Pence Newsletter
November 2024
A message from Mrs. Jones
Welcome FALL and cooler temperatures! Please remember to have your student wear layers, as the days can quickly change. This month will be quite busy with the Pence Leader in Me Family Engagement Night, Pence Book Fair, Thanksgiving Break and Student Led Parent-Teacher Conferences. We look forward to seeing you at Pence! :)Mrs. Jones
🧡Our Pence Family🧡
Upcoming Dates
November 7- Pence Family Engagement Night- 5-7pm
November 18- No School; Professional Development
November 19- No School; Parent Teacher Conferences
November 27-29- No School; Thanksgiving Break
That's a BIG Watermelon! Boleyn's class got to enjoy the largest watermelon in Iowa history. It was a whopping 249lb!
Sturm's class had quail eggs hatch for all to enjoy!
Valerie Kessel shared her personal story with 4th grade. She received lots of LOVE from her classmates afterwards.
Pence Leader in Me Family Engagement Night November 7th from 5-7pm!
In lieu of 2 nights of Parent Teacher Conferences, we are holding a family engagement night to invite ALL families to participate in. We will be working through the habits of Leader in Me with FREE hands on activities, book fair & a FREE meal. This year we will be honoring BODACIOUS Clay from Pizza Hut by having pizza for supper. Clay has worked with the schools for years and is retiring soon. We have greatly appreciated his generosity & support with all we do at Pence. If you see Clay, please tell him THANK YOU for his years of serving our Fairfield community. We look forward to seeing you and your family on November 7th from 5-7pm!
Student Led Conferences- Parent Teacher Conferences- November 19th
Red Ribbon Week kick-off with local law enforcement.
Officer Smith and Miss Mia
Our K-9 Unit at our LIM Assembly
Pence Book Fair- November 4th-8th
The Pence Book Fair will run from November 4th-8th. During this time, each class will get the opportunity to view the book fair and make purchases during the day. Our Book Fair will be open during our Family Engagement Night on November 7th from 5-7pm. Please be on the look-out for further information that will be sent home with your child.
Any questions, please contact Ms. Allen @ kelly.allen@fairfieldsfuture.org
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: 4th Grade Music Concert- December 9th
Attention: 4th grade families
Please mark your calendars for the 4th grade winter concert on Monday, December 9th at 6:30PM in the Fairfield High School Auditorium. Watch for more information to come home with your student. We are looking forward to putting you in the holiday spirit!
Thanks! Mrs. Wendland
THANK YOU to all the generous donations of pumpkins for our PBIS Pumpkin Decorating Reward!
PBIS Pumpkin Decorating FUN!
Parent Learning- Leader in Me
Each month we will share information from Leader in Me to help infuse this language at home. We encourage you to ask your student questions about their LIM learning at school.
Our LIM Student Led Assembly MCs!
Leader in Me @ Pence
At Pence, our Fridays are devoted to Leader in Me and embedding our 7 Habits with Pence Families- 1x/month, Student Leadership Teams- 2x/month and Student Led Assemblies- 1x/month.
We LOVE Fridays!
Our Pence Families started back up at Pence. Pence Families give every student and every adult, a small group that they connect with each month to build relationships. The bonds these kids make through the years is awesome! It’s all about making connections with one another!
We will be starting our third year with Pence Leader in Me Leadership Teams. At the end of last year we began to brainstorm ways with students about what we could do to improve Pence. Our two guiding questions when creating teams were, “How does it add value to Pence?” and “How does it add value to our community?” Our students & staff have spoken again. We have created approximately 20 teams for students and staff to join. These teams will be meeting twice a month to do just what we’ve asked, ADD VALUE TO PENCE & OUR COMMUNITY!
We look forward to sharing our work with you this year!
2nd grade Trojan Trait Superstars
3rd grade Trojan Trait Superstars
4th grade Trojan Trait Superstars
October 2024 Trojan Trait Superstars
Our October Trojan Superstars are those who exemplify Trojan Traits (Respectful, Responsible & Safe) in and out of the classroom. We are honored to recognize these leaders within each class.
2Bo- The Trojan Trait Superstar for the month of October is Desire Berry. Every day Desire comes to school ready to learn and has a positive attitude. She is a great friend inside and outside of the classroom to students in all grades. She is always following directions and is an awesome example of a leader. Desire is very caring, you can always count on her to lend a helping hand. Way to be a leader, Desire. Keep up the good work, I am so proud of you!
2B- Wilson Hilger is 2B’s October Trojan Superstar! Wilson always has a positive attitude in everything he does. He is kind and respectful to all students and adults. Wilson is compassionate and caring to others. He is always willing to lend a helping hand to his peers and teachers. Wilson is a good role model for all students. He always follows directions and is a good listener. He takes pride in his daily work and perseveres through challenges in a positive manner. Wilson actively participates in class discussions, shares his ideas, and respects others' input. He demonstrates responsibility by making sure all his work is complete, while giving 100%. Keep up the good work, Wilson! You are truly a Trojan Trait Superstar!
2Bu- The Trojan Trait Superstar for 2BU is Madi Wallace! Madi is an extremely responsible student that is always setting an example for others to follow. She comes to school prepared to learn and ready to participate. I can trust her to be my go-to person if I need help with anything. Madi is also an extremely kind and caring student. She is willing to help anyone in need and always does the right thing. You are an awesome leader, Madi! Thank you for being a part of our class family! We are lucky to have you.
2J- Our Trojan Superstar in 2J for October is Ayla Sahin! Ayla is a leader in the classroom throughout the day. She is always ready to help. She will quickly and quietly take care of things without being asked. Ayla also engages in our lessons and activities in the classroom. She has wonderful ideas and thoughts and shares them with her classmates. Alya is kind and caring. She is ready with a bright smile throughout the day. I am so glad that Ayla is a part of our Pence Family. Thank you for being an amazing leader! We are so happy to have you in our class!
