm Exams are Coming Up
As you hopefully already know, midterm exams will take place between January 17th and January 23rd. For students in full year courses, the exams will count for 10% of the overall course grade. Exams in semester courses are considered final exams and count for 20% of the overall course grade (see HCPSS Policy 8020). Teachers will be sharing review guides with students and spending some class time before the 17th preparing for the exam, but students are expected to study outside of class as well. The bell schedules, including inclement weather scenarios, can be found here.
Morning Drop-Off Locations
As we return from Winter Break, a reminder that the two drop off areas are marked on the image below. Please note that the turn near the handicapped spaces in the staff parking lot is NOT a drop-off location. Parents of students in our Academic Life Skills (ALS) program often drop off their students there since the staff is there to meet students getting off specialized transportation. General-ed students should use the other two locations. Thanks.
Important Information-Reposted
Course Scheduling Information
The 2025 – 2026 course registration window opened, Monday, December 16th. Students will receive detailed information during a Raider Time Lesson on Wednesday, December 18th and January 8th. The course registration process is completed online through your student’s Synergy account. (Video Instructions) All students must request 7 CREDITS and 3 alternate CREDITS for next school year. The window for course requests closes on January 14th, 2025.
At this point, review the courses your teachers recommended and begin to think about classes you want to request. We suggest waiting to enter courses in Synergy until after the January 8th Raider Time Lesson. Students and families should work on selecting classes that support your personal and after graduation goals. Below are upcoming important dates to put on your calendar and resources to review. More information and the Raider Time scheduling presentations will be on December 18th AND January 8th.
Important Dates:
December 16, 2024 - January 14, 2025: Students enter courses requests in Synergy
December 18, 2024: Raider Time Course Registration Lesson
January 7, 2025: Scheduling Information Night 6 – 8pm (Snow Date: January 9th)
January 8, 2025: Raider Time AHS Scheduling Lesson
January 8, 2025: Electives Course Spotlight
AHS Scheduling Information (Live Document; Additional information/resources added throughout the scheduling season)
Quick Start: Course Registration Flier
Is Your College-Bound Student Prepared for the SAT + College Admissions Process?
SAT Boot Camps at Atholton HS - JUST $199
M/W Jan. 13 & 15 from 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm (in person)
T/Th Feb. 18 & 20 from 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm (in person)
Sun., March 2 from 9 am - 1 pm + M/W March 3 & 5 from 7 pm - 9 pm (virtual)
These prep classes will prepare students for March 8, May 3, and June 7 SATs, and include:
- Taking a Practice Digital SAT Under Simulated Conditions
- How to Use the Bluebook App and its Tools to the Student's Advantage
- Understanding the Test and Its Adaptive Framework
- Strategies for ALL Sections of the Test
- Tips on Guessing, Timing, Scoring, and Confidence-Boosting
In addition to SAT prep, The Answer Class offers affordable & comprehensive support for the entire college admissions process. For 20+ years, we've brought joy, ease, and affordability to a complicated and stressful process, and we're here for your family, too!
Visit www.theanswerclass.com to view the full class schedule and to register your student. A percentage of student tuition is donated to AHS PTSA!
*when you register at least one week ahead of your course.
Upcoming Events
Please mark your calendars for these important dates and check out the full school calendar on our website:
1/7 Senior Pictures Make-Ups
1/7 Scheduling Information Night
1/8 Course Scheduling Info for Underclassmen/Senior Class Meeting (Raidertime)
1/9 Shelter in Place Drill
1/9 Scheduling Information Night-Snow Date
1/17 Period 1 Midterm Exam
1/20 Schools & Offices Closed
1/21 Period 5 and 6 Midterm Exams
1/22 Period 2 & 4A Midterm Exams
1/23 Period 3 & 4B Midterm Exams