May Family Update
The Learning Center 2024
Wrapping Up
Greetings TLC Families.
I hope you have been enjoying the beautiful, sunny weather (except a couple of cold nights) over the past few weeks. Spring is in full swing and hopefully we will all spend more time outdoors relaxing with our friends and family. I know that I am looking forward to planting my garden and enjoying the fruits and vegetables of my labor.
We only have 20 days left in the 2023-2024 school year. Please make sure you have access to Canvas, EOS, and Infinite Campus, so you can support your student behaviorally and academically. If you need assistance or have questions, please access our school website or call the school @ 859-381-0597.
TLC will be holding our 2nd annual Community Showcase on May 17th from 12:30-3:30. If you or anyone else that you know is interested in attending, please fill out the following survey:
TLC Community Showcase Sign Up
More information about the showcase will be shared below.
Please mark your calendars for the following events in May. We will send out more detailed information as we get closer to each event:
May 2nd--TLC Prom @ The Signature Club
April 29th--May 3rd---Reading and Math Makeup Testing
May 8th-29th--Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA)
May 17th--Community Partner Showcase
May 20th--Senior Grades are Finalized and Posted
May 20th-28th--Underclass Student Finals
May 23rd--Graduation
May 29th--Field Day--Underclass Student Awards--Last Day for Students
Please take the time to nominate a staff member that made a difference for your student(s):
TLC May Staff Member of the Month
Please email me if you need anything: bryan.kennedy@fayette.kyschools.us
Bryan Kennedy
Program Director
The Learning Center
TLC School Improvement Update
ATTENDANCE--We want every student to have a minimum of 85% attendance for the entire school year.
ACADEMIC GROWTH--We want every student to meet or exceed their MAP Reading and Math Growth Goal.
LIFE READINESS--We want every student to meet the requirement for post secondary readiness according to the Kentucky Department of Education.
Last year our average daily attendance was 79.96% and this year our average daily attendance is around 81.18%. We are proud of this progress, but we still have work to do, since our goal is 85%. The 9th graders (87%) and the 12th graders (85%) still have the highest percentage of attendance out of all the grade levels.
Our Advisory teachers are in the process of helping students create plans to pass all of their classes. We need your support to ensure that your student has perfect attendance for these last 20 days. Nearly all of our students that are struggling academically are also struggling with attendance. Please continue to encourage your student to attend school consistently.
How can you help?
- Make sure parent notes are turned within three days of the absence.
- Take a picture of your excuse notes and email them to jamill.smith@fayette.kyschools.us.
- Refer your student for mental health services if that is affecting their attendance: Counseling Consent Form
- Help your student create healthy habits with regards to diet, sleep, and exercise.
- Schedule appointments on days in which school is not in session. Here is the FCPS calendar.
Academic Growth
As we begin May, we are wrapping up our final round of MAP testing in Math and Reading. Students have set goals and are working hard to demonstrate their academic growth this year.
Now we are preparing our 8th, 10th, and 11th grade students to take the Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA). KSA are the annual assessments students take that are based on the Kentucky Academic Standards. Our 8th grade students will complete exams in Reading, Mathematics, Social Studies, Editing Mechanics, and On Demand Writing on May 9th, 10th, and 13th. Our 10th grade students will complete exams in Reading and Math on May 14th and 15th. Finally, our 11th grades students will complete exams in Science, Social Studies, Editing Mechanics, and On Demand Writing on May 9th, 10th, and 13th. We will complete makeup exams as needed until the last day of school.
How can you help?
- Make sure your student is getting good rest the night before their test dates.
- Make sure your student is attending after school tutoring if they need extra support: TLC ESS Schedule.
- Discuss test taking strategies with your student.
Life Readiness
All students at TLC have been working on their student portfolio the entire school year. Each student's portfolio is a Google Site that celebrates all of their achievements and growth at TLC. In addition, during our Educational Enhancement Block (B4) our students have been immersed in project based learning working, designing, and creating a variety of academic products.
In less than a month, on May 17th. from 12:30-3:30 we will open our doors to the community for our 2nd annual TLC Community Showcase so our students can share their hard work and accomplishments to our community partners. Last year, we had nearly 100 visitors. This year, we hope to entertain an even bigger crowd. We will have food and beverage trucks and door prizes. All of our parents and any community partners are welcome.
How can you help?
- Sign up to join us on May 17th: TLC Community Showcase Sign Up
- Share the the sign up with any interested community partners: TLC Community Showcase Sign Up
- Ask you student to review their portfolio and discuss their role on May 17th.
Breaking It Down
Important Dates
April 29th--May 3rd---Reading and Math Makeup Testing
May 1st--First Day of Asian Pacific American Month
May 2nd--TLC Prom
May 2nd--Seeking Safety Group
May 3rd--Driving Prep Classes
May 3rd--PBIS Celebration and Pool Noodle Derby
May 5th--Orthodox Easter
May 5th--Cinco de Mayo
May 6th--One Lexington Mentoring Group
May 6th--ESS (4:15-5:15)
May 7th--Girls Mentoring Groups
May 7th--OMAC Mentoring Group
May 7th--ESS (4:15-5:15)
May 8th--Working Wednesday
May 8th--Superintendent Advisory Council
May 9th--8th and 11th Grade KSA Testing
May 9th--Seeking Safety Group
May 10th--8th and 11th Grade KSA Testing
May 12th--Mother's Day
May 13th--8th and 11th Grade KSA Testing
May 13th--One Lexington Mentoring Group
May 13th--ESS (4:15-5:15)
May 14th--Girls Mentoring Groups
May 14th--OMAC Mentoring Group
May 14th--ESS (4:15-5:15)
May 16th--10th Grade KSA Testing
May 15th--Peace Officers Memorial Day
May 15th--10th Grade KSA Testing
May 16th--AP Biology Exam
May 16th--Seeking Safety Group
May 17th--Last Day for Senior Makeup Work and Credit Recovery
May 20th--One Lexington Mentoring Group
May 20th--ESS (4:15-5:15)
May 20th--Senior Chromebook Collection and Grades are Posted
May 20th-28th--Underclass Students Final Exams
May 21st--Election Day--NO SCHOOL
May 22nd--Last Working Wednesday of the Year
May 22nd--Senior Breakfast and Graduation Practice
May 22nd--Project Search Graduation Ceremony
May 23rd--Seeking Safety Group
May 23rd--TLC Graduation
May 27th--Memorial Day--No School
May 28th--Girls Mentoring Groups
May 28th--ESS (4:15-5:15)
May 29th--Last Day of School
May 29th--Underclass Student Award Ceremony
May 29th--Field Day and Taco Truck
The Learning Center
Email: bryan.kennedy@fayette.kyschools.us
Website: https://tlc.fcps.net/
Location: 475 Price Road, Lexington, KY, USA
Phone: (859)381-0597
Facebook: https://facebook.com/groups/TLCWhiteTigers/
Twitter: @TLCWhiteTiger