2M- The Trojan Trait Superstar for 2M is a student who is a strong leader in our class family. This student sets a good example of how to participate in our classroom. During the day, he gives his full effort to participate in all activities. This leader is proactive to complete his work and move on to a smart choice. His positive attitude is contagious to his classmates, making those around him smile. There are many ways that this 2nd graders helps out his classroom and his friends. He is a reliable helper. You are an awesome leader, Avery! Thank you for being an important part of our class family!
3SM - The 3Sm Trojan Trait Superstar for October is always excited and willing to help whenever needed. She takes her time to complete every task to the best of her ability. She takes pride in her work and it clearly shows in and out of the classroom. She has a positive attitude and is always looking at the brighter side of things. This classmate is always prepared and respectful in class and with others. We appreciate your kindness and integrity, Whitley Eland! Congratulations Whitley! Keep up the good work!
3H- The 3H Trojan Trait Superstar for October is a quiet leader in our classroom. This person sets a good example for his classmates by giving his best effort and having a positive attitude about work. He makes sure to work to the best of his ability on any assignment. He comes to school prepared to learn and ready to participate. This classmate is excited to learn new things and share his knowledge with others. He’s not quick to smile, but when he does, his smile sparkles in his eyes. This month’s Superstar is Michael Carey! Michael, we are so glad to have you as a part of our class. Thank you for adding positivity to our classroom family!
3S- The 3S Trojan Trait superstar is someone that always puts first things first and gives her best effort to get the task at hand accomplished. This student is someone that is proactive and comes into the classroom every morning with her necessary materials and a smile on her face.. Our classmates stated that this student is someone that is a leader in our classroom, but also everywhere in the school. This leader is often found including others and thinking win- win on the playground. The 3S Trojan Trait Superstar is Lauryn Clark. We are so grateful to have Lauryn’s infectious enthusiasm and work ethic in our classroom. Thank you for making our classroom a great place to learn and grow! Congratulations Lauryn!
3O- The Trojan Trait Superstar in 3O is Adler Voreis. Adler sets the example of what it means to be a leader. He is proactive and always chooses to do the right thing. He puts first things first by completing his work first, then playing. Adler is a kind friend to all and is well liked by his teachers and friends. Adler is always the first to offer his help to his teachers. He is dependable, kind, and hardworking. Adler, thank you for being an amazing leader in class and at Pence. We are so lucky that you are a part of our classroom family!
3M- 3M’s October Trojan Trait Superstar is someone who is known by her classmates for being kind and funny. This classmate always volunteers when anyone, including myself, needs help and is the best at making sure others are okay. She thinks outside the box and is a leader who I can count on to synergize with others. Hazel Juran is a good friend who follows expectations and encourages others to follow Trojan Traits. A classmate said, “Hazel treats people how she wants to be treated.” Thanks for being a leader Hazel, we love having you in our 3M Class Family!
4N- 4N’s October Trojan Trait Superstar is Vivi Conilogue! Vivi consistently exhibits Trojan Traits and our 7 Habits. She comes to school prepared to learn and does her best to focus on her tasks. She is accountable and completes exemplary work in a timely manner. Vivi is kind to her peers, but she also uses her voice to advocate for herself and others. She shows respect to peers and adults in the building. She is always looking for ways to improve herself and her surroundings. I appreciate that she can work independently and collaboratively. Thank you Vivi, for being an extraordinary example of integrity! Keep shining! ⭐
4F- October’s Trojan Trait Superstar for 4F is Clayton Abraham! I can count on Clayton to be a great leader. He follows directions, works hard, answers questions, and is helpful to others. Clayton puts first things first when working on and completing assignments. He tries his best, asks questions, and follows directions. Clayton works well with others. He offers his ideas and listens to others’ ideas, which is an amazing example of Thinking Win-Win! Being a good friend to others is another strength Clayton has. He is kind to everyone in our class, honest, and has integrity. Thank you for being an excellent example of a Trojan Trait Superstar!
4R- 4 R's October Trojan Trait Superstar is Emma Bringman! Emma is very consistent in class at following the 7+1 Habits. She comes to school everyday with a smile on her face and a positive attitude. These actions help her to be resilient, allowing her to never let a learning opportunity pass. Emma is kind and always willing to step in and help others when needed. She is respectful when talking to adults and her peers. She is a quiet leader within the classroom by showing others what the expectation is rather than by telling them what they should be doing. Congratulations Emma, I can’t wait to see the Mountains you will climb. ⛰⛰
4T- October’s Trojan Trait Superstar for 4T is Donovan Adams!! Everyday he comes into the classroom with a positive attitude, a smile on his face, and is ready to learn! Donovan is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone. He is continuously showing gratitude and kindness towards others. No matter where he is, Donovan is always respectful, responsible, and safe! In class, he loves to share his ideas and works extremely hard to complete any given task. Donovan, you are a fantastic leader for your peers! Congratulations Superstar!! (:
4Ry- This month’s Trojan Trait Superstar is Jeremiah Haynes! Jeremiah is such a hard worker and always does his best. I love his passion for reading chapter books and writing book reports. He always has great book recommendations for us! I can always count on Jeremiah to be a helping hand when we need it the most. I am so thankful for his kind and respectful nature. He is the role model that we can all look up to! Thanks for being a great leader and always showing your Trojan Traits, Jeremiah!
Fairfield, IA 52556
Pence Mission Statement: Pence loves me for who I am, celebrates my growth & encourages me to be my best. At Pence, I matter. #giddyup